// A raw mathematical expression at the base of the query 3 * 5 = 15; // A raw record expression at the base of the query person:tobie->knows->?; -- CREATE a new table record with a random id CREATE person; -- CREATE a new table record with a specific integer id CREATE person:13059; -- CREATE a new table record with a backtick escaped string CREATE person:`some record id`; -- CREATE a new table record with a angle bracket escaped string CREATE person:⟨some record id⟩; -- CREATE a new table record with an complex array based id CREATE person:['London', time::now()]; -- CREATE a new table record with an complex object based id CREATE person:{ city: 'London', time: time::now() }; -- CREATE a new table record with a randomly generated id CREATE person:rand(); -- CREATE a new table record with a randomly generated ULID CREATE person:ulid(); -- CREATE a new table record with a randomly generated UUID CREATE person:uuid(); -- CREATE a new table record with a random id, and set the record content CREATE person CONTENT { name: { first: 'Tobie', last: 'Morgan Hitchcock'} }; -- CREATE a new table record with a specific string id, and set the record content CREATE person:tobie CONTENT { name: 'Tobie', siblings: [person:jaime] }; -- Define a new custom namespaced function for lowercasing a string DEFINE FUNCTION fn::my::custom::namespaced::lowercase($name: string) { -- The following doesn't parse, as we don't yet support function chaining -- RETURN $name.lowercase(); RETURN string::lowercase($name); }; -- Use a scripting function in SELECT-statement field projections SELECT *, function() { return this.a } AS b FROM [{ a: 1 }]; -- A really complex query SELECT *, # This is a single line comment using hash tags[0].value, -- This is a single line comment using dashes tags[$].value, // This is a single line comment using slashes 3s as duration, /* this is an multiline block comment, that can be used an interspersed within sql */ 1.345 AS number, 100000f AS float_number, 100000dec AS decimal_number, <array<string, 5>> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], -- The following doesn't parse, as we don't yet support function chaining -- tags[*].contains('database') AS has_tag, tags[*] CONTAINS 'database' AS `has-tag`, 1749284739243842973049283492847029475.294874902847590284 AS decimal, ->purchased->(phone, laptop WHERE new = true)<-purchased<-person.emails->sent->email.subject AS email_subjects, <-knows->person AS people_who_know_me, [ test, <float> 13456, <decimal> 13456, { LET $people = (SELECT * FROM person); LET $animals = SELECT * FROM cat, dog; RETURN array::combine($people, $animals); }, person:tobie->purchased->(phone, laptop WHERE new = true).sku, math::PI > 3.14, -- The following doesn't parse, as we don't yet support function chaining -- <future> { person:tobie.tags.reverse().slice(0, 4) }, <future> { array::slice(array::reverse(person:tobie.tags), 0, 4) }, fn::my::custom::namespaced::function('Tobie'), ], math::PI > 3.14 AS check_constant, test AS `some thing`, d'2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z' AS utctime, d'2012-04-23T18:25:43.511-08:00' AS pacifictime, { key: (3 + 1 + 2), other: 9 * 7, 'some thing': { otherkey: 'text', } } AS object, rand::uuid::v4() AS a_uuid_field, u"ff36afd6-6689-4c02-8c8c-7df478924645" AS ⟨another id field⟩, if true { 'Yay' } else { 'Oops' } AS if_else FROM $param, test, temp, test:thingy, |test:10|, |test:1..10|, user:4104810.., user:4104810..96830483, user:..96830483, temperature:['London', NONE]..=['London', time::now()] WHERE IF true THEN 'YAY' ELSE 'OOPS' END AND (0.1341, 0.5719) INSIDE { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [ [[0.1341, 0.5719], [0.1341, 0.5719]] ] } AND (3 + 3 * 4) = 6 AND 3 + 3 * 4 = 6 AND ages CONTAINS 18 AND `if` IS true AND 346 <= 789 AND 678 >= 345 AND ( then = true OR `if` = true OR `create` is NONE OR `delete` = NULL OR `delete` INSIDE ['one', 'two', 'three'] ) SPLIT test.things VERSION d'2019-01-01T08:00:00Z' TIMEOUT 2w;