// RUST_LOG=warn cargo make ci-cli-integration mod common; mod cli_integration { use assert_fs::prelude::{FileTouch, FileWriteStr, PathChild}; use common::Format; use common::Socket; use serde_json::json; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::time; use surrealdb::fflags::FFLAGS; use test_log::test; use tokio::time::sleep; use tracing::info; use ulid::Ulid; use super::common::{self, StartServerArguments, PASS, USER}; const ONE_SEC: time::Duration = time::Duration::new(1, 0); const TWO_SECS: time::Duration = time::Duration::new(2, 0); #[test] fn version_command() { assert!(common::run("version").output().is_ok()); } #[test] fn version_flag_short() { assert!(common::run("-V").output().is_ok()); } #[test] fn version_flag_long() { assert!(common::run("--version").output().is_ok()); } #[test] fn help_command() { assert!(common::run("help").output().is_ok()); } #[test] fn help_flag_short() { assert!(common::run("-h").output().is_ok()); } #[test] fn help_flag_long() { assert!(common::run("--help").output().is_ok()); } #[test] fn nonexistent_subcommand() { assert!(common::run("nonexistent").output().is_err()); } #[test] fn nonexistent_option() { assert!(common::run("version --turbo").output().is_err()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn all_commands() { // Commands without credentials when auth is disabled, should succeed let (addr, _server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { auth: false, args: "--allow-all".to_string(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let creds = ""; // Anonymous user let ns = Ulid::new(); let db = Ulid::new(); info!("* Create a record"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db} --multi --hide-welcome" ); assert_eq!( common::run(&args).input("CREATE thing:one;\n").output(), Ok("[[{ id: thing:one }]]\n\n".to_owned()), "failed to send sql: {args}" ); } info!("* Export to stdout"); { let args = format!("export --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db} -"); let output = common::run(&args).output().expect("failed to run stdout export: {args}"); assert!(output.contains("DEFINE TABLE thing SCHEMALESS PERMISSIONS NONE;")); assert!(output.contains("UPDATE thing:one CONTENT { id: thing:one };")); } info!("* Export to file"); let exported = { let exported = common::tmp_file("exported.surql"); let args = format!("export --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db} {exported}"); common::run(&args).output().expect("failed to run file export: {args}"); exported }; let db2 = Ulid::new(); info!("* Import the exported file"); { let args = format!("import --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db2} {exported}"); common::run(&args).output().expect("failed to run import: {args}"); } info!("* Query from the import (pretty-printed this time)"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db2} --pretty --hide-welcome" ); let output = common::run(&args).input("SELECT * FROM thing;\n").output().unwrap(); let (line1, rest) = output.split_once('\n').expect("response to have multiple lines"); assert!(line1.starts_with("-- Query 1")); assert!(line1.contains("execution time")); assert_eq!(rest, "[\n\t{\n\t\tid: thing:one\n\t}\n]\n\n", "failed to send sql: {args}"); } info!("* Unfinished backup CLI"); { let file = common::tmp_file("backup.db"); let args = format!("backup {creds} http://{addr} {file}"); common::run(&args).output().expect("failed to run backup: {args}"); // TODO: Once backups are functional, update this test. assert_eq!(fs::read_to_string(file).unwrap(), "Save"); } info!("* Advanced uncomputed variable to be computed before saving"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} {creds} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let output = common::run(&args) .input( "DEFINE PARAM $something VALUE <set>[1, 2, 3]; \ $something; ", ) .output() .unwrap(); assert!(output.contains("[1, 2, 3]"), "missing success in {output}"); } info!("* Multi-statement (and multi-line) query including error(s) over WS"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} {creds} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi --pretty", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let output = common::run(&args) .input( "CREATE thing:success; \ CREATE thing:fail SET bad=rand('evil'); \ SELECT * FROM sleep(10ms) TIMEOUT 1ms; \ CREATE thing:also_success; ", ) .output() .unwrap(); assert!(output.contains("thing:success"), "missing success in {output}"); assert!(output.contains("rgument"), "missing argument error in {output}"); assert!( output.contains("time") && output.contains("out"), "missing timeout error in {output}" ); assert!(output.contains("thing:also_success"), "missing also_success in {output}") } info!("* Multi-statement (and multi-line) transaction including error(s) over WS"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} {creds} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi --pretty", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let output = common::run(&args) .input( "BEGIN; \ CREATE thing:success; \ CREATE thing:fail SET bad=rand('evil'); \ SELECT * FROM sleep(10ms) TIMEOUT 1ms; \ CREATE thing:also_success; \ COMMIT; ", ) .output() .unwrap(); assert_eq!( output.lines().filter(|s| s.contains("transaction")).count(), 3, "missing failed txn errors in {output:?}" ); assert!(output.contains("rgument"), "missing argument error in {output}"); } info!("* Pass neither ns nor db"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} {creds}"); let output = common::run(&args) .input(&format!( "USE NS `{throwaway}` DB `{throwaway}`; CREATE thing:one;\n", throwaway = Ulid::new() )) .output() .expect("neither ns nor db"); assert!(output.contains("thing:one"), "missing thing:one in {output}"); } info!