mod parse; mod helpers; use helpers::*; use std::collections::HashMap; use regex::Regex; use surrealdb::dbs::Session; use surrealdb::iam::Role; use surrealdb::kvs::Datastore; #[tokio::test] async fn info_for_root() { let sql = r#" DEFINE NAMESPACE NS; DEFINE USER user ON ROOT PASSWORD 'pass'; INFO FOR ROOT "#; let dbs = Datastore::new("memory").await.unwrap(); let ses = Session::owner(); let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.len(), 3); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new(r"\{ namespaces: \{ NS: .* \}, users: \{ user: .* \} \}").unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); } #[tokio::test] async fn info_for_ns() { let sql = r#" DEFINE DATABASE DB; DEFINE USER user ON NS PASSWORD 'pass'; DEFINE TOKEN token ON NS TYPE HS512 VALUE 'secret'; INFO FOR NS "#; let dbs = Datastore::new("memory").await.unwrap(); let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("ns"); let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.len(), 4); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new( r"\{ databases: \{ DB: .* \}, tokens: \{ token: .* \}, users: \{ user: .* \} \}", ) .unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); } #[tokio::test] async fn info_for_db() { let sql = r#" DEFINE TABLE TB; DEFINE SCOPE account SESSION 24h; DEFINE USER user ON DB PASSWORD 'pass'; DEFINE TOKEN token ON DB TYPE HS512 VALUE 'secret'; DEFINE FUNCTION fn::greet() {RETURN "Hello";}; DEFINE PARAM $param VALUE "foo"; DEFINE ANALYZER analyzer TOKENIZERS BLANK; INFO FOR DB "#; let dbs = Datastore::new("memory").await.unwrap(); let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("ns").with_db("db"); let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.len(), 8); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new(r"\{ analyzers: \{ analyzer: .* \}, functions: \{ greet: .* \}, params: \{ param: .* \}, scopes: \{ account: .* \}, tables: \{ TB: .* \}, tokens: \{ token: .* \}, users: \{ user: .* \} \}").unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); } #[tokio::test] async fn info_for_scope() { let sql = r#" DEFINE SCOPE account SESSION 24h; DEFINE TOKEN token ON SCOPE account TYPE HS512 VALUE 'secret'; INFO FOR SCOPE account; "#; let dbs = Datastore::new("memory").await.unwrap(); let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("ns").with_db("db"); let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.len(), 3); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new(r"\{ tokens: \{ token: .* \} \}").unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); } #[tokio::test] async fn info_for_table() { let sql = r#" DEFINE TABLE TB; DEFINE EVENT event ON TABLE TB WHEN true THEN RETURN "foo"; DEFINE FIELD field ON TABLE TB; DEFINE INDEX index ON TABLE TB FIELDS field; INFO FOR TABLE TB; "#; let dbs = Datastore::new("memory").await.unwrap(); let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("ns").with_db("db"); let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.len(), 5); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new( r"\{ events: \{ event: .* \}, fields: \{ field: .* \}, indexes: \{ index: .* \}, tables: \{ \} \}", ) .unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); } #[tokio::test] async fn info_for_user() { let sql = r#" DEFINE USER user ON ROOT PASSWORD 'pass'; DEFINE USER user ON NS PASSWORD 'pass'; DEFINE USER user ON DB PASSWORD 'pass'; "#; let dbs = Datastore::new("memory").await.unwrap(); let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("ns").with_db("db"); let res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.len(), 3); // Info for ROOT user let sql = "INFO FOR USER user ON ROOT"; let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new(r"DEFINE USER user ON ROOT PASSHASH .* ROLES VIEWER").unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); // Info for NS user let sql = "INFO FOR USER user ON NS"; let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new(r"DEFINE USER user ON NAMESPACE PASSHASH .* ROLES VIEWER").unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); // Info for DB user let sql = "INFO FOR USER user ON DB"; let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new(r"DEFINE USER user ON DATABASE PASSHASH .* ROLES VIEWER").unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); // Info for user on selected level let sql = "INFO FOR USER user"; let mut res = dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await.unwrap(); let out = res.pop().unwrap().output(); assert!(out.is_ok(), "Unexpected error: {:?}", out); let output_regex = Regex::new(r"DEFINE USER user ON DATABASE PASSHASH .* ROLES VIEWER").unwrap(); let out_str = out.unwrap().to_string(); assert!( output_regex.is_match(&out_str), "Output '{}' doesn't match regex '{}'", out_str, output_regex ); } // // Permissions // #[tokio::test] async fn permissions_checks_info_root() { let scenario = HashMap::from([("prepare", ""), ("test", "INFO FOR ROOT"), ("check", "INFO FOR ROOT")]); // Define the expected results for the check statement when the test statement succeeded and when it failed let check_results = [vec!["{ namespaces: { }, users: { } }"], vec!