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Raw Normal View History

//! The different options and types for use in API functions
pub mod auth;
mod config;
mod endpoint;
mod query;
mod resource;
mod strict;
mod tls;
use crate::api::err::Error;
use crate::sql::constant::ConstantValue;
use crate::sql::id::Gen;
use crate::sql::to_value;
use crate::sql::Thing;
use crate::sql::Value;
use dmp::Diff;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;
use serde_json::json;
use serde_json::Map;
use serde_json::Value as JsonValue;
pub use config::*;
pub use endpoint::*;
pub use query::*;
pub use resource::*;
pub use strict::*;
pub use tls::*;
/// Record ID
pub type RecordId = Thing;
type UnitOp<'a> = InnerOp<'a, ()>;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
#[serde(tag = "op", rename_all = "lowercase")]
enum InnerOp<'a, T> {
Add {
path: &'a str,
value: T,
Remove {
path: &'a str,
Replace {
path: &'a str,
value: T,
Change {
path: &'a str,
value: String,
/// A [JSON Patch] operation
/// From the official website:
/// > JSON Patch is a format for describing changes to a JSON document.
/// > It can be used to avoid sending a whole document when only a part has changed.
/// [JSON Patch]:
pub struct PatchOp(pub(crate) Result<Value, crate::err::Error>);
impl PatchOp {
/// Adds a value to an object or inserts it into an array.
/// In the case of an array, the value is inserted before the given index.
/// The `-` character can be used instead of an index to insert at the end of an array.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use serde_json::json;
/// # use surrealdb::opt::PatchOp;
/// PatchOp::add("/biscuits/1", json!({ "name": "Ginger Nut" }))
/// # ;
/// ```
pub fn add<T>(path: &str, value: T) -> Self
T: Serialize,
Self(to_value(InnerOp::Add {
/// Removes a value from an object or array.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surrealdb::opt::PatchOp;
/// PatchOp::remove("/biscuits")
/// # ;
/// ```
/// Remove the first element of the array at `biscuits`
/// (or just removes the “0” key if `biscuits` is an object)
/// ```
/// # use surrealdb::opt::PatchOp;
/// PatchOp::remove("/biscuits/0")
/// # ;
/// ```
pub fn remove(path: &str) -> Self {
Self(to_value(UnitOp::Remove {
/// Replaces a value.
/// Equivalent to a “remove” followed by an “add”.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use surrealdb::opt::PatchOp;
/// PatchOp::replace("/biscuits/0/name", "Chocolate Digestive")
/// # ;
/// ```
pub fn replace<T>(path: &str, value: T) -> Self
T: Serialize,
Self(to_value(InnerOp::Replace {
/// Changes a value
pub fn change(path: &str, diff: Diff) -> Self {
Self(to_value(UnitOp::Change {
value: diff.text,
impl From<Value> for serde_json::Value {
fn from(value: Value) -> Self {
into_json(value, true)
fn into_json(value: Value, simplify: bool) -> JsonValue {
use crate::sql;
use crate::sql::Number;
struct Array(Vec<JsonValue>);
impl From<(sql::Array, bool)> for Array {
fn from((arr, simplify): (sql::Array, bool)) -> Self {
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(arr.0.len());
for value in arr.0 {
vec.push(into_json(value, simplify));
struct Object(Map<String, JsonValue>);
impl From<(sql::Object, bool)> for Object {
fn from((obj, simplify): (sql::Object, bool)) -> Self {
let mut map = Map::with_capacity(obj.0.len());
for (key, value) in obj.0 {
map.insert(key.to_owned(), into_json(value, simplify));
enum CoordinatesType {
struct Coordinates {
#[serde(rename = "type")]
typ: CoordinatesType,
coordinates: JsonValue,
struct GeometryCollection;
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
impl Serialize for GeometryCollection {
fn serialize<S>(&self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: serde::Serializer,
struct Geometries {
#[serde(rename = "type")]
typ: GeometryCollection,
