Improve json transformation utility package

This commit is contained in:
Tobie Morgan Hitchcock 2016-09-06 12:39:33 +01:00
parent fecc1c94b8
commit b5a15a85ae
3 changed files with 1349 additions and 397 deletions

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@ -16,53 +16,19 @@ package data
import (
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var (
// ErrOutOfBounds - Index out of bounds.
ErrOutOfBounds = errors.New("out of bounds")
// ErrNotObj - The target is not an object type.
ErrNotObj = errors.New("not an object")
// ErrNotArray - The target is not an array type.
ErrNotArray = errors.New("not an array")
// ErrNotUnique - The target is not an array type.
ErrNotUnique = errors.New("not a unique array item")
// ErrPathCollision - Creating a path failed because an element collided with an existing value.
ErrPathCollision = errors.New("encountered value collision whilst building path")
// ErrInvalidInputObj - The input value was not a map[string]interface{}.
ErrInvalidInputObj = errors.New("invalid input object")
// ErrInvalidInputText - The input data could not be parsed.
ErrInvalidInputText = errors.New("input text could not be parsed")
// ErrInvalidPath - The filepath was not valid.
ErrInvalidPath = errors.New("invalid file path")
// ErrInvalidBuffer - The input buffer contained an invalid JSON string
ErrInvalidBuffer = errors.New("input buffer contained invalid JSON")
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Doc holds a reference to the core data object, or a selected path.
type Doc struct {
data interface{}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// New creates a new data object.
func New() *Doc {
return &Doc{map[string]interface{}{}}
@ -73,107 +39,34 @@ func Consume(input interface{}) *Doc {
return &Doc{input}
// NewFromJSON converts a JSON byte slice into a data object.
func NewFromJSON(input []byte) *Doc {
doc := New()
var opt codec.JsonHandle
opt.MapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}(nil))
codec.NewDecoderBytes(input, &opt).Decode(
return doc
// NewFromCBOR converts a CBOR byte slice into a data object.
func NewFromCBOR(input []byte) *Doc {
doc := New()
var opt codec.CborHandle
opt.MapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}(nil))
opt.SetInterfaceExt(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}), 1, extTime{})
codec.NewDecoderBytes(input, &opt).Decode(
return doc
// NewFromPACK converts a MsgPack byte slice into a data object.
func NewFromPACK(input []byte) *Doc {
doc := New()
var opt codec.MsgpackHandle
opt.WriteExt = true
opt.RawToString = true
opt.MapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}(nil))
opt.SetBytesExt(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}), 1, extTime{})
codec.NewDecoderBytes(input, &opt).Decode(
return doc
// Data returns the internal data object as an interface.
func (d *Doc) Data() interface{} {
// Reset resets and empties the internal data object.
func (d *Doc) Reset() { = nil
// Data returns the internal data object as an interface.
func (d *Doc) Copy() (i interface{}) {
return pack.Copy(
// ToJSON converts the data object to a JSON byte slice.
func (d *Doc) ToJSON() (data []byte) {
var opt codec.JsonHandle
opt.Canonical = true
opt.AsSymbols = codec.AsSymbolDefault
codec.NewEncoderBytes(&data, &opt).Encode(
// JSON converts the data object to a JSON byte slice.
func (d *Doc) JSON() (data []byte) {
return pack.ToJSON(
// Encode encodes the data object to a byte slice.
func (d *Doc) Encode() (dst []byte) {
dst = pack.ToPACK(
// ToCBOR converts the data object to a CBOR byte slice.
func (d *Doc) ToCBOR() (data []byte) {
var opt codec.CborHandle
opt.Canonical = true
opt.AsSymbols = codec.AsSymbolDefault
opt.SetInterfaceExt(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}), 1, extTime{})
codec.NewEncoderBytes(&data, &opt).Encode(
// Decode decodes the byte slice into a data object.
func (d *Doc) Decode(src []byte) *Doc {
return d
// ToPACK converts the data object to a MsgPack byte slice.
