openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: Trader API description: |- Alpaca's Trading API is a modern platform for algorithmic trading. For complete documentation on the Trading API and to obtain your keys head to Once you have your keys, head to the environments tab to quickly get started. version: 2.0.0 contact: name: Alpaca Support email: url: '' termsOfService: '' servers: - url: '' description: Paper - url: '' description: Live tags: - name: Accounts description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Accounts API.' - name: Orders description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Orders API.' - name: Positions description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Positions API.' - name: Portfolio History description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Portfolio History API.' - name: Watchlists description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Watchlist API.' - name: Account Configurations description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Account Configurations API.' - name: Account Activities description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Account Activities API.' - name: Calendar description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Market Calendar API.' - name: Clock description: 'Head to to view complete documentation on the Market Clock API.' paths: /v2/account: get: summary: Get account tags: - Accounts responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Account' operationId: getAccount parameters: [] description: Returns the account associated with the API key. /v2/orders: post: tags: - Orders summary: Order operationId: postOrder description: 'Places a new order for the given account. An order request may be rejected if the account is not authorized for trading, or if the tradable balance is insufficient to fill the order..' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' description: '' parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' '403': description: |- Forbidden Buying power or shares is not sufficient. '422': description: |- Unprocessable Input parameters are not recognized. get: tags: - Orders summary: All Orders parameters: - schema: type: string enum: - open - closed - all example: open in: query name: status description: 'Order status to be queried. open, closed or all. Defaults to open.' - schema: type: integer in: query name: limit description: The maximum number of orders in response. Defaults to 50 and max is 500. - schema: type: string in: query name: after description: The response will include only ones submitted after this timestamp (exclusive.) - schema: type: string in: query name: until description: The response will include only ones submitted until this timestamp (exclusive.) - schema: type: string enum: - asc - desc in: query name: direction description: The chronological order of response based on the submission time. asc or desc. Defaults to desc. - schema: type: boolean in: query name: nested description: 'If true, the result will roll up multi-leg orders under the legs field of primary order.' - schema: type: string in: query name: symbols description: 'A comma-separated list of symbols to filter by (ex. “AAPL,TSLA,MSFT”). A currency pair is required for crypto orders (ex. “BTCUSD,BCHUSD,LTCUSD,ETCUSD”).' responses: '200': description: |- Successful response An array of Order objects content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' operationId: getAllOrders description: 'Retrieves a list of orders for the account, filtered by the supplied query parameters.' x-internal: false delete: tags: - Orders summary: All Orders parameters: [] responses: '207': description: |- Multi-Status with body. an array of objects that include the order id and http status code for each status request. content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CanceledOrderResponse' '500': description: Failed to cancel order. operationId: deleteAllOrders description: 'Attempts to cancel all open orders. A response will be provided for each order that is attempted to be cancelled. If an order is no longer cancelable, the server will respond with status 500 and reject the request.' '/v2/orders/{order_id}': get: tags: - Orders summary: Order by Order ID parameters: - schema: type: boolean in: query name: nested description: 'If true, the result will roll up multi-leg orders under the legs field of primary order.' responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' operationId: getOrderByOrderID description: Retrieves a single order for the given order_id. patch: tags: - Orders summary: Order description: | Replaces a single order with updated parameters. Each parameter overrides the corresponding attribute of the existing order. The other attributes remain the same as the existing order. A success return code from a replaced order does NOT guarantee the existing open order has been replaced. If the existing open order is filled before the replacing (new) order reaches the execution venue, the replacing (new) order is rejected, and these events are sent in the trade_updates stream channel. While an order is being replaced, buying power is reduced by the larger of the two orders that have been placed (the old order being replaced, and the newly placed order to replace it). If you are replacing a buy entry order with a higher limit price than the original order, the buying power is calculated based on the newly placed order. If you are replacing it with a lower limit price, the buying power is calculated based on the old order. requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PatchOrderRequest' responses: '200': description: |- Successful response The new Order object with the new order ID. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' operationId: patchOrderByOrderId delete: tags: - Orders summary: Order by Order ID parameters: [] responses: '204': description: No Content '422': description: The order status is not cancelable. operationId: deleteOrderByOrderID description: 'Attempts to cancel an Open Order. If the order is no longer cancelable, the request will be rejected with status 422; otherwise accepted with return status 204.' parameters: - schema: type: string format: uuid name: order_id in: path required: true description: order id /v2/positions: get: tags: - Positions summary: All Open Positions parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Position' operationId: getAllOpenPositions description: |- The positions API provides information about an account’s current open positions. The response will include information such as cost basis, shares traded, and market value, which will be updated live as price information is updated. Once a position is closed, it will no longer be queryable through this API Retrieves a list of the account’s open positions delete: tags: - Positions summary: All Positions parameters: - schema: type: boolean in: query name: cancel_orders description: 'If true is specified, cancel all open orders before liquidating all positions.' responses: '207': description: |- Multi-Status with body. an array of PositionClosed responses content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PositionClosedReponse' '500': description: Failed to liquidate operationId: deleteAllOpenPositions description: 'Closes (liquidates) all of the account’s open long and short positions. A response will be provided for each order that is attempted to be cancelled. If an order is no longer cancelable, the server will respond with status 500 and reject the request.' '/v2/positions/{symbol_or_asset_id}': get: tags: - Positions summary: Open Position description: Retrieves the account’s open position for the given symbol or assetId. parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Position' operationId: getOpenPosition delete: tags: - Positions summary: Position parameters: - schema: type: number in: query name: qty description: the number of shares to liquidate. Can accept up to 9 decimal points. Cannot work with percentage - schema: type: number in: query name: percentage description: percentage of position to liquidate. Must be between 0 and 100. Would only sell fractional if position is originally fractional. Can accept up to 9 decimal points. Cannot work with qty responses: '200': description: |- Successful response Returns the order created to close out this position content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' description: Closes (liquidates) the account’s open position for the given symbol. Works for both long and short positions. operationId: deleteOpenPosition parameters: - schema: type: string name: symbol_or_asset_id in: path required: true description: symbol or assetId /v2/account/portfolio/history: get: tags: - Portfolio History summary: Account Portfolio History parameters: - schema: type: string in: query name: period description: 'The duration of the data in + , such as 1D, where can be D for day, W for week, M for month and A for year. Defaults to 1M.' - schema: type: string in: query name: timeframe description: 'The resolution of time window. 1Min, 5Min, 15Min, 1H, or 1D. If omitted, 1Min for less than 7 days period, 15Min for less than 30 days, or otherwise 1D.' - schema: type: string format: date example: '2022-05-15' in: query name: date_end description: 'The date the data is returned up to, in “YYYY-MM-DD” format. Defaults to the current market date (rolls over at the market open if extended_hours is false, otherwise at 7am ET)' - schema: type: string in: query name: extended_hours description: 'If true, include extended hours in the result. This is effective only for timeframe less than 1D.' responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PortfolioHistory' operationId: getAccountPortfolioHistory description: Returns timeseries data about equity and profit/loss (P/L) of the account in requested timespan. /v2/watchlists: get: tags: - Watchlists summary: Watchlists parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: example-1: value: - id: 3174d6df-7726-44b4-a5bd-7fda5ae6e009 account_id: abe25343-a7ba-4255-bdeb-f7e013e9ee5d created_at: '2022-01-31T21:49:05.14628Z' updated_at: '2022-01-31T21:49:05.14628Z' name: Primary Watchlist schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' operationId: getWatchlists description: Returns the list of watchlists registered under the account. post: tags: - Watchlists summary: Watchlist description: Create a new watchlist with initial set of assets. requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateWatchlistRequest' parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' operationId: postWatchlist '/v2/watchlists/{watchlist_id}': get: tags: - Watchlists summary: Get Watchlist by ID parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' operationId: getWatchlistById description: Returns a watchlist identified by the ID. put: tags: - Watchlists summary: Update Watchlist By Id requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateWatchlistRequest' parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' operationId: updateWatchlistById description: Update the name and/or content of watchlist post: tags: - Watchlists summary: Add Asset to Watchlist requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddAssetToWatchlistRequest' parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' operationId: addAssetToWatchlist description: Append an asset for the symbol to the end of watchlist asset list delete: tags: - Watchlists summary: Delete Watchlist By Id parameters: [] responses: '204': description: No Content operationId: deleteWatchlistById description: Delete a watchlist. This is a permanent deletion. parameters: - schema: type: string format: uuid name: watchlist_id in: path required: true description: watchlist id '/v2/watchlists:by_name': get: tags: - Watchlists summary: Get Watchlist by Name parameters: - schema: type: string in: query name: name required: true description: name of the watchlist responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' operationId: getWatchlistByName description: Returns a watchlist by name put: tags: - Watchlists summary: Update Watchlist By Name requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UpdateWatchlistRequest' parameters: - schema: type: string in: query name: name required: true description: name of the watchlist responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' operationId: updateWatchlistByName description: Update the name and/or content of watchlist post: tags: - Watchlists summary: Add Asset to Watchlist By Name requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AddAssetToWatchlistRequest' parameters: - schema: type: string in: query name: name required: true