["{ namespaces: { }, users: { } }"]]; let test_cases = [ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ]; let res = iam_check_cases(test_cases.iter(), &scenario, check_results).await; assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}", res.unwrap_err()); } #[tokio::test] async fn permissions_checks_info_ns() { let scenario = HashMap::from([("prepare", ""), ("test", "INFO FOR NS"), ("check", "INFO FOR NS")]); // Define the expected results for the check statement when the test statement succeeded and when it failed let check_results = [ vec!["{ databases: { }, tokens: { }, users: { } }"], vec!["{ databases: { }, tokens: { }, users: { } }"], ]; let test_cases = [ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ]; let res = iam_check_cases(test_cases.iter(), &scenario, check_results).await; assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}", res.unwrap_err()); } #[tokio::test] async fn permissions_checks_info_db() { let scenario = HashMap::from([("prepare", ""), ("test", "INFO FOR DB"), ("check", "INFO FOR DB")]); // Define the expected results for the check statement when the test statement succeeded and when it failed let check_results = [ vec!["{ analyzers: { }, functions: { }, params: { }, scopes: { }, tables: { }, tokens: { }, users: { } }"], vec!["{ analyzers: { }, functions: { }, params: { }, scopes: { }, tables: { }, tokens: { }, users: { } }"], ]; let test_cases = [ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ]; let res = iam_check_cases(test_cases.iter(), &scenario, check_results).await; assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}", res.unwrap_err()); } #[tokio::test] async fn permissions_checks_info_scope() { let scenario = HashMap::from([ ("prepare", "DEFINE SCOPE scope SESSION 1h"), ("test", "INFO FOR SCOPE scope"), ("check", "INFO FOR SCOPE scope"), ]); // Define the expected results for the check statement when the test statement succeeded and when it failed let check_results = [vec!["{ tokens: { } }"], vec!["{ tokens: { } }"]]; let test_cases = [ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ]; let res = iam_check_cases(test_cases.iter(), &scenario, check_results).await; assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}", res.unwrap_err()); } #[tokio::test] async fn permissions_checks_info_table() { let scenario = HashMap::from([ ("prepare", "DEFINE TABLE tb"), ("test", "INFO FOR TABLE tb"), ("check", "INFO FOR TABLE tb"), ]); // Define the expected results for the check statement when the test statement succeeded and when it failed let check_results = [ vec!["{ events: { }, fields: { }, indexes: { }, tables: { } }"], vec!["{ events: { }, fields: { }, indexes: { }, tables: { } }"], ]; let test_cases = [ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ]; let res = iam_check_cases(test_cases.iter(), &scenario, check_results).await; assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}", res.unwrap_err()); } #[tokio::test] async fn permissions_checks_info_user_root() { let scenario = HashMap::from([ ("prepare", "DEFINE USER user ON ROOT PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER"), ("test", "INFO FOR USER user ON ROOT"), ("check", "INFO FOR USER user ON ROOT"), ]); // Define the expected results for the check statement when the test statement succeeded and when it failed let check_results = [ vec!["\"DEFINE USER user ON ROOT PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER\""], vec!["\"DEFINE USER user ON ROOT PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER\""], ]; let test_cases = [ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ]; let res = iam_check_cases(test_cases.iter(), &scenario, check_results).await; assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}", res.unwrap_err()); } #[tokio::test] async fn permissions_checks_info_user_ns() { let scenario = HashMap::from([ ("prepare", "DEFINE USER user ON NS PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER"), ("test", "INFO FOR USER user ON NS"), ("check", "INFO FOR USER user ON NS"), ]); // Define the expected results for the check statement when the test statement succeeded and when it failed let check_results = [ vec!["\"DEFINE USER user ON NAMESPACE PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER\""], vec!["\"DEFINE USER user ON NAMESPACE PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER\""], ]; let test_cases = [ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ]; let res = iam_check_cases(test_cases.iter(), &scenario, check_results).await; assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}", res.unwrap_err()); } #[tokio::test] async fn permissions_checks_info_user_db() { let scenario = HashMap::from([ ("prepare", "DEFINE USER user ON DB PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER"), ("test", "INFO FOR USER user ON DB"), ("check", "INFO FOR USER user ON DB"), ]); // Define the expected results for the check statement when the test statement succeeded and when it failed let check_results = [ vec!["\"DEFINE USER user ON DATABASE PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER\""], vec!["\"DEFINE USER user ON DATABASE PASSHASH 'secret' ROLES VIEWER\""], ]; let test_cases = [ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), true), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false), ]; let res = iam_check_cases(test_cases.iter(), &scenario, check_results).await; assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}", res.unwrap_err()); }