func (d *Doc) ToPACK() (data []byte) {
var opt codec.MsgpackHandle
opt.WriteExt = true
opt.Canonical = true
opt.AsSymbols = codec.AsSymbolDefault
opt.SetBytesExt(reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}), 1, extTime{})
codec.NewEncoderBytes(&data, &opt).Encode(
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// d.path("this", "is", "a.string", "and.something", "else")
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (d *Doc) path(path ...string) (paths []string) {
for _, p := range path {
@ -182,115 +75,233 @@ func (d *Doc) path(path ...string) (paths []string) {
// Search - Attempt to find and return an object within the JSON structure by specifying the hierarchy
// of field names to locate the target. If the search encounters an array and has not reached the end
// target then it will iterate each object of the array for the target and return all of the results in
// a JSON array.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exists - Checks whether a path exists.
func (d *Doc) Exists(path ...string) bool {
path = d.path(path...)
var object interface{}
object =
for target := 0; target < len(path); target++ {
if mmap, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
object, ok = mmap[path[target]]
if !ok {
return false
} else {
return false
return true
// Reset empties and resets the data at the specified path.
func (d *Doc) Reset(path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
return d.Set(nil, path...)
// Index - Attempt to find and return an object with a JSON array by specifying the index of the
// target.
func (d *Doc) Index(index int) *Doc {
if array, ok := d.Data().([]interface{}); ok {
if index >= len(array) {
return &Doc{nil}
return &Doc{array[index]}
return &Doc{nil}
// Array sets the specified path to an array.
func (d *Doc) Array(path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
return d.Set([]interface{}{}, path...)
// Children - Return a slice of all the children of the array. This also works for objects, however,
// the children returned for an object will NOT be in order and you lose the names of the returned
// objects this way.
func (d *Doc) Children() ([]*Doc, error) {
if array, ok := d.Data().([]interface{}); ok {
children := make([]*Doc, len(array))
for i := 0; i < len(array); i++ {
children[i] = &Doc{array[i]}
return children, nil
return nil, ErrNotArray
// Object sets the specified path to an object.
func (d *Doc) Object(path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
return d.Set(map[string]interface{}{}, path...)
// ChildrenMap - Return a map of all the children of an object.
func (d *Doc) ChildrenMap() (map[string]*Doc, error) {
if mmap, ok := d.Data().(map[string]interface{}); ok {
children := map[string]*Doc{}
for name, obj := range mmap {
children[name] = &Doc{obj}
return children, nil
return nil, ErrNotObj
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search - Attempt to find and return an object within the JSON structure by specifying the hierarchy
// of field names to locate the target. If the search encounters an array and has not reached the end
// target then it will iterate each object of the array for the target and return all of the results in
// a JSON array.
func (d *Doc) Get(path ...string) *Doc {
path = d.path(path...)
var object interface{}
object =
for target := 0; target < len(path); target++ {
if mmap, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
object = mmap[path[target]]
} else if marray, ok := object.([]interface{}); ok {
tmpArray := []interface{}{}
for _, val := range marray {
tmp := &Doc{val}
res := tmp.Get(path[target:]...).Data()
if res != nil {
tmpArray = append(tmpArray, res)
if len(tmpArray) == 0 {
return &Doc{nil}
return &Doc{tmpArray}
} else {
return &Doc{nil}
return &Doc{object}
// Set the value at the specified path if it does not exist.
// New sets the value at the specified path if it does not exist.
func (d *Doc) New(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
if !d.Exists(path...) {
return d.Set(value, path...)
return nil, nil
return d.Get(path...), nil
// Set the value at the specified path.
// Iff sets the value at the specified path if it is not nil, or deleted it.
func (d *Doc) Iff(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
if value != nil {
return d.Set(value, path...)
return &Doc{nil}, d.Del(path...)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exists checks whether the specified path exists.
func (d *Doc) Exists(path ...string) bool {
path = d.path(path...)
// If the value found at the current
// path part is undefined, then just
// return false immediately
if == nil {
return false
// Define the temporary object so
// that we can loop over and traverse
// down the path parts of the data
object :=
// Loop over each part of the path
// whilst detecting if the data at
// the current path is an {} or []
for k, p := range path {
// If the value found at the current
// path part is an object, then move
// to the next part of the path
if m, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if object, ok = m[p]; !ok {
return false
// If the value found at the current
// path part is an array, then perform
// the query on the specified items
if a, ok := object.([]interface{}); ok {
var i int
var e error
if p == "*" {
e = errors.New("")
} else if p == "first" {
i = 0
} else if p == "last" {
i = len(a) - 1
} else {
i, e = strconv.Atoi(p)
// If the path part is a numeric index
// then run the query on the specified
// index of the current data array
if e == nil {
if 0 == len(a) || i >= len(a) {
return false
return Consume(a[i]).Exists(path[k+1:]...)
