use criterion::measurement::WallTime; use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BenchmarkGroup, Criterion, Throughput}; use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use futures::executor::block_on; use reblessive::TreeStack; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; use std::time::Duration; use surrealdb::sql::index::Distance; use surrealdb_core::dbs::Session; use surrealdb_core::idx::planner::checker::{HnswChecker, HnswConditionChecker}; use surrealdb_core::idx::trees::hnsw::index::HnswIndex; use surrealdb_core::idx::IndexKeyBase; use surrealdb_core::kvs::LockType::Optimistic; use surrealdb_core::kvs::TransactionType::{Read, Write}; use surrealdb_core::kvs::{Datastore, Transaction}; use surrealdb_core::sql::index::{HnswParams, VectorType}; use surrealdb_core::sql::{value, Array, Id, Number, Thing, Value}; use tokio::runtime::{Builder, Runtime}; const EF_CONSTRUCTION: u16 = 150; const EF_SEARCH: usize = 80; const NN: usize = 10; const M: u8 = 24; const M0: u8 = 48; const DIMENSION: u16 = 20; const INGESTING_SOURCE: &str = "../tests/data/hnsw-random-9000-20-euclidean.gz"; const QUERYING_SOURCE: &str = "../tests/data/hnsw-random-5000-20-euclidean.gz"; fn bench_hnsw_no_db(c: &mut Criterion) { const GROUP_NAME: &str = "hnsw_no_db"; let samples = new_vectors_from_file(INGESTING_SOURCE); let samples: Vec<(Thing, Vec<Value>)> = samples.into_iter().map(|(r, a)| (r, vec![Value::Array(a)])).collect(); // Indexing benchmark group { let mut group = get_group(c, GROUP_NAME, samples.len(), 10); let id = format!("insert len: {}", samples.len()); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()).iter(|| insert_objects(&samples)); }); group.finish(); } // Create an HNSW instance with data let (ds, hnsw) = block_on(insert_objects(&samples)); let samples = new_vectors_from_file(QUERYING_SOURCE); let samples: Vec<Vec<Number>> = samples.into_iter().map(|(_, a)| convert_array_to_vec_number(a)).collect(); // Knn lookup benchmark group { let mut group = get_group(c, GROUP_NAME, samples.len(), 10); let id = format!("lookup len: {}", samples.len()); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()).iter(|| knn_lookup_objects(&ds, &hnsw, &samples)); }); group.finish(); } } fn bench_hnsw_with_db(c: &mut Criterion) { const GROUP_NAME: &str = "hnsw_with_db"; let samples = new_vectors_from_file(INGESTING_SOURCE); let samples: Vec<String> = samples.into_iter().map(|(r, a)| format!("CREATE {r} SET r={a} RETURN NONE;")).collect(); let session = &Session::owner().with_ns("ns").with_db("db"); // Indexing benchmark group { let mut group = get_group(c, GROUP_NAME, samples.len(), 10); let id = format!("insert len: {}", samples.len()); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()).iter(|| insert_objects_db(session, true, &samples)); }); group.finish(); } let b = Builder::new_multi_thread().worker_threads(1).enable_all().build().unwrap(); let ds = b.block_on(insert_objects_db(session, true, &samples)); // Knn lookup benchmark group let samples = new_vectors_from_file(QUERYING_SOURCE); let selects: Vec<String> = samples .into_iter() .map(|(_, a)| format!("SELECT id FROM e WHERE r <|{NN},{EF_SEARCH}|> {a};")) .collect(); { let mut group = get_group(c, GROUP_NAME, selects.len(), 10); let id = format!("lookup len: {}", selects.len()); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()) .iter(|| knn_lookup_objects_db(&ds, session, &selects)); }); group.finish(); } } fn bench_db_without_index(c: &mut Criterion) { const GROUP_NAME: &str = "hnsw_without_index"; let samples = new_vectors_from_file(INGESTING_SOURCE); let samples: Vec<String> = samples.into_iter().map(|(r, a)| format!("CREATE {r} SET r={a} RETURN NONE;")).collect(); let session = &Session::owner().with_ns("ns").with_db("db"); // Ingesting benchmark group { let mut group = get_group(c, GROUP_NAME, samples.len(), 10); let id = format!