description: name of the watchlist responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' operationId: addAssetToWatchlistByName description: Append an asset for the symbol to the end of watchlist asset list delete: tags: - Watchlists summary: Delete Watchlist By Name parameters: - schema: type: string in: query name: name required: true description: name of the watchlist responses: '204': description: No Content operationId: deleteWatchlistByName description: Delete a watchlist. This is a permanent deletion. parameters: [] '/v2/watchlists/{watchlist_id}/{symbol}': delete: tags: - Watchlists summary: Symbol from Watchlist parameters: [] responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Watchlist' description: Returns the updated watchlist operationId: removeAssetFromWatchlist description: Delete one entry for an asset by symbol name parameters: - schema: type: string format: uuid name: watchlist_id in: path required: true description: Watchlist ID - schema: type: string name: symbol in: path required: true description: symbol name to remove from the watchlist content /v2/account/configurations: get: tags: - Account Configurations summary: Account Configurations parameters: [] responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountConfigurations' operationId: getAccountConfig description: gets the current account configuration values patch: tags: - Account Configurations summary: Account Configurations parameters: [] requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountConfigurations' responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountConfigurations' operationId: patchAccountConfig description: Updates and returns the current account configuration values /v2/account/activities: get: summary: Get account activities of one type tags: - Account Activities responses: '200': description: returns an array of Account activities content: application/json: schema: type: array items: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TradingActivities' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NonTradeActivities' description: Will be a mix of TradingActivity or NonTradeActivity objects based on what is passed in the activity_types parameter operationId: getAccountActivities description: Returns account activity entries for many types of activities. parameters: - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query name: date description: The date for which you want to see activities. - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query description: The response will contain only activities submitted before this date. (Cannot be used with date.) name: until - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query description: The response will contain only activities submitted after this date. (Cannot be used with date.) name: after - schema: type: string enum: - asc - desc example: desc in: query name: direction description: asc or desc (default desc if unspecified.) - schema: type: integer in: query name: page_size description: The maximum number of entries to return in the response. (See the section on paging above.) - schema: type: string in: query description: 'The ID of the end of your current page of results. ' name: page_token - schema: type: string example: FILL in: query name: activity_types description: 'A comma-separated list of the activity types to include in the response. If unspecified, activities of all types will be returned. See ActivityType model for values' '/v2/account/activities/{activity_type}': parameters: - schema: type: string name: activity_type in: path description: The activity type you want to view entries for. A list of valid activity types can be found at the bottom of this page. required: true get: summary: Get account activities of one type tags: - Account Activities responses: '200': description: returns an array of Account activities content: application/json: schema: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TradingActivities' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/NonTradeActivities' description: Will be one of a TradingActivity or NonTradeActivity based on activity_type used in path operationId: getAccountActivitiesByActivityType description: Returns account activity entries for a specific type of activity. parameters: - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query name: date description: The date for which you want to see activities. - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query description: The response will contain only activities submitted before this date. (Cannot be used with date.) name: until - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query description: The response will contain only activities submitted after this date. (Cannot be used with date.) name: after - schema: type: string enum: - asc - desc example: desc in: query name: direction description: asc or desc (default desc if unspecified.) - schema: type: integer in: query name: page_size description: The maximum number of entries to return in the response. (See the section on paging above.) - schema: type: string in: query description: 'The ID of the end of your current page of results. ' name: page_token /v2/calendar: get: summary: Get Market Calendar info tags: - Calendar parameters: - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query name: start description: The first date to retrieve data for (inclusive) - schema: type: string format: date-time in: query name: end description: The last date to retrieve data for (inclusive) responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Calendar' operationId: getCalendar description: Returns the market calendar. /v2/clock: get: summary: Get Market Clock info parameters: [] responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Clock' operationId: getClock description: |- The clock API serves the current market timestamp, whether or not the market is currently open, as well as the times of the next market open and close. Returns the market clock. tags: - Clock components: securitySchemes: API_Key: name: APCA-API-KEY-ID type: apiKey in: header description: '' API_Secret: name: APCA-API-SECRET-KEY type: apiKey in: header description: '' schemas: Account: title: Account type: object description: | The account API serves important information related to an account, including account status, funds available for