// If the path part is an asterisk
// then run the query on all of the
// items in the current data array
if p == "*" {
for _, v := range a {
if Consume(v).Exists(path[k+1:]...) {
return true
return false
return true
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get gets the value or values at a specified path.
func (d *Doc) Get(path ...string) *Doc {
path = d.path(path...)
// If the value found at the current
// path part is undefined, then just
// return false immediately
if == nil {
return &Doc{nil}
// Define the temporary object so
// that we can loop over and traverse
// down the path parts of the data
object :=
// Loop over each part of the path
// whilst detecting if the data at
// the current path is an {} or []
for k, p := range path {
// If the value found at the current
// path part is an object, then move
// to the next part of the path
if m, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
object = m[p]
// If the value found at the current
// path part is an array, then perform
// the query on the specified items
if a, ok := object.([]interface{}); ok {
var i int
var e error
if p == "*" {
e = errors.New("")
} else if p == "first" {
i = 0
} else if p == "last" {
i = len(a) - 1
} else if p == "length" {
return &Doc{len(a)}
} else {
i, e = strconv.Atoi(p)
// If the path part is a numeric index
// then run the query on the specified
// index of the current data array
if e == nil {
if 0 == len(a) || i >= len(a) {
return &Doc{nil}
return Consume(a[i]).Get(path[k+1:]...)
// If the path part is an asterisk
// then run the query on all of the
// items in the current data array
if p == "*" {
out := []interface{}{}
for _, v := range a {
res := Consume(v).Get(path[k+1:]...)
if != nil {
out = append(out,
return &Doc{out}
return &Doc{nil}
return &Doc{object}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set sets the value or values at a specified path.
func (d *Doc) Set(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
path = d.path(path...)
@ -299,158 +310,372 @@ func (d *Doc) Set(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Doc, error) { = value
return d, nil
var object interface{}
// If the value found at the current
// path part is undefined, then ensure
// that it is an object
if == nil { = map[string]interface{}{}
object =
for target := 0; target < len(path); target++ {
if mmap, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if target == len(path)-1 {
mmap[path[target]] = value
} else if mmap[path[target]] == nil {
mmap[path[target]] = map[string]interface{}{}
// Define the temporary object so
// that we can loop over and traverse
// down the path parts of the data
object :=
// Loop over each part of the path
// whilst detecting if the data at
// the current path is an {} or []
for k, p := range path {
// If the value found at the current
// path part is an object, then move
// to the next part of the path
if m, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if k == len(path)-1 {
m[p] = value
} else if m[p] == nil {
m[p] = map[string]interface{}{}
object = mmap[path[target]]
object = m[p]
// If the value found at the current
// path part is an array, then perform
// the query on the specified items
if a, ok := object.([]interface{}); ok {
var i int
var e error
if p == "*" {
e = errors.New("")
} else if p == "first" {
i = 0
} else if p == "last" {
i = len(a) - 1
} else {
return &Doc{nil}, ErrPathCollision
i, e = strconv.Atoi(p)
// If the path part is a numeric index
// then run the query on the specified
// index of the current data array
if e == nil {
if 0 == len(a) || i >= len(a) {
return &Doc{nil}, fmt.Errorf("No item with index %d in array, using path %s", i, path)
if k == len(path)-1 {
a[i] = value
object = a[i]
} else {
return Consume(a[i]).Set(value, path[k+1:]...)