geometries: Vec<JsonValue>,
struct Geometry(JsonValue);
impl From<sql::Geometry> for Geometry {
fn from(geo: sql::Geometry) -> Self {
Self(match geo {
sql::Geometry::Point(v) => json!(Coordinates {
typ: CoordinatesType::Point,
coordinates: vec![json!(v.x()), json!(v.y())].into(),
sql::Geometry::Line(v) => json!(Coordinates {
typ: CoordinatesType::LineString,
coordinates: v
.map(|p| vec![json!(p.x()), json!(p.y())].into())
sql::Geometry::Polygon(v) => json!(Coordinates {
typ: CoordinatesType::Polygon,
coordinates: vec![v
.map(|p| vec![json!(p.x()), json!(p.y())].into())
.map(|i| {
.map(|p| vec![json!(p.x()), json!(p.y())].into())
sql::Geometry::MultiPoint(v) => json!(Coordinates {
typ: CoordinatesType::MultiPoint,
coordinates: v
.map(|v| vec![json!(v.x()), json!(v.y())].into())
sql::Geometry::MultiLine(v) => json!(Coordinates {
typ: CoordinatesType::MultiLineString,
coordinates: v
.map(|v| {
.map(|v| vec![json!(v.x()), json!(v.y())].into())
sql::Geometry::MultiPolygon(v) => json!(Coordinates {
typ: CoordinatesType::MultiPolygon,
coordinates: v
.map(|v| {
.map(|p| vec![json!(p.x()), json!(p.y())].into())
.map(|i| {
.map(|p| vec![json!(p.x()), json!(p.y())].into())
sql::Geometry::Collection(v) => json!(Geometries {
typ: GeometryCollection,
geometries: v.into_iter().map(Geometry::from).map(|x| x.0).collect(),
enum Id {
impl From<(sql::Id, bool)> for Id {
fn from((id, simplify): (sql::Id, bool)) -> Self {
match id {
sql::Id::Number(n) => Id::Number(n),
sql::Id::String(s) => Id::String(s),
sql::Id::Array(arr) => Id::Array((arr, simplify).into()),
sql::Id::Object(obj) => Id::Object((obj, simplify).into()),
sql::Id::Generate(v) => match v {
Gen::Rand => Id::from((sql::Id::rand(), simplify)),
Gen::Ulid => Id::from((sql::Id::ulid(), simplify)),
Gen::Uuid => Id::from((sql::Id::uuid(), simplify)),
struct Thing {
tb: String,
id: Id,
impl From<(sql::Thing, bool)> for Thing {
fn from((thing, simplify): (sql::Thing, bool)) -> Self {
Self {
tb: thing.tb,
id: (, simplify).into(),
match value {
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
// These value types are simple values which
// can be used in query responses sent to
// the client.
Value::None | Value::Null => JsonValue::Null,
2023-04-29 15:58:22 +00:00
Value::Bool(boolean) => boolean.into(),
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
Value::Number(number) => match number {
Number::Int(int) => int.into(),
Number::Float(float) => float.into(),
Number::Decimal(decimal) => json!(decimal),
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
Value::Strand(strand) => strand.0.into(),
Value::Duration(duration) => match simplify {
true => duration.to_raw().into(),
false => json!(duration.0),
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
Value::Datetime(datetime) => json!(datetime.0),
Value::Uuid(uuid) => json!(uuid.0),
Value::Array(array) => JsonValue::Array(Array::from((array, simplify)).0),
Value::Object(object) => JsonValue::Object(Object::from((object, simplify)).0),
Value::Geometry(geo) => match simplify {
true => Geometry::from(geo).0,
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
false => match geo {
sql::Geometry::Point(geo) => json!(geo),
sql::Geometry::Line(geo) => json!(geo),
sql::Geometry::Polygon(geo) => json!(geo),
sql::Geometry::MultiPoint(geo) => json!(geo),
sql::Geometry::MultiLine(geo) => json!(geo),
sql::Geometry::MultiPolygon(geo) => json!(geo),
sql::Geometry::Collection(geo) => json!(geo),
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
Value::Bytes(bytes) => json!(bytes.0),
Value::Thing(thing) => match simplify {
true => thing.to_string().into(),
false => json!(thing),
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
// These Value types are un-computed values
// and are not used in query responses sent
// to the client.