("insert len: {}", samples.len()); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()) .iter(|| insert_objects_db(session, false, &samples)); }); group.finish(); } let b = Builder::new_multi_thread().worker_threads(1).enable_all().build().unwrap(); let ds = b.block_on(insert_objects_db(session, false, &samples)); // Knn lookup benchmark group let samples = new_vectors_from_file(QUERYING_SOURCE); let selects: Vec<String> = samples .into_iter() .map(|(id, _)| format!("SELECT id FROM {id},{id},{id},{id},{id},{id},{id},{id},{id},{id};")) .collect(); { let mut group = get_group(c, GROUP_NAME, selects.len(), 10); let id = format!("lookup len: {}", selects.len()); group.bench_function(id, |b| { b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()) .iter(|| knn_lookup_objects_db(&ds, session, &selects)); }); group.finish(); } } fn get_group<'a>( c: &'a mut Criterion, group_name: &str, samples_len: usize, measurement_secs: u64, ) -> BenchmarkGroup<'a, WallTime> { let mut group = c.benchmark_group(group_name); group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(samples_len as u64)); group.sample_size(10); group.measurement_time(Duration::from_secs(measurement_secs)); group } fn new_vectors_from_file(path: &str) -> Vec<(Thing, Array)> { // Open the gzip file let file = File::open(path).unwrap(); // Create a GzDecoder to read the file let gz = GzDecoder::new(file); // Wrap the decoder in a BufReader let reader = BufReader::new(gz); let mut res = Vec::new(); // Iterate over each line in the file for (i, line_result) in reader.lines().enumerate() { let line = line_result.unwrap(); let value = value(&line).unwrap(); if let Value::Array(a) = value { res.push((Thing::from(("e", Id::from(i as i64))), a)); } else { panic!("Wrong value"); } } res } fn convert_array_to_vec_number(a: Array) -> Vec<Number> { a.into_iter() .map(|v| { if let Value::Number(n) = v { n } else { panic!("Wrong value {}", v); } }) .collect() } async fn init_datastore(session: &Session, with_index: bool) -> Datastore { let ds = Datastore::new("memory").await.unwrap(); if with_index { let sql = format!("DEFINE INDEX ix ON e FIELDS r HNSW DIMENSION {DIMENSION} DIST EUCLIDEAN TYPE F32 EFC {EF_CONSTRUCTION} M {M};"); ds.execute(&sql, session, None).await.expect(&sql); } ds } async fn hnsw(tx: &Transaction) -> HnswIndex { let p = HnswParams::new( DIMENSION, Distance::Euclidean, VectorType::F32, M, M0, (1.0 / (M as f64).ln()).into(), EF_CONSTRUCTION, false, false, ); HnswIndex::new(tx, IndexKeyBase::default(), "test".to_string(), &p).await.unwrap() } async fn insert_objects(samples: &[(Thing, Vec<Value>)]) -> (Datastore, HnswIndex) { let ds = Datastore::new("memory").await.unwrap(); let tx = ds.transaction(Write, Optimistic).await.unwrap(); let mut h = hnsw(&tx).await; for (thg, content) in samples { h.index_document(&tx,, content).await.unwrap(); } tx.commit().await.unwrap(); (ds, h) } async fn insert_objects_db(session: &Session, create_index: bool, inserts: &[String]) -> Datastore { let ds = init_datastore(session, create_index).await; for sql in inserts { ds.execute(sql, session, None).await.expect(sql); } ds } async fn knn_lookup_objects(ds: &Datastore, h: &HnswIndex, samples: &[Vec<Number>]) { let mut stack = TreeStack::new(); stack .enter(|stk| async { let tx = ds.transaction(Read, Optimistic).await.unwrap(); for v in samples { let r = h .knn_search( &tx, stk, v, NN, EF_SEARCH, HnswConditionChecker::Hnsw(HnswChecker {}), ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(r.len(), NN); } }) .finish() .await; } async fn knn_lookup_objects_db(ds: &Datastore, session: &Session, selects: &[String]) { for sql in selects { let mut res = ds.execute(sql, session, None).await.expect(sql); let res = res.remove(0).result.expect(sql); if let Value::Array(a) = &res { assert_eq!(a.len(), NN); } else { panic!("{res:#}"); } } } criterion_group!(benches, bench_hnsw_no_db, bench_hnsw_with_db, bench_db_without_index); criterion_main!(benches);