// If the path part is an asterisk
// then run the query on all of the
// items in the current data array
if p == "*" {
out := []interface{}{}
for i, _ := range a {
if k == len(path)-1 {
a[i] = value
out = append(out, a[i])
} else {
res, _ := Consume(a[i]).Set(value, path[k+1:]...)
if != nil {
out = append(out,
return &Doc{out}, nil
return &Doc{object}, nil
// Del - Delete an element at a JSON path, an error is returned if the element does not exist.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Del deletes the value or values at a specified path.
func (d *Doc) Del(path ...string) error {
path = d.path(path...)
var object interface{}
// If the value found at the current
// path part is undefined, then return
// a not an object error
if == nil {
return ErrNotObj
return fmt.Errorf("Item is not an object")
object =
for target := 0; target < len(path); target++ {
if mmap, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if target == len(path)-1 {
delete(mmap, path[target])
} else if mmap[path[target]] == nil {
return ErrNotObj
// Define the temporary object so
// that we can loop over and traverse
// down the path parts of the data
object :=
// Loop over each part of the path
// whilst detecting if the data at
// the current path is an {} or []
for k, p := range path {
// If the value found at the current
// path part is an object, then move
// to the next part of the path
if m, ok := object.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
if k == len(path)-1 {
delete(m, p)
} else if m[p] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Item at path %s is not an object", path)
object = mmap[path[target]]
object = m[p]
// If the value found at the current
// path part is an array, then perform
// the query on the specified items
if a, ok := object.([]interface{}); ok {
var i int
var e error
if p == "*" {
e = errors.New("")
} else if p == "first" {
i = 0
} else if p == "last" {
i = len(a) - 1
} else {
return ErrNotObj
i, e = strconv.Atoi(p)
// If the path part is a numeric index
// then run the query on the specified
// index of the current data array
if e == nil {
if 0 == len(a) || i >= len(a) {
return fmt.Errorf("No item with index %d in array, using path %s", i, path)
if k == len(path)-1 {
copy(a[i:], a[i+1:])
a[len(a)-1] = nil
a = a[:len(a)-1]
d.Set(a, path[:len(path)-1]...)
} else {
return Consume(a[i]).Del(path[k+1:]...)
// If the path part is an asterisk
// then run the query on all of the
// items in the current data array
if p == "*" {
for i := len(a) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if k == len(path)-1 {
copy(a[i:], a[i+1:])
a[len(a)-1] = nil
a = a[:len(a)-1]
d.Set(a, path[:len(path)-1]...)
} else {
return nil
// SetIndex - Set a value of an array element based on the index.
func (d *Doc) SetIndex(value interface{}, index int) (*Doc, error) {
if array, ok := d.Data().([]interface{}); ok {
if index >= len(array) {
return &Doc{nil}, ErrOutOfBounds
array[index] = value
return &Doc{array[index]}, nil
return &Doc{nil}, ErrNotArray
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Array - Create a new JSON array at a path. Returns an error if the path contains a collision with
// a non object type.
func (d *Doc) Array(path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
return d.Set([]interface{}{}, path...)
// ArrayDel appends an item or an array of items to an array at the specified path.
func (d *Doc) ArrayAdd(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
// Object - Create a new JSON object at a path. Returns an error if the path contains a collision with
// a non object type.
func (d *Doc) Object(path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
return d.Set(map[string]interface{}{}, path...)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ArrayAdd - Append a unique value onto a JSON array.
func (d *Doc) ArrayAdd(value interface{}, path ...string) error {
array, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{})
a, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{})
if !ok {
return ErrNotArray
return &Doc{nil}, fmt.Errorf("Not an array")
for _, item := range array {
if reflect.DeepEqual(item, value) {
return ErrNotUnique
array = append(array, value)
_, err := d.Set(array, path...)
return err
// ArrayDel - Append a unique value onto a JSON array.
func (d *Doc) ArrayDel(value interface{}, path ...string) error {
array, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{})
if !ok {
return ErrNotArray
for i, item := range array {
if reflect.DeepEqual(item, value) {
array = append(array[:i], array[i+1:]...)
if values, ok := value.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, value := range values {
for _, v := range a {
if reflect.DeepEqual(v, value) {
continue outer
_, err := d.Set(array, path...)
return err
// ArrayAppend - Append a value onto a JSON array.
func (d *Doc) ArrayAppend(value interface{}, path ...string) error {
array, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{})
if !ok {
return ErrNotArray
a = append(a, value)
array = append(array, value)
_, err := d.Set(array, path...)
return err
// ArrayRemove - Remove an element from a JSON array.
func (d *Doc) ArrayRemove(index int, path ...string) error {
if index < 0 {
return ErrOutOfBounds
array, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{})
if !ok {
return ErrNotArray
if index < len(array) {
array = append(array[:index], array[index+1:]...)