Value::Param(param) => json!(param),
Value::Idiom(idiom) => json!(idiom),
Value::Table(table) => json!(table),
Value::Model(model) => json!(model),
Value::Regex(regex) => json!(regex),
Value::Block(block) => json!(block),
Value::Range(range) => json!(range),
Value::Edges(edges) => json!(edges),
Value::Future(future) => json!(future),
Value::Constant(constant) => match simplify {
true => match constant.value() {
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
ConstantValue::Datetime(datetime) => json!(datetime.0),
ConstantValue::Float(float) => float.into(),
false => json!(constant),
Value::Cast(cast) => json!(cast),
Value::Function(function) => json!(function),
2023-08-18 22:51:56 +00:00
Value::Query(query) => json!(query),
Value::Subquery(subquery) => json!(subquery),
Value::Expression(expression) => json!(expression),
/// Deserializes a value `T` from `SurrealDB` [`Value`]
pub(crate) fn from_value<T>(value: Value) -> Result<T, Error>
T: DeserializeOwned,
2023-04-29 15:58:22 +00:00
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
serde_json::from_value(json).map_err(|error| Error::FromValue {
error: error.to_string(),
2023-07-14 23:01:02 +00:00
mod tests {
mod into_json {
use crate::opt::from_value;
use crate::opt::into_json;
use crate::sql;
use crate::sql::Value;
use chrono::DateTime;
use chrono::Utc;
use geo::line_string;
use geo::point;
use geo::polygon;
use geo::LineString;
use geo::MultiLineString;
use geo::MultiPoint;
use geo::MultiPolygon;
use geo::Point;
use geo::Polygon;
use rust_decimal::Decimal;
use serde_json::json;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::time::Duration;
use uuid::Uuid;
fn none_or_null() {
for value in [Value::None, Value::Null] {
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(null));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(null));
let response: Option<String> = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, None);
fn bool() {
for boolean in [true, false] {
let value = Value::Bool(boolean);
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(boolean));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(boolean));
let response: bool = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, boolean);
fn number_int() {
for num in [i64::MIN, 0, i64::MAX] {
let value = Value::Number(sql::Number::Int(num));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(num));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(num));
let response: i64 = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, num);
fn number_float() {
for num in [f64::NEG_INFINITY, f64::MIN, 0.0, f64::MAX, f64::INFINITY, f64::NAN] {
let value = Value::Number(sql::Number::Float(num));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(num));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(num));
if num.is_finite() {
let response: f64 = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, num);
} else {
let response: Option<f64> = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, None);
fn number_decimal() {
for num in [i64::MIN, 0, i64::MAX] {
let num = Decimal::new(num, 0);
let value = Value::Number(sql::Number::Decimal(num));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(num.to_string()));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(num));
let response: Decimal = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, num);
fn strand() {
for str in ["", "foo"] {
let value = Value::Strand(str.into());
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(str));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(str));
let response: String = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, str);
fn duration() {
for duration in [Duration::ZERO, Duration::MAX] {
let value = Value::Duration(duration.into());
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(sql::Duration(duration).to_raw()));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(duration));
let response: Duration = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, duration);
fn datetime() {
for datetime in [DateTime::<Utc>::MIN_UTC, DateTime::<Utc>::MAX_UTC] {
let value = Value::Datetime(datetime.into());
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(datetime));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(datetime));
let response: DateTime<Utc> = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, datetime);
fn uuid() {
for uuid in [Uuid::nil(), Uuid::max()] {
let value = Value::Uuid(uuid.into());
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(uuid));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(uuid));
let response: Uuid = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, uuid);
fn array() {
for vec in [vec![], vec![true, false]] {
let value =