trade, funds available for withdrawal, and various flags relevant to an account’s ability to trade. An account maybe be blocked for just for trades (trades_blocked flag) or for both trades and transfers (account_blocked flag) if Alpaca identifies the account to engaging in any suspicious activity. Also, in accordance with FINRA’s pattern day trading rule, an account may be flagged for pattern day trading (pattern_day_trader flag), which would inhibit an account from placing any further day-trades. Please note that cryptocurrencies are not eligible assets to be used as collateral for margin accounts and will require the asset be traded using cash only. x-examples: example-1: account_blocked: false account_number: 010203ABCD buying_power: '262113.632' cash: '-23140.2' created_at: '2019-06-12T22:47:07.99658Z' currency: USD daytrade_count: 0 daytrading_buying_power: '262113.632' equity: '103820.56' id: e6fe16f3-64a4-4921-8928-cadf02f92f98 initial_margin: '63480.38' last_equity: '103529.24' last_maintenance_margin: '38000.832' long_market_value: '126960.76' maintenance_margin: '38088.228' multiplier: '4' pattern_day_trader: false portfolio_value: '103820.56' regt_buying_power: '80680.36' short_market_value: '0' shorting_enabled: true sma: '0' status: ACTIVE trade_suspended_by_user: false trading_blocked: false transfers_blocked: false properties: id: type: string description: | Account Id. format: uuid account_number: type: string description: Account number. status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountStatus' currency: type: string description: | USD example: USD cash: description: | Cash Balance type: string portfolio_value: description: Total value of cash + holding positions (This field is deprecated. It is equivalent to the equity field.) type: string pattern_day_trader: type: boolean description: Whether or not the account has been flagged as a pattern day trader trade_suspended_by_user: type: boolean description: 'User setting. If true, the account is not allowed to place orders.' trading_blocked: type: boolean description: | If true, the account is not allowed to place orders. transfers_blocked: type: boolean description: 'If true, the account is not allowed to request money transfers.' account_blocked: type: boolean description: 'If true, the account activity by user is prohibited.' created_at: type: string description: | Timestamp this account was created at format: date-time shorting_enabled: type: boolean description: Flag to denote whether or not the account is permitted to short long_market_value: description: | Real-time MtM value of all long positions held in the account type: string short_market_value: description: Real-time MtM value of all short positions held in the account type: string equity: description: Cash + long_market_value + short_market_value type: string last_equity: description: 'Equity as of previous trading day at 16:00:00 ET' type: string multiplier: description: 'Buying power multiplier that represents account margin classification; valid values 1 (standard limited margin account with 1x buying power), 2 (reg T margin account with 2x intraday and overnight buying power; this is the default for all non-PDT accounts with $2,000 or more equity), 4 (PDT account with 4x intraday buying power and 2x reg T overnight buying power)' type: string buying_power: description: 'Current available $ buying power; If multiplier = 4, this is your daytrade buying power which is calculated as (last_equity - (last) maintenance_margin) * 4; If multiplier = 2, buying_power = max(equity – initial_margin,0) * 2; If multiplier = 1, buying_power = cash' type: string initial_margin: description: Reg T initial margin requirement (continuously updated value) type: string maintenance_margin: description: Maintenance margin requirement (continuously updated value) type: string sma: type: string description: Value of special memorandum account (will be used at a later date to provide additional buying_power) daytrade_count: type: integer description: The current number of daytrades that have been made in the last 5 trading days (inclusive of today) last_maintenance_margin: description: Your maintenance margin requirement on the previous trading day type: string daytrading_buying_power: description: Your buying power for day trades (continuously updated value) type: string regt_buying_power: description: | Your buying power under Regulation T (your excess equity - equity minus margin value - times your margin multiplier) type: string required: - id - status AccountStatus: type: string title: AccountStatus enum: - ONBOARDING - SUBMISSION_FAILED - SUBMITTED - ACCOUNT_UPDATED - APPROVAL_PENDING - ACTIVE - REJECTED description: |- An enum representing the various possible account status values. Most likely, the account status is ACTIVE unless there is any problem. The account status may get in ACCOUNT_UPDATED when personal information is being updated from the dashboard, in which case you may not be allowed trading for a short period of time until the change is approved. - ONBOARDING The account is onboarding. - SUBMISSION_FAILED The account application submission failed for some reason. - SUBMITTED The account application has been submitted for review. - ACCOUNT_UPDATED The account information is being updated. - APPROVAL_PENDING The final account approval is pending. - ACTIVE The account is active for trading. - REJECTED The account application has been rejected. x-examples: example-1: ACTIVE example: ACTIVE AccountConfigurations: title: AccountConfigurations type: object x-examples: example-1: dtbp_check: entry trade_confirm_email: all suspend_trade: false no_shorting: false fractional_trading: true max_margin_multiplier: '4' pdt_check: entry description: The account configuration API provides custom configurations about your trading account settings. These configurations control various allow you to modify settings to suit your trading needs. properties: dtbp_check: type: string description: 'both, entry, or exit. Controls Day Trading Margin Call (DTMC) checks.' enum: - both - entry - exit trade_confirm_email: type: string description: 'all or none. If none, emails for order fills are not sent.' suspend_trade: type: boolean description: 'If true, new orders are blocked.' no_shorting: type: boolean description: 'If true, account becomes long-only mode.' fractional_trading: type: boolean description: 'If true, account is able to participate in fractional trading' max_margin_multiplier: type: string description: Can be "1" or "2" pdt_check: type: string example: entry TradingActivities: title: AccountTradingActivities type: object x-examples: example-1: id: '20220202135509981::2d7be4ff-d1f3-43e9-856a-0f5cf5c5088e' activity_type: FILL transaction_time: '2022-02-02T18:55:09.981482Z' type: fill price: '174.78' qty: '2' side: buy symbol: AAPL leaves_qty: '0' order_id: b5abe576-6a8a-49f3-a353-46b72c1ccae9 cum_qty: '2' order_status: filled properties: activity_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActivityType' id: type: string description: 'An id for the activity. Always in “::” format. Can be sent as page_token in requests to facilitate the paging of results.' cum_qty: description: The cumulative quantity of shares involved in the execution. type: string leaves_qty: type: string description: | For partially_filled orders, the quantity of shares that are left to be filled. price: type: string description: The per-share price that the trade was executed at. qty: type: string description: The number of shares involved in the trade execution. side: type: string description: buy or sell symbol: type: string description: The symbol of the security being traded. example: AAPL transaction_time: type: string description: The time at which the execution occurred. format: date-time order_id: type: string description: The id for the order that filled. format: uuid type: type: string description: fill or partial_fill enum: - fill - partial_fill example: fill order_status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderStatus' NonTradeActivities: title: AccountNonTradeActivities type: object properties: activity_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActivityType' id: type: string description: 'An ID for the activity, always in “::” format. Can be sent as page_token in requests to facilitate the paging of results.' date: type: string description: The date on which the activity occurred or on which the transaction associated with the activity settled. format: date-time net_amount: type: string description: The net amount of money (positive or negative) associated with the activity. symbol: type: string description: The symbol of the security involved with the activity. Not present for all activity types. qty: type: string description: | For dividend activities, the number of shares that contributed to the payment. Not present for other activity types. per_share_amount: type: string description: 'For dividend activities, the average amount paid per share. Not present for other activity types.' x-examples: example-1: activity_type: DIV id: '20190801011955195::5f596936-6f23-4cef-bdf1-3806aae57dbf' date: '2019-08-01' net_amount: '1.02' symbol: T qty: '2' per_share_amount: '0.51' ActivityType: type: string title: ActivityType description: |- - FILL Order fills (both partial and full fills) - TRANS Cash transactions (both CSD and CSW) - MISC Miscellaneous or rarely used activity types (All types except those in TRANS, DIV, or FILL) - ACATC ACATS IN/OUT (Cash) - ACATS ACATS IN/OUT (Securities) - CFEE Crypto fee - CSD Cash deposit(+) - CSW Cash withdrawal(-) - DIV Dividends - DIVCGL Dividend (capital gain long term) - DIVCGS Dividend (capital gain short term) - DIVFEE Dividend fee - DIVFT Dividend adjusted (Foreign Tax Withheld) - DIVNRA Dividend adjusted (NRA Withheld) - DIVROC Dividend return of capital - DIVTW Dividend adjusted (Tefra Withheld) - DIVTXEX Dividend (tax exempt) - FEE Fee denominated in USD - INT Interest (credit/margin) - INTNRA Interest adjusted (NRA Withheld) - INTTW Interest adjusted (Tefra Withheld) - JNL Journal entry - JNLC Journal entry (cash) - JNLS Journal entry (stock) - MA Merger/Acquisition - NC Name change - OPASN Option assignment - OPEXP Option expiration - OPXRC Option exercise - PTC Pass Thru Charge - PTR Pass Thru Rebate - REORG Reorg CA - SC Symbol change - SSO Stock spinoff - SSP Stock split enum: - FILL - TRANS - MISC - ACATC - ACATS - CSD - CSW - DIV - DIVCGL - DIVCGS - DIVFEE - DIVFT - DIVNRA - DIVROC - DIVTW - DIVTXEX - INT - INTNRA - INTTW - JNL - JNLC - JNLS - MA - NC - OPASN - OPEXP - OPXRC - PTC - PTR - REORG - SC - SSO - SSP - CFEE - FEE x-examples: example-1: FILL Order: description: |- The Orders API allows a user to monitor, place and cancel their orders with Alpaca. Each order has a unique identifier provided by the client. This client-side unique order ID will be automatically generated by the system if not provided by the client, and will be returned as part of the order object along with the rest of the fields described below. Once an order is placed, it can be queried using the client-side order ID to check the status. Updates on open orders at Alpaca will also be sent over the streaming interface, which is the recommended method of maintaining order state. type: object x-examples: example-1: id: 61e69015-8549-4bfd-b9c3-01e75843f47d client_order_id: eb9e2aaa-f71a-4f51-b5b4-52a6c565dad4 created_at: '2021-03-16T18:38:01.942282Z' updated_at: '2021-03-16T18:38:01.942282Z' submitted_at: '2021-03-16T18:38:01.937734Z' filled_at: null expired_at: null canceled_at: null failed_at: null replaced_at: null replaced_by: null replaces: null asset_id: b0b6dd9d-8b9b-48a9-ba46-b9d54906e415 symbol: AAPL asset_class: us_equity notional: '500' qty: null filled_qty: '0' filled_avg_price: null order_class: '' order_type: market type: market side: buy time_in_force: day limit_price: null stop_price: null status: accepted extended_hours: false legs: null trail_percent: null trail_price: null hwm: null title: Order properties: id: type: string description: Order ID client_order_id: type: string description: Client unique order ID maxLength: 48 created_at: type: string format: date-time updated_at: type: string format: date-time nullable: true submitted_at: type: string format: date-time nullable: true filled_at: type: string format: date-time nullable: true expired_at: type: string format: date-time nullable: true canceled_at: type: string format: date-time nullable: true failed_at: type: string format: date-time nullable: true replaced_at: type: string format: date-time nullable: true replaced_by: type: string format: uuid description: The order ID that this order was replaced by nullable: true replaces: type: string