("* Pass only ns"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns}"); let output = common::run(&args) .input(&format!("USE DB `{db}`; SELECT * FROM thing:one;\n")) .output() .expect("only ns"); assert!(output.contains("thing:one"), "missing thing:one in {output}"); } info!("* Pass only db and expect an error"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} {creds} --db {throwaway}", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); common::run(&args).output().expect_err("only db"); } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn start_tls() { let (_, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { tls: true, wait_is_ready: false, ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(5000)); let output = server.kill().output().err().unwrap(); // Test the crt/key args but the keys are self signed so don't actually connect. assert!(output.contains("Started web server"), "couldn't start web server: {output}"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn with_root_auth() { // Commands with credentials when auth is enabled, should succeed let (addr, server) = common::start_server_with_defaults().await.unwrap(); let creds = format!("--user {USER} --pass {PASS}"); let sql_args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --multi --pretty"); info!("* Query over HTTP"); { let args = format!("{sql_args} {creds}"); let input = "INFO FOR ROOT;"; let output = common::run(&args).input(input).output(); assert!(output.is_ok(), "failed to query over HTTP: {}", output.err().unwrap()); } info!("* Query over WS"); { let args = format!("sql --conn ws://{addr} --multi --pretty {creds}"); let input = "INFO FOR ROOT;"; let output = common::run(&args).input(input).output(); assert!(output.is_ok(), "failed to query over WS: {}", output.err().unwrap()); } info!("* Root user can do exports"); let exported = { let exported = common::tmp_file("exported.surql"); let args = format!( "export --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} {exported}", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); common::run(&args).output().expect("failed to run export"); exported }; info!("* Root user can do imports"); { let args = format!( "import --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} {exported}", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); common::run(&args).output().unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to run import: {args}")); } info!("* Root user can do backups"); { let file = common::tmp_file("backup.db"); let args = format!("backup {creds} http://{addr} {file}"); common::run(&args).output().unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to run backup: {args}")); // TODO: Once backups are functional, update this test. assert_eq!(fs::read_to_string(file).unwrap(), "Save"); } server.finish() } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn with_auth_level() { // Commands with credentials for different auth levels let (addr, server) = common::start_server_with_auth_level().await.unwrap(); let creds = format!("--user {USER} --pass {PASS}"); let ns = Ulid::new(); let db = Ulid::new(); info!("* Create users with identical credentials at ROOT, NS and DB levels"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} {creds}"); let _ = common::run(&args) .input(format!("DEFINE USER {USER} ON ROOT PASSWORD '{PASS}' ROLES OWNER; DEFINE USER {USER} ON NAMESPACE PASSWORD '{PASS}' ROLES OWNER; DEFINE USER {USER} ON DATABASE PASSWORD '{PASS}' ROLES OWNER;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); } info!("* Pass root auth level and access root info"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level root {creds}"); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR ROOT;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("namespaces: {"), "auth level root should be able to access root info: {output}" ); } info!("* Pass root auth level and access namespace info"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level root {creds}"); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR NS;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("databases: {"), "auth level root should be able to access namespace info: {output}" ); } info!("* Pass root auth level and access database info"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level root {creds}"); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR DB;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("tables: {"), "auth level root should be able to access database info: {output}" ); } info!("* Pass namespace auth level and access root info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level namespace {creds}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR ROOT;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("IAM error: Not enough permissions to perform this action"), "auth level namespace should not be able to access root info: {output}" ); } info!("* Pass namespace auth level and access namespace info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level namespace {creds}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR NS;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("databases: {"), "auth level namespace should be able to access namespace info: {output}" ); } info!("* Pass namespace auth level and access database info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level namespace {creds}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR DB;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("tables: {"), "auth level namespace should be able to access database info: {output}" ); } info!