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(vec));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(vec));
let response: Vec<bool> = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, vec);
fn object() {
for map in [BTreeMap::new(), map!("done".to_owned() => true)] {
let value = Value::Object(sql::Object(
map.iter().map(|(key, value)| (key.clone(), Value::from(*value))).collect(),
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(map));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(map));
let response: BTreeMap<String, bool> = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, map);
fn geometry_point() {
let point = point! { x: 10., y: 20. };
let value = Value::Geometry(sql::Geometry::Point(point));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!({ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [10., 20.]}));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(point));
let response: Point = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, point);
fn geometry_line() {
let line_string = line_string![
( x: 0., y: 0. ),
( x: 10., y: 0. ),
let value = Value::Geometry(sql::Geometry::Line(line_string.clone()));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
json!({ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [[0., 0.], [10., 0.]]})
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(line_string));
let response: LineString = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, line_string);
fn geometry_polygon() {
let polygon = polygon![
(x: -111., y: 45.),
(x: -111., y: 41.),
(x: -104., y: 41.),
(x: -104., y: 45.),
let value = Value::Geometry(sql::Geometry::Polygon(polygon.clone()));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
json!({ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[
[-111., 45.],
[-111., 41.],
[-104., 41.],
[-104., 45.],
[-111., 45.],
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(polygon));
let response: Polygon = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, polygon);
fn geometry_multi_point() {
let multi_point: MultiPoint =
vec![point! { x: 0., y: 0. }, point! { x: 1., y: 2. }].into();
let value = Value::Geometry(sql::Geometry::MultiPoint(multi_point.clone()));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
json!({ "type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": [[0., 0.], [1., 2.]]})
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(multi_point));
let response: MultiPoint = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, multi_point);
fn geometry_multi_line() {
let multi_line = MultiLineString::new(vec![line_string![
( x: 0., y: 0. ),
( x: 1., y: 2. ),
let value = Value::Geometry(sql::Geometry::MultiLine(multi_line.clone()));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
json!({ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [[[0., 0.], [1., 2.]]]})
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(multi_line));
let response: MultiLineString = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, multi_line);
fn geometry_multi_polygon() {
let multi_polygon: MultiPolygon = vec![polygon![
(x: -111., y: 45.),
(x: -111., y: 41.),
(x: -104., y: 41.),
(x: -104., y: 45.),
let value = Value::Geometry(sql::Geometry::MultiPolygon(multi_polygon.clone()));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
json!({ "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[
[-111., 45.],
[-111., 41.],
[-104., 41.],
[-104., 45.],
[-111., 45.],
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(multi_polygon));
let response: MultiPolygon = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, multi_polygon);
fn geometry_collection() {
for geometries in [vec![], vec![sql::Geometry::Point(point! { x: 10., y: 20. })]] {
let value = Value::Geometry(geometries.clone().into());
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": geometries.clone().into_iter().map(|geo| into_json(Value::from(geo), true)).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(geometries));
let response: Vec<sql::Geometry> = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, geometries);
fn bytes() {
for bytes in [vec![], b"foo".to_vec()] {
let value = Value::Bytes(sql::Bytes(bytes.clone()));
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(bytes));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(bytes));
let response: Vec<u8> = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, bytes);
fn thing() {
let record_id = "foo:bar";
let thing = sql::thing(record_id).unwrap();
let value = Value::Thing(thing.clone());
let simple_json = into_json(value.clone(), true);
assert_eq!(simple_json, json!(record_id));
let json = into_json(value.clone(), false);
assert_eq!(json, json!(thing));
let response: sql::Thing = from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, thing);