"join":`A comma-separated list of addresses to use when a new node is joining an existing cluster. For the first node in a cluster, --join should NOT be specified.`,
"key":`Encryption key to use for intra-cluster communications, and on-disk encryption. For AES-128 encryption use a 16 bit key, for AES-192 encryption use a 24 bit key, and for AES-256 encryption use a 32 bit key.`,
"name":`The name of this node, used for logs and statistics. When not specified this will default to the hostname of the machine.`,
"port-tcp":`The port on which to serve the tcp server. (Default 33693)`,
"port-web":`The port on which to serve the web server. (Default 8000)`,
"tags":`An ordered, comma-separated list of node attributes. Tags are arbitrary strings specifying topography or machine capabilities. Topography might include datacenter designation (e.g. "us-west-1a", "us-west-1b", "us-east-1c"). Machine capabilities might include specialized hardware or number of cores (e.g. "gpu", "x16c"). The relative geographic proximity of two nodes is inferred from the common prefix of the attributes list, so topographic attributes should be specified first and in the same order for all nodes.`,