} else {
return ErrOutOfBounds
for _, v := range a {
if reflect.DeepEqual(v, value) {
return nil, nil
_, err := d.Set(array, path...)
return err
a = append(a, value)
return d.Set(a, path...)
// ArrayElement - Access an element from a JSON array.
func (d *Doc) ArrayElement(index int, path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
if index < 0 {
return &Doc{nil}, ErrOutOfBounds
array, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{})
// ArrayDel deletes an item or an array of items from an array at the specified path.
func (d *Doc) ArrayDel(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
a, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{})
if !ok {
return &Doc{nil}, ErrNotArray
return &Doc{nil}, fmt.Errorf("Not an array")
if index < len(array) {
return &Doc{array[index]}, nil
if values, ok := value.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, value := range values {
for i := len(a) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := a[i]
if reflect.DeepEqual(v, value) {
copy(a[i:], a[i+1:])
a[len(a)-1] = nil
a = a[:len(a)-1]
return &Doc{nil}, ErrOutOfBounds
} else {
for i := len(a) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := a[i]
if reflect.DeepEqual(v, value) {
copy(a[i:], a[i+1:])
a[len(a)-1] = nil
a = a[:len(a)-1]
return d.Set(a, path...)
// ArrayCount - Count the number of elements in a JSON array.
func (d *Doc) ArrayCount(path ...string) (int, error) {
if array, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{}); ok {
return len(array), nil
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contains checks whether the value exists within the array at the specified path.
func (d *Doc) Contains(value interface{}, path ...string) bool {
a, ok := d.Get(path...).Data().([]interface{})
if !ok {
return false
return 0, ErrNotArray
for _, v := range a {
if reflect.DeepEqual(v, value) {
return true
return false
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inc increments an item, or appends an item to an array at the specified path.
func (d *Doc) Inc(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
switch cur := d.Get(path...).Data().(type) {
case nil:
switch inc := value.(type) {
case int64:
return d.Set(0+inc, path...)
case float64:
return d.Set(0+inc, path...)
case int64:
switch inc := value.(type) {
case int64:
return d.Set(cur+inc, path...)
case float64:
return d.Set(float64(cur)+inc, path...)
case float64:
switch inc := value.(type) {
case int64:
return d.Set(cur+float64(inc), path...)
case float64:
return d.Set(cur+inc, path...)
case []interface{}:
return d.ArrayAdd(value, path...)
return &Doc{nil}, fmt.Errorf("Not possible to increment.")
// Dec decrements an item, or removes an item from an array at the specified path.
func (d *Doc) Dec(value interface{}, path ...string) (*Doc, error) {
switch cur := d.Get(path...).Data().(type) {
case nil:
switch inc := value.(type) {
case int64:
return d.Set(0-inc, path...)
case float64:
return d.Set(0-inc, path...)
case int64:
switch inc := value.(type) {
case int64:
return d.Set(cur-inc, path...)
case float64:
return d.Set(float64(cur)-inc, path...)
case float64:
switch inc := value.(type) {
case int64:
return d.Set(cur-float64(inc), path...)
case float64:
return d.Set(cur-inc, path...)
case []interface{}:
return d.ArrayDel(value, path...)
return &Doc{nil}, fmt.Errorf("Not possible to decrement.")

