use crate::ctx::Context; use crate::dbs::Options; use crate::err::Error; use crate::fnc; use crate::sql::comment::mightbespace; use crate::sql::common::val_char; use crate::sql::common::{closeparentheses, commas, openparentheses}; use crate::sql::error::IResult; use crate::sql::fmt::Fmt; use crate::sql::idiom::Idiom; use crate::sql::script::{script as func, Script}; use crate::sql::value::{value, Value}; use async_recursion::async_recursion; use futures::future::try_join_all; use nom::branch::alt; use nom::bytes::complete::tag; use nom::bytes::complete::take_while1; use nom::character::complete::char; use nom::combinator::recognize; use nom::multi::separated_list0; use nom::multi::separated_list1; use nom::sequence::preceded; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::fmt; pub(crate) const TOKEN: &str = "$surrealdb::private::sql::Function"; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)] #[serde(rename = "$surrealdb::private::sql::Function")] pub enum Function { Normal(String, Vec), Custom(String, Vec), Script(Script, Vec), // Add new variants here } impl PartialOrd for Function { #[inline] fn partial_cmp(&self, _: &Self) -> Option { None } } impl Function { /// Get function name if applicable pub fn name(&self) -> &str { match self { Self::Normal(n, _) => n.as_str(), Self::Custom(n, _) => n.as_str(), _ => unreachable!(), } } /// Get function arguments if applicable pub fn args(&self) -> &[Value] { match self { Self::Normal(_, a) => a, Self::Custom(_, a) => a, _ => &[], } } /// Convert function call to a field name pub fn to_idiom(&self) -> Idiom { match self { Self::Script(_, _) => "function".to_string().into(), Self::Normal(f, _) => f.to_owned().into(), Self::Custom(f, _) => format!("fn::{f}").into(), } } /// Convert this function to an aggregate pub fn aggregate(&self, val: Value) -> Self { match self { Self::Normal(n, a) => { let mut a = a.to_owned(); match a.len() { 0 => a.insert(0, val), _ => { a.remove(0); a.insert(0, val); } } Self::Normal(n.to_owned(), a) } _ => unreachable!(), } } /// Check if this function is a custom function pub fn is_custom(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::Custom(_, _)) } /// Check if this function is a rolling function pub fn is_rolling(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "count" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::max" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::mean" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::min" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::sum" => true, _ => false, } } /// Check if this function is a grouping function pub fn is_aggregate(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "array::distinct" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "array::group" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "count" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::bottom" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::interquartile" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::max" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::mean" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::median" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::midhinge" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::min" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::mode" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::nearestrank" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::percentile" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::sample" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::spread" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::stddev" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::sum" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::top" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::trimean" => true, Self::Normal(f, _) if f == "math::variance" => true, _ => false, } } } impl Function { /// Process this type returning a computed simple Value #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_recursion)] #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_recursion(?Send))] pub(crate) async fn compute(&self, ctx: &Context<'_>, opt: &Options) -> Result { // Prevent long function chains let opt = &opt.dive(1)?; // Ensure futures are run let opt = &opt.new_with_futures(true); // Process the function type match self { Self::Normal(s, x) => { // Compute the function arguments let a = try_join_all(x.iter().map(|v| v.compute(ctx, opt))).await?; // Run the normal function fnc::run(ctx, s, a).await } Self::Custom(s, x) => { // Get the function definition let val = { // Clone transaction let txn = ctx.try_clone_transaction()?; // Claim transaction let mut run = txn.lock().await; // Get the function definition run.get_fc(opt.ns(), opt.db(), s).await? }; // Check the function arguments if x.len() != val.args.len() { return Err(Error::InvalidArguments { name: format!