format: uuid description: The order ID that this order replaces nullable: true asset_id: type: string format: uuid description: Asset ID symbol: type: string minLength: 1 description: Asset symbol asset_class: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetClass' notional: type: string minLength: 1 description: 'Ordered notional amount. If entered, qty will be null. Can take up to 9 decimal points.' nullable: true qty: type: string minLength: 1 description: 'Ordered quantity. If entered, notional will be null. Can take up to 9 decimal points.' nullable: true filled_qty: type: string minLength: 1 description: Filled quantity filled_avg_price: type: string description: Filled average price nullable: true order_class: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderClass' order_type: type: string deprecated: true description: 'Deprecated in favour of the field "type" ' type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderType' side: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderSide' time_in_force: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeInForce' limit_price: type: string description: Limit price nullable: true stop_price: description: Stop price type: string nullable: true status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrderStatus' extended_hours: type: boolean description: 'If true, eligible for execution outside regular trading hours.' legs: type: array description: 'When querying non-simple order_class orders in a nested style, an array of Order entities associated with this order. Otherwise, null.' nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' trail_percent: type: string description: The percent value away from the high water mark for trailing stop orders. trail_price: type: string description: The dollar value away from the high water mark for trailing stop orders. hwm: type: string description: The highest (lowest) market price seen since the trailing stop order was submitted. required: - symbol - notional - qty - type - side - time_in_force OrderType: type: string enum: - market - limit - stop - stop_limit - trailing_stop example: stop description: |- Represents the types of orders Alpaca currently supports - market - limit - stop - stop_limit - trailing_stop title: OrderType OrderSide: type: string enum: - buy - sell example: buy title: OrderSide description: |- Represents which side this order was on: - buy - sell OrderClass: type: string enum: - simple - bracket - oco - oto - '' example: bracket description: 'This will either be the empty string "", "simple", "bracket", "oco", or "oto".' title: OrderClass OrderStatus: type: string title: OrderStatus description: |- An order executed through Alpaca can experience several status changes during its lifecycle. The most common statuses are described in detail below: - new The order has been received by Alpaca, and routed to exchanges for execution. This is the usual initial state of an order. - partially_filled The order has been partially filled. - filled The order has been filled, and no further updates will occur for the order. - done_for_day The order is done executing for the day, and will not receive further updates until the next trading day. - canceled The order has been canceled, and no further updates will occur for the order. This can be either due to a cancel request by the user, or the order has been canceled by the exchanges due to its time-in-force. - expired The order has expired, and no further updates will occur for the order. - replaced The order was replaced by another order, or was updated due to a market event such as corporate action. - pending_cancel The order is waiting to be canceled. - pending_replace The order is waiting to be replaced by another order. The order will reject cancel request while in this state. Less common states are described below. Note that these states only occur on very rare occasions, and most users will likely never see their orders reach these states: - accepted The order has been received by Alpaca, but hasn’t yet been routed to the execution venue. This could be seen often out side of trading session hours. - pending_new The order has been received by Alpaca, and routed to the exchanges, but has not yet been accepted for execution. This state only occurs on rare occasions. - accepted_for_bidding The order has been received by exchanges, and is evaluated for pricing. This state only occurs on rare occasions. - stopped The order has been stopped, and a trade is guaranteed for the order, usually at a stated price or better, but has not yet occurred. This state only occurs on rare occasions. - rejected The order has been rejected, and no further updates will occur for the order. This state occurs on rare occasions and may occur based on various conditions decided by the exchanges. - suspended The order has been suspended, and is not eligible for trading. This state only occurs on rare occasions. - calculated The order has been completed for the day (either filled or done for day), but remaining settlement calculations are still pending. This state only occurs on rare occasions. An order may be canceled through the API up until the point it reaches a state of either filled, canceled, or expired. enum: - new - partially_filled - filled - done_for_day - canceled - expired - replaced - pending_cancel - pending_replace - accepted - pending_new - accepted_for_bidding - stopped - rejected - suspended - calculated example: new TimeInForce: type: string title: TimeInForce description: |- Note: For Crypto Trading, Alpaca supports the following Time-In-Force designations: day, gtc, ioc and fok. OPG and CLS are not supported. Alpaca supports the following Time-In-Force designations: - day A day order is eligible for execution only on the day it is live. By default, the order is only valid during Regular Trading Hours (9:30am - 4:00pm ET). If unfilled after the closing auction, it is automatically canceled. If submitted after the close, it is queued and submitted the following trading day. However, if marked as eligible for extended hours, the order can also execute during supported extended hours. - gtc The order is good until canceled. Non-marketable GTC limit orders are subject to price adjustments to offset corporate actions affecting the issue. We do not currently support Do Not Reduce(DNR) orders to opt out of such price adjustments. - opg