util/data/data_test.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
// Copyright © 2016 Abcum Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package data
import (
. ""
func TestConversion(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Can encode and decode", t, func() {
doc := Consume(map[string]interface{}{
"bool": true,
"time": time.Now().UTC(),
enc := doc.Encode()
dec := doc.Decode(enc)
So(doc, ShouldResemble, dec)
So(doc.JSON(), ShouldResemble, dec.JSON())
func TestOperations(t *testing.T) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ability to set and del nil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get nil", t, func() {
doc := Consume(nil)
So(doc, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Exists("nil"), ShouldBeFalse)
So(doc.Get("nil").Data(), ShouldEqual, nil)
Convey("Can set nil", t, func() {
doc := Consume(nil)
set, err := doc.Set("OK", "nil")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, "OK")
So(doc.Get("nil").Data(), ShouldEqual, "OK")
Convey("Can't del nil", t, func() {
doc := Consume(nil)
err := doc.Del("nil")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ability to attempt new()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can attempt to use New()", t, func() {
doc := New()
one, err := doc.New("OK", "item")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(one.Data(), ShouldEqual, "OK")
So(doc.Exists("item"), ShouldBeTrue)
So(doc.Get("item").Data(), ShouldEqual, "OK")
two, err := doc.New("NOT OK", "item")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(two.Data(), ShouldEqual, "OK")
So(doc.Exists("item"), ShouldBeTrue)
So(doc.Get("item").Data(), ShouldEqual, "OK")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ability to attempt iff()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can attempt to use Iff()", t, func() {
doc := New()
one, err := doc.Iff("OK", "item")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(one.Data(), ShouldEqual, "OK")
So(doc.Exists("item"), ShouldBeTrue)
So(doc.Get("item").Data(), ShouldEqual, "OK")
two, err := doc.Iff(nil, "item")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(two.Data(), ShouldEqual, nil)
So(doc.Exists("item"), ShouldBeFalse)
So(doc.Get("item").Data(), ShouldEqual, nil)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ability to set and get array
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can set base array", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Array("array")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("array").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ability to set and get object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can set base object", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Object("object")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("object").Data(), ShouldResemble, map[string]interface{}{})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ability to set and get basic types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can set and get basic number", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Set(1, "number")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("number").Data(), ShouldResemble, 1)
Convey("Can set and get basic string", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Set("a", "string")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("string").Data(), ShouldResemble, "a")
Convey("Can set and get basic array", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Set([]interface{}{1, 2, 3}, "array")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("array").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{1, 2, 3})
Convey("Can set and get basic object", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Set(map[string]interface{}{"test": true}, "object")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("object").Data(), ShouldResemble, map[string]interface{}{"test": true})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ability to set and get basic embedded types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can set and get basic embedded number", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Set(1, "sub.number")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("sub.number").Data(), ShouldResemble, 1)
Convey("Can set and get basic embedded string", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Set("a", "sub.string")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("sub.string").Data(), ShouldResemble, "a")
Convey("Can set and get basic embedded array", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Set([]interface{}{1, 2, 3}, "sub.array")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("sub.array").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{1, 2, 3})
Convey("Can set and get basic embedded object", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Set(map[string]interface{}{"test": true}, "sub.object")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("sub.object").Data(), ShouldResemble, map[string]interface{}{"test": true})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ability to inc and dec basic types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can inc basic number", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Inc(int64(100), "number")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("number").Data(), ShouldResemble, int64(100))
Convey("Can dec basic number", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Dec(int64(100), "number")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("number").Data(), ShouldResemble, int64(-100))
Convey("Can inc basic double", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Inc(float64(100), "double")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("double").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(100))
Convey("Can dec basic double", t, func() {
doc := New()
obj, err := doc.Dec(float64(100), "double")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("double").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(-100))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
doc := New()
obj := map[string]interface{}{
"bool": true,
"number": 10,
"string": "s",
"tags": []interface{}{
"object": map[string]interface{}{
"enabled": false,
"arrays": []interface{}{
"id": 1,
"one": "one",
"selected": map[string]interface{}{
"city": "London",
"addresses": []interface{}{
"city": "London",
"city": "New York",
"id": 2,
"two": "two",
"selected": map[string]interface{}{
"city": "Tonbridge",
"addresses": []interface{}{
"city": "Paris",
"city": "Tonbridge",
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can't del undefined", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Can set object", t, func() {
def, err := doc.Set(obj, "the.item")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(def, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Does unset item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists("the.none"), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Does item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists("the.item"), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Does array item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists(""), ShouldBeTrue)
So(doc.Exists(""), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Does array item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists(""), ShouldBeTrue)
