2021-03-29 15:43:37 +00:00
use crate::ctx::canceller::Canceller;
use crate::ctx::reason::Reason;
use std::any::Any;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
pub struct Context {
// An optional parent context.
parent: Option<Arc<Context>>,
// An optional deadline.
deadline: Option<Instant>,
// Wether or not this context is cancelled.
cancelled: Arc<AtomicBool>,
// A collection of read only values stored in this context.
2022-01-13 06:58:08 +00:00
values: Option<HashMap<String, Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>>,
impl Default for Context {
fn default() -> Self {
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impl Context {
// Create an empty background context.
pub fn background() -> Context {
Context {
values: None,
parent: None,
deadline: None,
cancelled: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
// Create a new child from a frozen context.
pub fn new(parent: &Arc<Context>) -> Context {
Context {
values: None,
parent: Some(Arc::clone(parent)),
deadline: parent.deadline,
cancelled: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
// Freeze the context so it can be used to create child contexts. The
// parent context can no longer be modified once it has been frozen.
pub fn freeze(mut self) -> Arc<Context> {
if let Some(ref mut values) = self.values {
// Add cancelation to the context. The value that is returned will cancel
// the context and it's children once called.
pub fn add_cancel(&mut self) -> Canceller {
let cancelled = self.cancelled.clone();
// Add a deadline to the context. If the current deadline is sooner than
// the provided deadline, this method does nothing.
pub fn add_deadline(&mut self, deadline: Instant) {
match self.deadline {
Some(current) if current < deadline => (),
_ => self.deadline = Some(deadline),
// Add a timeout to the context. If the current timeout is sooner than
// the provided timeout, this method does nothing.
pub fn add_timeout(&mut self, timeout: Duration) {
self.add_deadline(Instant::now() + timeout)
// Add a value to the context. It overwrites any previously set values
// with the same key.
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pub fn add_value<V>(&mut self, key: String, value: V)
2021-03-29 15:43:37 +00:00
V: Any + Send + Sync + Sized,
if let Some(ref mut values) = self.values {
values.insert(key, Box::new(value));
} else {
self.values = Some(HashMap::new());
self.add_value(key, value);
// Get the deadline for this operation, if any. This is useful for
// checking if a long job should be started or not.
pub fn deadline(&self) -> Option<Instant> {
// Check if the context is done. If it returns `None` the operation may
// proceed, otherwise the operation should be stopped.
pub fn done(&self) -> Option<Reason> {
match self.deadline {
Some(deadline) if deadline <= Instant::now() => Some(Reason::Timedout),
// TODO: see if we can relax the ordering.
_ if self.cancelled.load(Ordering::SeqCst) => Some(Reason::Canceled),
_ => match self.parent {
Some(ref parent_ctx) => parent_ctx.done(),
_ => None,
// Check if the context is ok to continue.
pub fn is_ok(&self) -> bool {
// Check if the context is not ok to continue.
pub fn is_err(&self) -> bool {
// Check if the context is not ok to continue.
pub fn is_done(&self) -> bool {
// Check if the context is not ok to continue, because it timed out.
pub fn is_timedout(&self) -> bool {
match self.done() {
Some(Reason::Timedout) => true,
_ => false,
// Check if the context is not ok to continue, because it was cancelled.
pub fn is_cancelled(&self) -> bool {
match self.done() {
Some(Reason::Canceled) => true,
_ => false,
// Check if the status of the context. This will return a Result, with an Ok
// if the operation may proceed, and an Error if it should be stopped.
pub fn check(&self) -> Result<(), Reason> {
match self.done() {
Some(reason) => Err(reason),
None => Ok(()),
// Get a value from the context. If no value is stored under the
// provided key, then this will return None.
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pub fn value<V>(&self, key: String) -> Option<&V>
2021-03-29 15:43:37 +00:00
V: Any + Send + Sync + Sized,
if let Some(ref values) = self.values {
if let Some(value) = values.get(&key) {
let value: &dyn Any = &**value;
return value.downcast_ref::<V>();
match self.parent {
Some(ref parent) => parent.value(key),
_ => None,
impl fmt::Debug for Context {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("parent", &self.parent)
.field("deadline", &self.deadline)
.field("cancelled", &self.cancelled)
.field("values", &self.values.as_ref().map(|_| "values"))