Previously it was possible to CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE path expressions as this would satisfy an IDENT in the SQL parser.
Now however, there is a difference between an IDENT and an EXPR…
IDENT: person | person_main | person123
EXPR: person | person.path | person[0].path
As a result, path expressions are only possible when setting data or setting conditional conditions.
Previously, the number 0 was parsed as 0ns.
In addition, it is now not possible to have duration values defined as strings (inside “” or ‘’).
However, now values are explicitly marked as a duration only if they have a valid DURATION suffix. Anlything else is either a NUMBER of an IDENT.
Comments which were on the last line of an SQL query would cause the scanner to never reach the end of the reader stream, hangining indefinitely.
This fix ensures that the single line comment is ended when an EOF is reached.