# Benchmarks

This directory contains some micro-benchmarks that can help objectively
establish the performance implications of a change, and also benchmarks that
test the performance of different datastores using both the library and the SDK

## Manual usage

### Common

Execute the following command at the top level of the repository:

$ cargo make bench

### Specific datastore
Execute the following commands at the top level of the repository:

* Memory datastore using the lib or the SDK
$ cargo make bench-lib-mem
$ cargo make bench-sdk-mem

* RocksDB datastore using the lib or the SDK
$ cargo make bench-lib-rocksdb
$ cargo make bench-sdk-rocksdb

* FoundationDB datastore using the lib or the SDK
    * Start FoundationDB
    $ docker run -ti -e FDB_NETWORKING_MODE=host --net=host foundationdb/foundationdb:7.1.30
    * Run the benchmarks
    $ cargo make bench-lib-rocksdb
    $ cargo make bench-sdk-rocksdb

* WebSocket remote server using the SDK
    * Start SurrealDB server
    $ cargo make build
    $ ./target/release/surreal start
    * Run the benchmarks
    $ cargo make bench-sdk-ws

## Profiling

Some of the benchmarks support CPU profiling:

cargo make bench --profile-time=5

Once complete, check the `target/criterion/**/profile/flamegraph.svg` files.