# nite Nite is (will soon be) a GUI code editor with a vim-ish feel. It's intended to be an (almost) drop-in replacement for Neovim, aside from nite being a GUI app, which means having items listed in the [TODO](#todo) paragraph. ## TODO The following list of features and tasks required to have them is highly opinionated and consists of things I want a code editor to have. - [ ] Barebones editor * [x] Make it compile * [x] Treesitter * [x] Scrolling * [ ] Cursor - [ ] Vim-like keybindings and motions - [ ] A Telescope-ey file finder - [ ] Something like [harpoon](https://github.com/theprimeagen/harpoon) and maybe a topbar with marks - [ ] LSP client (note: [async-lsp](https://docs.rs/async-lsp)) - [ ] Popup terminal (note: [kitti3](https://github.com/LandingEllipse/kitti3)) - [ ] Workspace splitting - [ ] (optional) Git integration ## Info on [ming] Ming is a GPU-accelerated native UI framework. It is planned to have full Linux support and (maybe) a Material 3 implementation. ## Credits A **LOT** of code (including: crates/util, crates/ming*) is taken from [the Zed codebase](https://github.com/zed-industries/zed) precisely at commit [c90263d]. Also, [ming] is a "fork" (blatant copy with no intent of syncing upstream changes) of [gpui], also made by the Zed team for use in Zed. [ming]: ./crates/ming/README.md [c90263d]: https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/tree/c90263d59b8cde9e007f16b286f040fa849ecb24 [gpui]: https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/tree/c90263d59b8cde9e007f16b286f040fa849ecb24/crates/gpui