("fn::{}",, message: match val.args.len() { 1 => String::from("The function expects 1 argument."), l => format!("The function expects {l} arguments."), }, }); } // Compute the function arguments let a = try_join_all(x.iter().map(|v| v.compute(ctx, opt))).await?; // Duplicate context let mut ctx = Context::new(ctx); // Process the function arguments for (val, (name, kind)) in a.into_iter().zip(val.args) { ctx.add_value(name.to_raw(), val.coerce_to(&kind)?); } // Run the custom function val.block.compute(&ctx, opt).await } #[allow(unused_variables)] Self::Script(s, x) => { #[cfg(feature = "scripting")] { // Compute the function arguments let a = try_join_all(x.iter().map(|v| v.compute(ctx, opt))).await?; // Run the script function fnc::script::run(ctx, opt, s, a).await } #[cfg(not(feature = "scripting"))] { Err(Error::InvalidScript { message: String::from("Embedded functions are not enabled."), }) } } } } } impl fmt::Display for Function { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::Normal(s, e) => write!(f, "{s}({})", Fmt::comma_separated(e)), Self::Custom(s, e) => write!(f, "fn::{s}({})", Fmt::comma_separated(e)), Self::Script(s, e) => write!(f, "function({}) {{{s}}}", Fmt::comma_separated(e)), } } } pub fn function(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Function> { alt((normal, custom, script))(i) } pub fn normal(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Function> { let (i, s) = function_names(i)?; let (i, _) = openparentheses(i)?; let (i, a) = separated_list0(commas, value)(i)?; let (i, _) = closeparentheses(i)?; Ok((i, Function::Normal(s.to_string(), a))) } pub fn custom(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Function> { let (i, _) = tag("fn::")(i)?; let (i, s) = recognize(separated_list1(tag("::"), take_while1(val_char)))(i)?; let (i, _) = char('(')(i)?; let (i, _) = mightbespace(i)?; let (i, a) = separated_list0(commas, value)(i)?; let (i, _) = mightbespace(i)?; let (i, _) = char(')')(i)?; Ok((i, Function::Custom(s.to_string(), a))) } fn script(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Function> { let (i, _) = tag("function")(i)?; let (i, _) = openparentheses(i)?; let (i, _) = mightbespace(i)?; let (i, a) = separated_list0(commas, value)(i)?; let (i, _) = closeparentheses(i)?; let (i, _) = mightbespace(i)?; let (i, _) = char('{')(i)?; let (i, v) = func(i)?; let (i, _) = char('}')(i)?; Ok((i, Function::Script(v, a))) } pub(crate) fn function_names(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { recognize(alt(( preceded(tag("array::"), function_array), preceded(tag("bytes::"), function_bytes), preceded(tag("crypto::"), function_crypto), preceded(tag("duration::"), function_duration), preceded(tag("encoding::"), function_encoding), preceded(tag("geo::"), function_geo), preceded(tag("http::"), function_http), preceded(tag("is::"), function_is), preceded(tag("math::"), function_math), preceded(tag("meta::"), function_meta), preceded(tag("parse::"), function_parse), preceded(tag("rand::"), function_rand), preceded(tag("search::"), function_search), preceded(tag("session::"), function_session), preceded(tag("string::"), function_string), preceded(tag("time::"), function_time), preceded(tag("type::"), function_type), tag("count"), tag("not"), tag("rand"), tag("sleep"), )))(i) } fn function_array(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( alt(( tag("add"), tag("all"), tag("any"), tag("append"), tag("combine"), tag("complement"), tag("concat"), tag("difference"), tag("distinct"), tag("flatten"), tag("group"), tag("insert"), )), alt(( tag("intersect"), tag("join"), tag("len"), tag("max"), tag("min"), tag("pop"), tag("prepend"), tag("push"), tag("remove"), tag("reverse"), tag("slice"), tag("sort::asc"), tag("sort::desc"), tag("sort"), tag("union"), )), ))(i) } fn function_bytes(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt((tag("len"),))(i) } fn function_crypto(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( preceded(tag("argon2::"), alt((tag("compare"), tag("generate")))), preceded(tag("bcrypt::"), alt((tag("compare"), tag("generate")))), preceded(tag("pbkdf2::"), alt((tag("compare"), tag("generate")))), preceded(tag("scrypt::"), alt((tag("compare"), tag("generate")))), tag("md5"), tag("sha1"), tag("sha256"), tag("sha512"), ))(i) } fn function_duration(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( tag("days"), tag("hours"), tag("micros"), tag("millis"), tag("mins"), tag("nanos"), tag("secs"), tag("weeks"), tag("years"), preceded( tag("from::"), alt(( tag("days"), tag("hours"), tag("micros"), tag("millis"), tag("mins"), tag("nanos"), tag("secs"), tag("weeks"), )), ), ))(i) } fn