("* Pass database auth level and access root info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level database {creds}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR ROOT;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("IAM error: Not enough permissions to perform this action"), "auth level database should not be able to access root info: {output}", ); } info!("* Pass database auth level and access namespace info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level database {creds}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR NS;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("IAM error: Not enough permissions to perform this action"), "auth level database should not be able to access namespace info: {output}", ); } info!("* Pass database auth level and access database info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --auth-level database {creds}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR DB;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("tables: {"), "auth level database should be able to access database info: {output}" ); } info!("* Pass namespace auth level without specifying namespace"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --auth-level database {creds}"); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR NS;\n").as_str()) .output(); assert!( output .clone() .unwrap_err() .contains("Namespace is needed for authentication but it was not provided"), "auth level namespace requires providing a namespace: {:?}", output ); } info!("* Pass database auth level without specifying database"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --ns {ns} --auth-level database {creds}"); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS `{ns}` DB `{db}`; INFO FOR DB;\n").as_str()) .output(); assert!( output .clone() .unwrap_err() .contains("Database is needed for authentication but it was not provided"), "auth level database requires providing a namespace and database: {:?}", output ); } server.finish(); } #[test(tokio::test)] // TODO(gguillemas): Remove this test once the legacy authentication is deprecated in v2.0.0 async fn without_auth_level() { // Commands with credentials for different auth levels let (addr, server) = common::start_server_with_defaults().await.unwrap(); let creds = format!("--user {USER} --pass {PASS}"); let ns = Ulid::new(); let db = Ulid::new(); info!("* Create users with identical credentials at ROOT, NS and DB levels"); { let args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} {creds}"); let _ = common::run(&args) .input(format!("DEFINE USER {USER}_root ON ROOT PASSWORD '{PASS}' ROLES OWNER; DEFINE USER {USER}_ns ON NAMESPACE PASSWORD '{PASS}' ROLES OWNER; DEFINE USER {USER}_db ON DATABASE PASSWORD '{PASS}' ROLES OWNER;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); } info!("* Pass root level credentials and access root info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --user {USER}_root --pass {PASS}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS {ns} DB {db}; INFO FOR ROOT;\n").as_str()) .output() .expect("success"); assert!( output.contains("namespaces: {"), "auth level root should be able to access root info: {output}" ); } info!("* Pass namespace level credentials and access namespace info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --user {USER}_ns --pass {PASS}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS {ns} DB {db}; INFO FOR NS;\n").as_str()) .output(); assert!( output.clone().unwrap_err().contains("401 Unauthorized"), "namespace level credentials should not work with CLI authentication: {:?}", output ); } info!("* Pass database level credentials and access database info"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} --db {db} --ns {ns} --user {USER}_db --pass {PASS}" ); let output = common::run(&args) .input(format!("USE NS {ns} DB {db}; INFO FOR DB;\n").as_str()) .output(); assert!( output.clone().unwrap_err().contains("401 Unauthorized"), "database level credentials should not work with CLI authentication: {:?}", output ); } server.finish() } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn with_anon_auth() { // Commands without credentials when auth is enabled, should fail let (addr, server) = common::start_server_with_defaults().await.unwrap(); let creds = ""; // Anonymous user let sql_args = format!("sql --conn http://{addr} --multi --pretty"); info!("* Query over HTTP"); { let args = format!("{sql_args} {creds}"); let input = ""; let output = common::run(&args).input(input).output(); assert!(output.is_ok(), "anonymous user should be able to query: {:?}", output); } info!("* Query over WS"); { let args = format!("sql --conn ws://{addr} --multi --pretty {creds}"); let input = ""; let output = common::run(&args).input(input).output(); assert!(output.is_ok(), "anonymous user should be able to query: {:?}", output); } info!("* Can't do exports"); { let args = format!( "export --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} -", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let output = common::run(&args).output(); assert!( output.clone().unwrap_err().contains("Forbidden"), "anonymous user shouldn't be able to export: {:?}", output ); } info!("* Can't do imports"); { let tmp_file = common::tmp_file("exported.surql"); File::create(&tmp_file).expect("failed to create tmp file"); let args = format!( "import --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} {tmp_file}", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let output = common::run(&args).output(); assert!( output.clone().unwrap_err().contains("Forbidden"), "anonymous user shouldn't be able to import: {:?}", output ); } info!("* Can't do backups"); { let args = format!("backup {creds} http://{addr}"); let output = common::run(&args).output(); // TODO(sgirones): Once backups are functional, update this test. // assert!( // output.unwrap_err().contains("Forbidden"), // "anonymous user shouldn't be able to backup", // output // ); assert!