Only begin a transaction if needed for authentication

This commit is contained in:
Tobie Morgan Hitchcock 2022-05-13 22:07:56 +01:00
parent 4740fa7bb1
commit f414198fad

View file

@ -147,18 +147,16 @@ async fn process(
async fn basic(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
// Get the config options
let opts = CF.get().unwrap();
// Retrieve just the auth data
if let Some((_, auth)) = auth.split_once(' ') {
// Get a database reference
let db = DB.get().unwrap();
let kvs = DB.get().unwrap();
// Get the config options
let opts = CF.get().unwrap();
// Decode the encoded auth data
let auth = base64::decode(auth)?;
// Convert the auth data to String
let auth = String::from_utf8(auth)?;
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = db.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Split the auth data into user and pass
if let Some((user, pass)) = auth.split_once(':') {
// Check that the details are not empty
@ -172,6 +170,8 @@ async fn basic(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
// Check if this is NS authentication
if let Some(ns) = &session.ns {
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = kvs.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Check if the supplied NS Login exists
if let Ok(nl) = tx.get_nl(ns, user).await {
// Compute the hash and verify the password
@ -204,9 +204,7 @@ async fn token(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
// Retrieve just the auth data
if let Some((_, auth)) = auth.split_once(' ') {
// Get a database reference
let db = DB.get().unwrap();
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = db.transaction(false, false).await?;
let kvs = DB.get().unwrap();
// Decode the token without verifying
let token = decode::<Claims>(auth, &KEY, &DUD)?;
// Check the token authentication claims
@ -221,6 +219,8 @@ async fn token(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
id: Some(id),
} => {
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = kvs.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Get the scope token
let de = tx.get_st(&ns, &db, &sc, &tk).await?;
let cf = config(de.kind, de.code)?;
@ -243,6 +243,8 @@ async fn token(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
id: Some(id),
} => {
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = kvs.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Get the scope
let de = tx.get_sc(&ns, &db, &sc).await?;
let cf = config(Algorithm::Hs512, de.code)?;
@ -263,6 +265,8 @@ async fn token(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
tk: Some(tk),
} => {
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = kvs.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Get the database token
let de = tx.get_dt(&ns, &db, &tk).await?;
let cf = config(de.kind, de.code)?;
@ -281,6 +285,8 @@ async fn token(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
id: Some(id),
} => {
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = kvs.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Get the database login
let de = tx.get_dl(&ns, &db, &id).await?;
let cf = config(Algorithm::Hs512, de.code)?;
@ -298,6 +304,8 @@ async fn token(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
tk: Some(tk),
} => {
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = kvs.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Get the namespace token
let de = tx.get_nt(&ns, &tk).await?;
let cf = config(de.kind, de.code)?;
@ -314,6 +322,8 @@ async fn token(auth: String, mut session: Session) -> Result<Session, Error> {
id: Some(id),
} => {
// Create a new readonly transaction
let mut tx = kvs.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Get the namespace login
let de = tx.get_nl(&ns, &id).await?;
let cf = config(Algorithm::Hs512, de.code)?;