mod parse; use parse::Parse; mod helpers; use crate::helpers::Test; use helpers::new_ds; use surrealdb::dbs::Session; use surrealdb::err::Error; use surrealdb::sql::Value; #[tokio::test] async fn strict_typing_inline() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " UPSERT person:test SET age = <int> NONE; UPSERT person:test SET age = <int> '18'; UPSERT person:test SET enabled = <bool | int> NONE; UPSERT person:test SET enabled = <bool | int> true; UPSERT person:test SET name = <string> 'Tobie Morgan Hitchcock'; UPSERT person:test SET scores = <set<float>> [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]; UPSERT person:test SET scores = <array<float>> [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]; UPSERT person:test SET scores = <set<float, 5>> [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]; UPSERT person:test SET scores = <array<float, 5>> [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 9); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == "Expected a int but cannot convert NONE into a int" )); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:test, age: 18, } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == "Expected a bool | int but cannot convert NONE into a bool | int" )); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:test, age: 18, enabled: true, } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:test, age: 18, enabled: true, name: 'Tobie Morgan Hitchcock', } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:test, age: 18, enabled: true, name: 'Tobie Morgan Hitchcock', scores: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:test, age: 18, enabled: true, name: 'Tobie Morgan Hitchcock', scores: [1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0], } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:test, age: 18, enabled: true, name: 'Tobie Morgan Hitchcock', scores: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == "Expected a array<float, 5> but the array had 10 items" )); // Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn strict_typing_defined() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE FIELD age ON person TYPE int; DEFINE FIELD enabled ON person TYPE bool | int; DEFINE FIELD name ON person TYPE string; DEFINE FIELD scores ON person TYPE set<float, 5>; UPSERT person:test SET age = NONE, enabled = NONE, name = NONE, scored = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]; UPSERT person:test SET age = 18, enabled = NONE, name = NONE, scored = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]; UPSERT person:test SET age = 18, enabled = true, name = NONE, scored = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]; UPSERT person:test SET age = 18, enabled = true, name = 'Tobie Morgan Hitchcock', scores = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5]; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 8); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == "Found NONE for field `age`, with record `person:test`, but expected a int" )); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == "Found NONE for field `enabled`, with record `person:test`, but expected a bool | int" )); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == "Found NONE for field `name`, with record `person:test`, but expected a string" )); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:test, age: 18, enabled: true, name: 'Tobie Morgan Hitchcock', scores: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn strict_typing_none_null() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE TABLE person SCHEMAFULL; DEFINE FIELD name ON TABLE person TYPE option<string>; UPSERT person:test SET name = 'Tobie'; UPSERT person:test SET name = NULL; UPSERT person:test SET name = NONE; -- REMOVE TABLE person; DEFINE TABLE person SCHEMAFULL; DEFINE FIELD name ON TABLE person TYPE option<string | null>; UPSERT person:test SET name = 'Tobie'; UPSERT person:test SET name = NULL; UPSERT person:test SET name = NONE; -- REMOVE TABLE person; DEFINE TABLE person SCHEMAFULL; DEFINE FIELD name ON TABLE person TYPE string | null; UPSERT person:test SET name = 'Tobie'; UPSERT person:test SET name = NULL; UPSERT person:test SET name = NONE; "; let mut t = Test::new(sql).await?; // t.skip_ok(2)?; t.expect_val( "[ { id: person:test, name: 'Tobie', } ]", )?; t.expect_error( "Found NULL for field `name`, with record `person:test`, but expected a option<string>", )?; t.expect_val( "[ { id: person:test, } ]", )?; // t.skip_ok(3)?; t.expect_val( "[ { id: person:test, name: 'Tobie', } ]", )?; t.expect_val( "[ { id: person:test, name: NULL, } ]", )?; t.expect_val( "[ { id: person:test, } ]", )?; // t.skip_ok(3)?; t.expect_val( "[ { id: person:test, name: 'Tobie', } ]", )?; t.expect_val( "[ { id: person:test, name: NULL, } ]", )?; t.expect_error( "Found NONE for field `name`, with record `person:test`, but expected a string | null", )?; // Ok(()) }