function_encoding(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt((preceded(tag("base64::"), alt((tag("decode"), tag("encode")))),))(i) } fn function_geo(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( tag("area"), tag("bearing"), tag("centroid"), tag("distance"), preceded(tag("hash::"), alt((tag("decode"), tag("encode")))), ))(i) } fn function_http(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt((tag("head"), tag("get"), tag("put"), tag("post"), tag("patch"), tag("delete")))(i) } fn function_is(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( tag("alphanum"), tag("alpha"), tag("ascii"), tag("datetime"), tag("domain"), tag("email"), tag("hexadecimal"), tag("latitude"), tag("longitude"), tag("numeric"), tag("semver"), tag("url"), tag("uuid"), ))(i) } fn function_math(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( alt(( tag("abs"), tag("bottom"), tag("ceil"), tag("fixed"), tag("floor"), tag("interquartile"), tag("max"), tag("mean"), tag("median"), tag("midhinge"), tag("min"), tag("mode"), )), alt(( tag("nearestrank"), tag("percentile"), tag("pow"), tag("product"), tag("round"), tag("spread"), tag("sqrt"), tag("stddev"), tag("sum"), tag("top"), tag("trimean"), tag("variance"), )), ))(i) } fn function_meta(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt((tag("id"), tag("table"), tag("tb")))(i) } fn function_parse(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( preceded(tag("email::"), alt((tag("host"), tag("user")))), preceded( tag("url::"), alt(( tag("domain"), tag("fragment"), tag("host"), tag("path"), tag("port"), tag("query"), tag("scheme"), )), ), ))(i) } fn function_rand(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( tag("bool"), tag("enum"), tag("float"), tag("guid"), tag("int"), tag("string"), tag("time"), tag("ulid"), tag("uuid::v4"), tag("uuid::v7"), tag("uuid"), ))(i) } fn function_search(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt((tag("score"), tag("highlight"), tag("offsets")))(i) } fn function_session(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( tag("db"), tag("id"), tag("ip"), tag("ns"), tag("origin"), tag("sc"), tag("sd"), tag("token"), ))(i) } fn function_string(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( tag("concat"), tag("contains"), tag("endsWith"), tag("join"), tag("len"), tag("lowercase"), tag("repeat"), tag("replace"), tag("reverse"), tag("slice"), tag("slug"), tag("split"), tag("startsWith"), tag("trim"), tag("uppercase"), tag("words"), ))(i) } fn function_time(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( tag("ceil"), tag("day"), tag("floor"), tag("format"), tag("group"), tag("hour"), tag("minute"), tag("month"), tag("nano"), tag("now"), tag("round"), tag("second"), tag("timezone"), tag("unix"), tag("wday"), tag("week"), tag("yday"), tag("year"), preceded(tag("from::"), alt((tag("micros"), tag("millis"), tag("secs"), tag("unix")))), ))(i) } fn function_type(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> { alt(( tag("bool"), tag("datetime"), tag("decimal"), tag("duration"), tag("float"), tag("int"), tag("number"), tag("point"), tag("string"), tag("table"), tag("thing"), ))(i) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::sql::test::Parse; #[test] fn function_single() { let sql = "count()"; let res = function(sql); assert!(res.is_ok()); let out = res.unwrap().1; assert_eq!("count()", format!("{}", out)); assert_eq!(out, Function::Normal(String::from("count"), vec![])); } #[test] fn function_single_not() { let sql = "not(10)"; let res = function(sql); assert!(res.is_ok()); let out = res.unwrap().1; assert_eq!("not(10)", format!("{}", out)); assert_eq!(out, Function::Normal("not".to_owned(), vec![10.into()])); } #[test] fn function_module() { let sql = "rand::uuid()"; let res = function(sql); assert!(res.is_ok()); let out = res.unwrap().1; assert_eq!("rand::uuid()", format!("{}", out)); assert_eq!(out, Function::Normal(String::from("rand::uuid"), vec![])); } #[test] fn function_arguments() { let sql = "is::numeric(null)"; let res = function(sql); assert!(res.is_ok()); let out = res.unwrap().1; assert_eq!("is::numeric(NULL)", format!("{}", out)); assert_eq!(out, Function::Normal(String::from("is::numeric"), vec![Value::Null])); } #[test] fn function_script_expression() { let sql = "function() { return this.tags.filter(t => { return t.length > 3; }); }"; let res = function(sql); assert!(res.is_ok()); let out = res.unwrap().1; assert_eq!( "function() { return this.tags.filter(t => { return t.length > 3; }); }", format!("{}", out) ); assert_eq!( out, Function::Script( Script::parse(" return this.tags.filter(t => { return t.length > 3; }); "), vec![] ) ); } }