(output.is_ok(), "anonymous user can do backups: {:?}", output); } server.finish(); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn node() { // Commands without credentials when auth is disabled, should succeed let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { auth: false, tls: false, wait_is_ready: true, tick_interval: ONE_SEC, ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let creds = ""; // Anonymous user let ns = Ulid::new(); let db = Ulid::new(); info!("* Define a table"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db} --multi --hide-welcome" ); assert_eq!( common::run(&args).input("DEFINE TABLE thing CHANGEFEED 1s;\n").output(), Ok("[NONE]\n\n".to_owned()), "failed to send sql: {args}" ); } info!("* Create a record"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db} --multi --hide-welcome" ); assert_eq!( common::run(&args).input("BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE thing:one; COMMIT;\n").output(), Ok("[[{ id: thing:one }]]\n\n".to_owned()), "failed to send sql: {args}" ); } info!("* Show changes"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db} --multi --hide-welcome" ); if FFLAGS.change_feed_live_queries.enabled() { assert_eq!( common::run(&args) .input("SHOW CHANGES FOR TABLE thing SINCE 0 LIMIT 10;\n") .output(), Ok("[[{ changes: [{ define_table: { name: 'thing' } }], versionstamp: 65536 }, { changes: [{ create: { id: thing:one } }], versionstamp: 131072 }]]\n\n" .to_owned()), "failed to send sql: {args}"); } else { assert_eq!( common::run(&args) .input("SHOW CHANGES FOR TABLE thing SINCE 0 LIMIT 10;\n") .output(), Ok("[[{ changes: [{ define_table: { name: 'thing' } }], versionstamp: 65536 }, { changes: [{ update: { id: thing:one } }], versionstamp: 131072 }]]\n\n" .to_owned()), "failed to send sql: {args}" ); } }; sleep(TWO_SECS).await; info!("* Show changes after GC"); { let args = format!( "sql --conn http://{addr} {creds} --ns {ns} --db {db} --multi --hide-welcome" ); assert_eq!( common::run(&args) .input("SHOW CHANGES FOR TABLE thing SINCE 0 LIMIT 10;\n") .output(), Ok("[[]]\n\n".to_owned()), "failed to send sql: {args}" ); } server.finish() } #[test] fn validate_found_no_files() { let temp_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); temp_dir.child("file.txt").touch().unwrap(); assert!(common::run_in_dir("validate", &temp_dir).output().is_err()); } #[test] fn validate_succeed_for_valid_surql_files() { let temp_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let statement_file = temp_dir.child("statement.surql"); statement_file.touch().unwrap(); statement_file.write_str("CREATE thing:success;").unwrap(); assert!(common::run_in_dir("validate", &temp_dir).output().is_ok()); } #[test] fn validate_failed_due_to_invalid_glob_pattern() { let temp_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); const WRONG_GLOB_PATTERN: &str = "**/*{.txt"; let args = format!("validate \"{}\"", WRONG_GLOB_PATTERN); assert!(common::run_in_dir(&args, &temp_dir).output().is_err()); } #[test] fn validate_failed_due_to_invalid_surql_files_syntax() { let temp_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let statement_file = temp_dir.child("statement.surql"); statement_file.touch().unwrap(); statement_file.write_str("CREATE $thing WHERE value = '';").unwrap(); assert!(common::run_in_dir("validate", &temp_dir).output().is_err()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn test_server_graceful_shutdown() { let (_, mut server) = common::start_server_with_defaults().await.unwrap(); info!("* Send SIGINT signal"); server .send_signal(nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT) .expect("Failed to send SIGINT to server"); info!("* Waiting for server to exit gracefully ..."); tokio::select! { _ = async { loop { if let Ok(Some(exit)) = server.status() { assert!(exit.success(), "Server didn't shutdown successfully:\n{}", server.output().unwrap_err()); break; } tokio::time::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } } => {}, // Timeout after 5 seconds _ = tokio::time::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(5)) => { panic!("Server didn't exit after receiving SIGINT"); } } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn test_server_second_signal_handling() { let (addr, mut server) = common::start_server_without_auth().await.unwrap(); // Create a long-lived WS connection so the server don't shutdown gracefully let socket = Socket::connect(&addr, None, Format::Json).await.expect("Failed to connect to server"); let send_future = socket.send_request("query", json!(["SLEEP 30s;"])); let signal_send_fut = async { // Make sure the SLEEP query is being executed tokio::time::timeout(time::Duration::from_secs(10), async { loop { let err = server.stderr(); if err.contains("SLEEP 30s") { break; } tokio::time::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } }) .await .expect("Server didn't start executing the SLEEP query"); info!("* Send first SIGINT signal"); server .send_signal(nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT) .expect("Failed to send SIGINT to server"); tokio::time::timeout(time::Duration::from_secs(10), async { loop { if let Ok(Some(exit)) = server.status() { panic!( "Server unexpectedly exited after receiving first SIGINT: {:?}", exit ); } tokio::time::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } }) .await .unwrap_err(); info!("* Send second SIGINT signal"); server .send_signal(nix::sys::signal::Signal::SIGINT) .expect("Failed to send SIGINT to server"); tokio::time::timeout(time::Duration::from_secs(5), async { loop { if let Ok(Some(exit)) = server.status() { assert!