pub(crate) mod abstraction; mod backup; mod config; mod export; mod import; mod isready; mod sql; #[cfg(feature = "has-storage")] mod start; mod upgrade; mod validate; pub(crate) mod validator; mod version; use crate::cnf::LOGO; use backup::BackupCommandArguments; use clap::{Parser, Subcommand}; #[cfg(feature = "has-storage")] pub use config::CF; use export::ExportCommandArguments; use import::ImportCommandArguments; use isready::IsReadyCommandArguments; use sql::SqlCommandArguments; #[cfg(feature = "has-storage")] use start::StartCommandArguments; use std::process::ExitCode; use upgrade::UpgradeCommandArguments; use validate::ValidateCommandArguments; use version::VersionCommandArguments; const INFO: &str = " To get started using SurrealDB, and for guides on connecting to and building applications on top of SurrealDB, check out the SurrealDB documentation ( If you have questions or ideas, join the SurrealDB community ( If you find a bug, submit an issue on GitHub ( We would love it if you could star the repository ( ---------- "; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(name = "SurrealDB command-line interface and server", bin_name = "surreal")] #[command(about = INFO, before_help = LOGO)] #[command(disable_version_flag = true, arg_required_else_help = true)] struct Cli { #[command(subcommand)] command: Commands, } #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] #[derive(Debug, Subcommand)] enum Commands { #[cfg(feature = "has-storage")] #[command(about = "Start the database server")] Start(StartCommandArguments), #[command(about = "Backup data to or from an existing database")] Backup(BackupCommandArguments), #[command(about = "Import a SurrealQL script into an existing database")] Import(ImportCommandArguments), #[command(about = "Export an existing database as a SurrealQL script")] Export(ExportCommandArguments), #[command(about = "Output the command-line tool and remote server version information")] Version(VersionCommandArguments), #[command(about = "Upgrade to the latest stable version")] Upgrade(UpgradeCommandArguments), #[command(about = "Start an SQL REPL in your terminal with pipe support")] Sql(SqlCommandArguments), #[command( about = "Check if the SurrealDB server is ready to accept connections", visible_alias = "isready" )] IsReady(IsReadyCommandArguments), #[command(about = "Validate SurrealQL query files")] Validate(ValidateCommandArguments), } pub async fn init() -> ExitCode { let args = Cli::parse(); let output = match args.command { #[cfg(feature = "has-storage")] Commands::Start(args) => start::init(args).await, Commands::Backup(args) => backup::init(args).await, Commands::Import(args) => import::init(args).await, Commands::Export(args) => export::init(args).await, Commands::Version(args) => version::init(args).await, Commands::Upgrade(args) => upgrade::init(args).await, Commands::Sql(args) => sql::init(args).await, Commands::IsReady(args) => isready::init(args).await, Commands::Validate(args) => validate::init(args).await, }; if let Err(e) = output { error!("{}", e); ExitCode::FAILURE } else { ExitCode::SUCCESS } }