use crate::cli::abstraction::{ AuthArguments, DatabaseConnectionArguments, DatabaseSelectionArguments, }; use crate::err::Error; use clap::Args; use surrealdb::engine::any::connect; use surrealdb::opt::auth::Root; #[derive(Args, Debug)] pub struct ExportCommandArguments { #[arg(help = "Path to the sql file to export. Use dash - to write into stdout.")] #[arg(default_value = "-")] #[arg(index = 1)] file: String, #[command(flatten)] conn: DatabaseConnectionArguments, #[command(flatten)] auth: AuthArguments, #[command(flatten)] sel: DatabaseSelectionArguments, } pub async fn init( ExportCommandArguments { file, conn: DatabaseConnectionArguments { endpoint, }, auth: AuthArguments { username, password, }, sel: DatabaseSelectionArguments { namespace: ns, database: db, }, }: ExportCommandArguments, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Initialize opentelemetry and logging crate::telemetry::builder().with_log_level("error").init(); let root = Root { username: &username, password: &password, }; // Connect to the database engine #[cfg(feature = "has-storage")] let address = (endpoint, root); #[cfg(not(feature = "has-storage"))] let address = endpoint; let client = connect(address).await?; // Sign in to the server client.signin(root).await?; // Use the specified namespace / database client.use_ns(ns).use_db(db).await?; // Export the data from the database client.export(file).await?; info!("The SQL file was exported successfully"); // Everything OK Ok(()) }