# Use this workflow to trigger beta releases, both initial beta.1 and subsequent beta.x releases name: Beta release run-name: "Beta release (publish: ${{ inputs.publish }}, bump version: ${{ inputs.bump-version }})" on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: publish: required: false type: boolean default: false description: "Publish the beta release" bump-version: required: false type: boolean default: false description: "Bump the version of the current beta if this is not the initial one" defaults: run: shell: bash permissions: contents: write jobs: checks: name: Pre-release checks runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: branch: ${{ steps.outputs.outputs.branch }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Determine the correct branch id: outputs run: | set -x if git branch -r | grep -w 'releases/beta'; then echo "branch=releases/beta" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT else echo "branch=main" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT fi release: name: Prepare beta release needs: [checks] uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable_publish_version.yml with: environment: beta git-ref: ${{ needs.checks.outputs.branch }} bump-version: ${{ inputs.bump-version }} publish: ${{ inputs.publish }} create-release: ${{ inputs.publish }} secrets: inherit bump-version: name: Bump main version if: ${{ inputs.publish }} needs: [checks, release] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout sources uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: releases/beta - name: Install stable toolchain uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable with: toolchain: stable - name: Install a TOML parser run: | curl -L https://github.com/tamasfe/taplo/releases/download/0.8.1/taplo-full-linux-x86_64.gz | gunzip - > taplo chmod +x taplo sudo mv taplo /usr/bin/taplo - name: Get version info id: bump run: | set -x # Retrieve just released version betaVersion=$(taplo get -f Cargo.toml "package.version") echo "current-version=${betaVersion}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT major=$(echo $betaVersion | tr "." "\n" | sed -n 1p) minor=$(echo $betaVersion | tr "." "\n" | sed -n 2p) betaNum=$(echo $betaVersion | tr "." "\n" | sed -n 4p) nightlyVersion=${major}.$(($minor + 1)).0 echo "version=${nightlyVersion}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "beta-num=${betaNum}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Create version bump branch if: ${{ steps.bump.outputs.beta-num == '1' }} run: | set -x # Checkout the main branch git fetch origin main git checkout main # Switch to version bump branch git checkout -b version-bump/v${{ steps.bump.outputs.version }} # Bump the crate version sed -i "s#^version = \".*\"#version = \"${{ steps.bump.outputs.version }}\"#" Cargo.toml sed -i "s#^version = \".*\"#version = \"${{ steps.bump.outputs.version }}\"#" lib/Cargo.toml sed -i "s#^version = \".*\"#version = \"2.0.0-${{ steps.bump.outputs.version }}\"#" core/Cargo.toml # Update dependency versions sed -i "s#surrealdb-core = { version = \"=2.0.0-${{ steps.bump.outputs.current-version }}\"#surrealdb-core = { version = \"=2.0.0-${{ steps.bump.outputs.core-version }}\"#" lib/Cargo.toml # Update Cargo.lock without updating dependency versions cargo check --no-default-features --features storage-mem - name: Push the branch if: ${{ steps.bump.outputs.beta-num == '1' }} run: | # Configure git git config user.email "41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com" git config user.name "github-actions[bot]" git config --add --bool push.autoSetupRemote true # Commit changes git commit -am "Bump version to v${{ steps.bump.outputs.version }}" git push - name: Create a PR if: ${{ steps.bump.outputs.beta-num == '1' }} id: pr env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.RELEASE_PLZ_TOKEN }} run: | set -x url=$(gh pr create --base main --title "Bump version to v${{ steps.bump.outputs.version }}" --body "Update main version") echo "url=${url}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Merge the PR if: ${{ steps.bump.outputs.beta-num == '1' }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.RELEASE_PLZ_TOKEN }} # Need the custom user token here so we can approve and merge the PR run: | set -x gh pr merge ${{ steps.pr.outputs.url }} --delete-branch --admin --squash