Use this TIF with a market/limit order type to submit “market on open” (MOO) and “limit on open” (LOO) orders. This order is eligible to execute only in the market opening auction. Any unfilled orders after the open will be cancelled. OPG orders submitted after 9:28am but before 7:00pm ET will be rejected. OPG orders submitted after 7:00pm will be queued and routed to the following day’s opening auction. On open/on close orders are routed to the primary exchange. Such orders do not necessarily execute exactly at 9:30am / 4:00pm ET but execute per the exchange’s auction rules. - cls Use this TIF with a market/limit order type to submit “market on close” (MOC) and “limit on close” (LOC) orders. This order is eligible to execute only in the market closing auction. Any unfilled orders after the close will be cancelled. CLS orders submitted after 3:50pm but before 7:00pm ET will be rejected. CLS orders submitted after 7:00pm will be queued and routed to the following day’s closing auction. Only available with API v2. - ioc An Immediate Or Cancel (IOC) order requires all or part of the order to be executed immediately. Any unfilled portion of the order is canceled. Only available with API v2. Most market makers who receive IOC orders will attempt to fill the order on a principal basis only, and cancel any unfilled balance. On occasion, this can result in the entire order being cancelled if the market maker does not have any existing inventory of the security in question. - fok A Fill or Kill (FOK) order is only executed if the entire order quantity can be filled, otherwise the order is canceled. Only available with API v2. enum: - day - gtc - opg - cls - ioc - fok example: day Assets: description: | The assets API serves as the master list of assets available for trade and data consumption from Alpaca. Assets are sorted by asset class, exchange and symbol. Some assets are only available for data consumption via Polygon, and are not tradable with Alpaca. These assets will be marked with the flag tradable=false. type: object x-examples: example-1: id: b0b6dd9d-8b9b-48a9-ba46-b9d54906e415 class: us_equity exchange: NASDAQ symbol: AAPL name: Apple Inc. Common Stock status: active tradable: true marginable: true shortable: true easy_to_borrow: true fractionable: true title: Assets properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: Asset ID class: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetClass' exchange: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exchange' symbol: type: string description: The symbol of the asset example: AAPL name: type: string minLength: 1 description: The official name of the asset status: type: string description: active or inactive example: active enum: - active - inactive tradable: type: boolean description: Asset is tradable on Alpaca or not marginable: type: boolean description: Asset is marginable or not shortable: type: boolean description: Asset is shortable or not easy_to_borrow: type: boolean description: Asset is easy-to-borrow or not (filtering for easy_to_borrow = True is the best way to check whether the name is currently available to short at Alpaca). fractionable: type: boolean description: Asset is fractionable or not required: - id - class - exchange - symbol - name - status - tradable - marginable - shortable - easy_to_borrow - fractionable AssetClass: type: string title: AssetClass enum: - us_equity - crypto example: us_equity description: Represents what class of asset this is. Currently only supports `us_equity` or `crypto` x-examples: example-1: us_equity Position: description: 'The positions API provides information about an account’s current open positions. The response will include information such as cost basis, shares traded, and market value, which will be updated live as price information is updated. Once a position is closed, it will no longer be queryable through this API.' type: object x-examples: example-1: asset_id: 904837e3-3b76-47ec-b432-046db621571b symbol: AAPL exchange: NASDAQ asset_class: us_equity avg_entry_price: '100.0' qty: '5' qty_available: '4' side: long market_value: '600.0' cost_basis: '500.0' unrealized_pl: '100.0' unrealized_plpc: '0.20' unrealized_intraday_pl: '10.0' unrealized_intraday_plpc: '0.0084' current_price: '120.0' lastday_price: '119.0' change_today: '0.0084' example-2: asset_id: b0b6dd9d-8b9b-48a9-ba46-b9d54906e415 symbol: AAPL exchange: NASDAQ asset_class: us_equity asset_marginable: false qty: '2' qty_available: '2' avg_entry_price: '174.78' side: long market_value: '348.58' cost_basis: '349.56' unrealized_pl: '-0.98' unrealized_plpc: '-0.0028035244307129' unrealized_intraday_pl: '-0.98' unrealized_intraday_plpc: '-0.0028035244307129' current_price: '174.29' lastday_price: '174.61' change_today: '-0.0018326556325525' title: Position properties: asset_id: type: string description: Asset ID format: uuid symbol: type: string description: Symbol name of the asset example: AAPL exchange: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Exchange' asset_class: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetClass' avg_entry_price: type: string minLength: 1 description: Average entry price of the position qty: type: string minLength: 1 description: The number of shares qty_available: type: string minLength: 1 description: Total number of shares available minus open orders side: type: string minLength: 1 description: “long” market_value: type: string minLength: 1 description: Total dollar amount of the position cost_basis: type: string minLength: 1 description: Total cost basis in dollar unrealized_pl: type: string minLength: 1 description: Unrealized profit/loss in dollars unrealized_plpc: type: string minLength: 1 description: Unrealized profit/loss percent (by a factor of 1) unrealized_intraday_pl: type: string minLength: 1 description: Unrealized profit/loss in dollars for the day unrealized_intraday_plpc: type: string minLength: 1 description: Unrealized profit/loss percent (by a factor of 1) current_price: type: string minLength: 1 description: Current asset price per share lastday_price: type: string minLength: 1 description: Last day’s asset price per share based on the closing value of the last trading day change_today: type: string minLength: 1 description: Percent change from last day price (by a factor of 1) asset_marginable: type: boolean required: - asset_id - symbol - exchange - asset_class - avg_entry_price - qty - side - market_value - cost_basis - unrealized_pl - unrealized_plpc - unrealized_intraday_pl - unrealized_intraday_plpc - current_price - lastday_price - change_today - asset_marginable Watchlist: description: | The watchlist API provides CRUD operation for the account’s watchlist. An account can have multiple watchlists and each is uniquely identified by id but can also be addressed by user-defined name. Each watchlist is an ordered list of assets. type: object x-examples: example-1: id: 3174d6df-7726-44b4-a5bd-7fda5ae6e009 account_id: abe25343-a7ba-4255-bdeb-f7e013e9ee5d created_at: '2022-01-31T21:49:05.14628Z' updated_at: '2022-01-31T21:49:05.14628Z' name: Primary Watchlist assets: - id: 8ccae427-5dd0-45b3-b5fe-7ba5e422c766 class: us_equity exchange: NASDAQ symbol: TSLA name: 'Tesla, Inc. Common Stock' status: active tradable: true marginable: true shortable: true easy_to_borrow: true fractionable: true title: Watchlist properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: watchlist id account_id: type: string format: uuid description: account ID created_at: type: string format: date-time updated_at: type: string format: date-time name: type: string minLength: 1 description: user-defined watchlist name (up to 64 characters) assets: type: array description: 'the content of this watchlist, in the order as registered by the client' items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Assets' required: - id - account_id - created_at - updated_at - name Calendar: description: '' type: object x-examples: example-1: date: '2022-02-01' open: '09:30' close: '16:00' session_open: '0700' session_close: '1900' title: Calendar properties: date: type: string minLength: 1 description: Date string in “%Y-%m-%d” format open: type: string minLength: 1 description: 'The time the market opens at on this date in “%H:%M” format' close: type: string minLength: 1 description: 'The time the market closes at on this date in “%H:%M” format' session_open: type: string minLength: 1 session_close: type: string minLength: 1 required: - date - open - close - session_open - session_close Clock: title: Clock type: object properties: timestamp: type: string description: | Current timestamp format: date-time is_open: type: boolean description: | Whether or not the market is open next_open: type: string description: Next Market open timestamp format: date-time next_close: type: string description: Next market close timestamp format: date-time x-examples: example-1: timestamp: '2019-08-24T14:15:22Z' is_open: true next_open: '2019-08-24T14:15:22Z' next_close: '2019-08-24T14:15:22Z' PortfolioHistory: title: PortfolioHistory type: object properties: timestamp: type: array description: 'time of each data element, left-labeled (the beginning of time window)' items: type: integer equity: type: array description: equity value of the account in dollar amount as of the end of each time window items: type: number profit_loss: type: array description: profit/loss in dollar from the base value items: type: number profit_loss_pct: type: array description: profit/loss in percentage from the base value items: type: number base_value: type: number description: basis in dollar of the profit loss calculation timeframe: type: string description: time window size of each data element example: 15Min Exchange: title: Exchange type: string description: |- Represents the current exchanges Alpaca supports. List is currently: - AMEX - ARCA - BATS - NYSE - NASDAQ - NYSEARCA - OTC enum: - AMEX - ARCA - BATS - NYSE - NASDAQ - NYSEARCA - OTC example: NYSE CanceledOrderResponse: title: CanceledOrderResponse type: object x-examples: example-1: id: d56ba3ea-6d04-48ce-8175-817e242ee608 status: 200 description: Represents the result of a request to cancel and order properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: orderId status: type: integer description: http response code example: 200 PatchOrderRequest: title: PatchOrderRequest type: object description: Represents a request to patch an order. properties: qty: type: string description: number of shares to trade time_in_force: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimeInForce' limit_price: type: string description: required if original order type is limit or stop_limit stop_price: type: string description: required if original order type is limit or stop_limit trail: type: string description: the new value of the trail_price or trail_percent value (works only for type=“trailing_stop”) client_order_id: type: string description: A unique identifier for the order. Automatically generated if not sent. maxLength: 48 PositionClosedReponse: title: PositionClosedReponse type: object description: 'Represents the result of asking the api to close a position. ' properties: symbol: type: string description: Symbol name of the asset status: type: string description: Http status code for the attempt to close this position body: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Order' required: - symbol - status x-examples: example-1: symbol: AAPL status: 200 body: id: f7f25e89-939a-4587-aaf6-414a6b3c341d client_order_id: 52f8574c-96d5-49b6-94c1-2570a268434e created_at: '2022-02-04T16:53:29.53427917Z' updated_at: '2022-02-04T16:53:29.53427917Z' submitted_at: '2022-02-04T16:53:29.533738219Z' filled_at: null expired_at: null canceled_at: null failed_at: null replaced_at: null replaced_by: null replaces: null asset_id: b0b6dd9d-8b9b-48a9-ba46-b9d54906e415 symbol: AAPL asset_class: us_equity notional: null qty: '2' filled_qty: '0' filled_avg_price: null order_class: '' order_type: market type: market side: sell time_in_force: day limit_price: null stop_price: null status: accepted extended_hours: false legs: null trail_percent: null trail_price: null hwm: null UpdateWatchlistRequest: title: PostWatchlistRequest type: object description: Request format used for creating a new watchlist or updating an existing watchlist with a set of assets and name. properties: name: type: string symbols: type: array items: type: string nullable: true required: - name AddAssetToWatchlistRequest: title: AddAssetToWatchlistRequest type: object description: Append an asset for the symbol to the end of watchlist asset list properties: symbol: type: string example: AAPL description: symbol name to append to watchlist security: - API_Key: [] API_Secret: []