(exit.success(), "Server shutted down successfully"); break; } tokio::time::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } }) .await .expect("Server didn't exit after receiving two SIGINT signals"); }; let _ = futures::future::join(async { send_future.await.unwrap_err() }, signal_send_fut).await; server.finish() } #[test(tokio::test)] #[ignore] async fn test_capabilities() { // Default capabilities only allow functions info!("* When default capabilities"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} -u root -p root --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = "RETURN http::get('');\n\n"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!( output.contains("Access to network target '' is not allowed"), "unexpected output: {output:?}" ); let query = "RETURN function() { return '1' };"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!( output.contains("Scripting functions are not allowed") || output.contains("Embedded functions are not enabled"), "unexpected output: {output:?}" ); server.finish(); } // Deny all, denies all users to execute functions and access any network address info!("* When all capabilities are denied"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "--deny-all".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} -u root -p root --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = format!("RETURN http::get('http://{}/version');\n\n", addr); let output = common::run(&cmd).input(&query).output().unwrap(); assert!( output.contains("Function 'http::get' is not allowed"), "unexpected output: {output:?}" ); let query = "RETURN function() { return '1' };"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!( output.contains("Scripting functions are not allowed") || output.contains("Embedded functions are not enabled"), "unexpected output: {output:?}" ); server.finish() } // When all capabilities are allowed, anyone (including non-authenticated users) can execute functions and access any network address info!("* When all capabilities are allowed"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "--allow-all".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = format!("RETURN http::get('http://{}/version');\n\n", addr); let output = common::run(&cmd).input(&query).output().unwrap(); assert!(output.starts_with("['surrealdb"), "unexpected output: {output:?}"); let query = "RETURN function() { return '1' };"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!(output.starts_with("['1']"), "unexpected output: {output:?}"); server.finish() } info!("* When scripting is denied"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "--deny-scripting".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} -u root -p root --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = "RETURN function() { return '1' };"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!( output.contains("Scripting functions are not allowed") || output.contains("Embedded functions are not enabled"), "unexpected output: {output:?}" ); server.finish() } info!("* When net is denied and function is enabled"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "--deny-net --allow-funcs http::get".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} -u root -p root --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = format!("RETURN http::get('http://{}/version');\n\n", addr); let output = common::run(&cmd).input(&query).output().unwrap(); assert!( output.contains( format!("Access to network target 'http://{addr}/version' is not allowed") .as_str() ), "unexpected output: {output:?}" ); server.finish() } info!("* When net is enabled for an IP and also denied for a specific port that doesn't match"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "--allow-net --deny-net --allow-funcs http::get" .to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} -u root -p root --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = format!("RETURN http::get('http://{}/version');\n\n", addr); let output = common::run(&cmd).input(&query).output().unwrap(); assert!(output.starts_with("['surrealdb"), "unexpected output: {output:?}"); server.finish() } info!("* When a function family is denied"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "--deny-funcs http".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} -u root -p root --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = "RETURN http::get('https://surrealdb.com');\n\n"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!( output.contains("Function 'http::get' is not allowed"), "unexpected output: {output:?}" ); server.finish() } info!("* When auth is enabled and guest access is allowed"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { auth: true, args: "--allow-guests".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = "RETURN 1;\n\n"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!(output.contains("[1]"), "unexpected output: {output:?}"); server.finish() } info!("* When auth is enabled and guest access is denied"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { auth: true, args: "--deny-guests".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = "RETURN 1;\n\n"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!( output.contains("Not enough permissions to perform this action"), "unexpected output: {output:?}" ); server.finish() } info!("* When auth is disabled, guest access is always allowed"); { let (addr, server) = common::start_server(StartServerArguments { auth: false, args: "--deny-guests".to_owned(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let cmd = format!( "sql --conn ws://{addr} --ns {throwaway} --db {throwaway} --multi", throwaway = Ulid::new() ); let query = "RETURN 1;\n\n"; let output = common::run(&cmd).input(query).output().unwrap(); assert!(output.contains("[1]"), "unexpected output: {output:?}"); server.finish() } } }