So(doc.Exists(""), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Does out of bounds array item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists(""), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Does unset array item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists("the.item.arrays.0.none"), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Does incorrectly embedded array item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists(""), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Does incorrectly embedded object item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists("the.item.object.enabled.arggghh"), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Does multi array item exist", t, func() {
So(doc.Exists("the.item.arrays.*.id"), ShouldBeTrue)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get unset item", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.none").Data(), ShouldResemble, nil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.none.arggghh").Data(), ShouldResemble, nil)
Convey("Can set unset item", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("OK", "the.item.none")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, "OK")
So(doc.Get("the.item.none").Data(), ShouldResemble, "OK")
Convey("Can del unset item", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.none")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.none").Data(), ShouldResemble, nil)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get basic bool", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.bool").Data(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Can set basic bool", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set(false, "the.item.bool")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldBeFalse)
So(doc.Get("the.item.bool").Data(), ShouldBeFalse)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get basic number", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.number").Data(), ShouldResemble, 10)
Convey("Can set basic number", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set(20, "the.item.number")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, 20)
So(doc.Get("the.item.number").Data(), ShouldResemble, 20)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get basic string", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.string").Data(), ShouldResemble, "s")
Convey("Can set basic string", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("t", "the.item.string")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, "t")
So(doc.Get("the.item.string").Data(), ShouldResemble, "t")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can inc += 1", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Inc(int64(1), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, int64(1))
Convey("Can inc += 4", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Inc(int64(4), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, int64(5))
Convey("Can inc += 3.87659", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Inc(float64(3.87659), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(8.87659))
Convey("Can inc += 1.12341", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Inc(float64(1.12341), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(10))
Convey("Can inc += 5", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Inc(int64(5), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(15))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can reset tester", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Set(int64(15), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, int64(15))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can dec -= 5", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Dec(int64(5), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, int64(10))
Convey("Can dec -= 1.12341", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Dec(float64(1.12341), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(8.87659))
Convey("Can dec -= 3.87659", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Dec(float64(3.87659), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(5))
Convey("Can dec -= 4", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Dec(int64(4), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(1))
Convey("Can dec -= 1", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Dec(int64(1), "the.item.tester")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tester").Data(), ShouldResemble, float64(0))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can reset bool", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Set(true, "the.item.bool")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.bool").Data(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Can't inc non incable item", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Inc(int64(1), "the.item.bool")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.bool").Data(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Can't dec non decable item", t, func() {
obj, err := doc.Dec(int64(1), "the.item.bool")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(obj, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, &Doc{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.bool").Data(), ShouldBeTrue)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get array", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 1)
Convey("Can set array", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set([]interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm"}, "the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 4)
Convey("Can see if array contains valid", t, func() {
So(doc.Contains("Hot", "the.item.tags"), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Can see if array contains invalid", t, func() {
So(doc.Contains("Cold", "the.item.tags"), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Can add single to array", t, func() {
_, err := doc.Inc("Sunny", "the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm", "Sunny"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 5)
Convey("Can add duplicate to array", t, func() {
_, err := doc.Inc("Sunny", "the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm", "Sunny"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 5)
Convey("Can add multiple to array", t, func() {
_, err := doc.Inc([]interface{}{"Sunny", "Snowy", "Icy"}, "the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm", "Sunny", "Snowy", "Icy"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 7)
Convey("Can del single from array", t, func() {
_, err := doc.Dec("Sunny", "the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm", "Snowy", "Icy"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 6)
Convey("Can del multiple from array", t, func() {
_, err := doc.Dec([]interface{}{"Snowy", "Icy"}, "the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 4)
Convey("Can get array → *", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.*").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Sticky", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 4)
Convey("Can del array → 2", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.tags.2")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 3)
Convey("Can't del array → 5", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.tags.5")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Hot", "Humid", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 3)
Convey("Can set array → 0", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("Tepid", "the.item.tags.0")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, "Tepid")
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Tepid", "Humid", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 3)
Convey("Can't set array → 5", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("Other", "the.item.tags.5")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, nil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Tepid", "Humid", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 3)
Convey("Can set array → first", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("Test1", "the.item.tags.first")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, "Test1")
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Test1", "Humid", "Warm"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.0").Data(), ShouldResemble, doc.Get("the.item.tags.first").Data())
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 3)
Convey("Can set array → last", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("Test2", "the.item.tags.last")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, "Test2")
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Test1", "Humid", "Test2"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.2").Data(), ShouldResemble, doc.Get("the.item.tags.last").Data())
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 3)
Convey("Can del array → first", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.tags.first")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Humid", "Test2"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.0").Data(), ShouldResemble, doc.Get("the.item.tags.first").Data())
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 2)
Convey("Can del array → last", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.tags.last")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Humid"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.0").Data(), ShouldResemble, doc.Get("the.item.tags.last").Data())
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 1)
Convey("Can set array → *", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("Unknown", "the.item.tags.*")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Unknown"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"Unknown"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 1)
Convey("Can del array → *", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.tags.*")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{})
So(doc.Get("the.item.tags.length").Data(), ShouldResemble, 0)
Convey("Can del array", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Can't add to not array", t, func() {
_, err := doc.ArrayAdd("None", "the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Can't del from not array", t, func() {
_, err := doc.ArrayDel("None", "the.item.tags")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Can't see if array contains", t, func() {
So(doc.Contains("None", "the.item.tags"), ShouldBeFalse)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get object → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.object.enabled").Data(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Can set object → key", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set(true, "the.item.object.enabled")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(doc.Get("the.item.object.enabled").Data(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Can del object → key", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.object.enabled")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Exists("the.item.object.enabled"), ShouldBeFalse)
So(doc.Get("the.item.object.enabled").Data(), ShouldResemble, nil)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get array → * → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.id").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{1, 2})
Convey("Can set array → * → key", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("ID", "the.item.arrays.*.id")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"ID", "ID"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.id").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"ID", "ID"})
Convey("Can set array → 0 → key", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("ID1", "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, "ID1")
So(doc.Get("").Data(), ShouldResemble, "ID1")
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.id").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"ID1", "ID"})
Convey("Can set array → 1 → key", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("ID2", "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, "ID2")
So(doc.Get("").Data(), ShouldResemble, "ID2")
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.id").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"ID1", "ID2"})
Convey("Can del array → 0 → key", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("").Data(), ShouldResemble, nil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.id").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"ID2"})
Convey("Can del array → * → key", t, func() {
err := doc.Del("the.item.arrays.*.id")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(doc.Get("").Data(), ShouldResemble, nil)
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.id").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get object → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.one").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"one"})
Convey("Can get object → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.two").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"two"})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can get array → * → object → !", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.selected.none").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{})
Convey("Can set array → * → object → !", t, func() {
set, err := doc.Set("OK", "the.item.arrays.*.selected.none")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(set.Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"OK", "OK"})
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.selected.none").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"OK", "OK"})
Convey("Can get array → * → object → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"London", "Tonbridge"})
Convey("Can get array → 0 → arrays → 0 → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("").Data(), ShouldResemble, "London")
Convey("Can get array → * → arrays → 0 → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{"London", "Paris"})
Convey("Can get array → * → arrays → * → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("the.item.arrays.*.addresses.*.city").Data(), ShouldResemble, []interface{}{[]interface{}{"London", "New York"}, []interface{}{"Paris", "Tonbridge"}})
Convey("Can get array → ! → arrays → 0 → key", t, func() {
So(doc.Get("").Data(), ShouldResemble, nil)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can copy object", t, func() {
So(doc.Copy(), ShouldResemble, doc.Data())
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Convey("Can reset object", t, func() {
_, err := doc.Reset()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// Copyright © 2016 Abcum Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package data
import (
type extTime struct{}
func (x extTime) ReadExt(dst interface{}, src []byte) {
func (x extTime) WriteExt(src interface{}) (dst []byte) {
switch obj := src.(type) {
case time.Time:
dst, _ = obj.MarshalBinary()
case *time.Time:
dst, _ = obj.MarshalBinary()
func (x extTime) UpdateExt(dest interface{}, v interface{}) {
tt := dest.(*time.Time)
switch v2 := v.(type) {
case int64:
*tt = time.Unix(0, v2).UTC()
case uint64:
*tt = time.Unix(0, int64(v2)).UTC()
func (x extTime) ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{} {
switch v2 := v.(type) {
case time.Time:
return v2.UTC().UnixNano()
case *time.Time:
return v2.UTC().UnixNano()
return nil