[tasks.ci-format] category = "CI - CHECK" dependencies = ["cargo-fmt", "cargo-fmt-unlinked"] [tasks.ci-check] category = "CI - CHECK" command = "cargo" args = ["check", "--locked", "--workspace"] [tasks.ci-check-wasm] category = "CI - CHECK" command = "cargo" args = ["check", "--locked", "--package", "surrealdb", "--features", "protocol-ws,protocol-http,kv-mem,kv-indxdb,http", "--target", "wasm32-unknown-unknown"] [tasks.ci-clippy] category = "CI - CHECK" command = "cargo" args = ["clippy", "--all-targets", "--features", "storage-mem,storage-rocksdb,storage-speedb,storage-tikv,storage-fdb,scripting,http,has-storage", "--tests", "--benches", "--examples","--bins", "--", "-D", "warnings"] # # Integration Tests # [tasks.ci-cli-integration] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" command = "cargo" env = { RUST_LOG={ value = "cli_integration=debug", condition = { env_not_set = ["RUST_LOG"] } } } args = ["test", "--locked", "--no-default-features", "--features", "storage-mem,http,scripting", "--workspace", "--test", "cli_integration", "--", "cli_integration", "--nocapture"] [tasks.ci-http-integration] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" command = "cargo" env = { RUST_LOG={ value = "http_integration=debug", condition = { env_not_set = ["RUST_LOG"] } } } args = ["test", "--locked", "--no-default-features", "--features", "storage-mem,http-compression", "--workspace", "--test", "http_integration", "--", "http_integration", "--nocapture"] [tasks.ci-ws-integration] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" command = "cargo" env = { RUST_LOG={ value = "ws_integration=debug", condition = { env_not_set = ["RUST_LOG"] } } } args = ["test", "--locked", "--no-default-features", "--features", "storage-mem", "--workspace", "--test", "ws_integration", "--", "ws_integration", "--nocapture"] [tasks.ci-workspace-coverage] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" command = "cargo" args = [ "llvm-cov", "--html", "--locked", "--no-default-features", "--features", "storage-mem,scripting,http", "--workspace", "--", "--skip", "api_integration", "--skip", "cli_integration", "--skip", "http_integration", "--skip", "ws_integration" ] [tasks.test-workspace-coverage-complete] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" command = "cargo" args = ["llvm-cov", "--html", "--locked", "--no-default-features", "--features", "protocol-ws,protocol-http,kv-mem,kv-rocksdb", "--workspace"] [tasks.ci-workspace-coverage-complete] env = { _START_SURREALDB_PATH = "memory" } category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" run_task = { name = ["start-surrealdb", "test-workspace-coverage-complete", "stop-surrealdb"], fork = true } # # Tests private tasks # [tasks.test-kvs] private = true command = "cargo" args = ["test", "--locked", "--package", "surrealdb", "--no-default-features", "--features", "${_TEST_FEATURES}", "--lib", "kvs"] [tasks.test-api-integration] private = true command = "cargo" args = ["test", "--locked", "--package", "surrealdb", "--no-default-features", "--features", "${_TEST_FEATURES}", "--test", "api", "api_integration::${_TEST_API_ENGINE}"] [tasks.ci-api-integration] env = { _START_SURREALDB_PATH = "fdb:/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster" } private = true run_task = { name = ["start-surrealdb", "test-api-integration", "stop-surrealdb"], fork = true } # # Integration tests with background services # [tasks.ci-api-integration-http] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "http", _TEST_FEATURES = "protocol-http" } run_task = "ci-api-integration" [tasks.ci-api-integration-ws] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "ws", _TEST_FEATURES = "protocol-ws" } run_task = "ci-api-integration" [tasks.ci-api-integration-any] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "any", _TEST_FEATURES = "protocol-http" } run_task = "ci-api-integration" # # Integration tests without background services # [tasks.ci-api-integration-mem] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "mem", _TEST_FEATURES = "kv-mem" } run_task = { name = ["test-kvs", "test-api-integration"], fork = true, parallel = true } [tasks.ci-api-integration-file] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "file", _TEST_FEATURES = "kv-rocksdb" } run_task = { name = ["test-kvs", "test-api-integration"], fork = true, parallel = true } [tasks.ci-api-integration-rocksdb] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "rocksdb", _TEST_FEATURES = "kv-rocksdb" } run_task = { name = ["test-kvs", "test-api-integration"], fork = true, parallel = true } [tasks.ci-api-integration-speedb] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "speedb", _TEST_FEATURES = "kv-speedb" } run_task = { name = ["test-kvs", "test-api-integration"], fork = true, parallel = true } [tasks.ci-api-integration-fdb] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "fdb", _TEST_FEATURES = "kv-fdb-7_1" } run_task = { name = ["test-kvs", "test-api-integration"], fork = true, parallel = false } [tasks.ci-api-integration-tikv-tests] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" env = { _TEST_API_ENGINE = "tikv", _TEST_FEATURES = "kv-tikv" } run_task = { name = ["test-kvs", "test-api-integration"], fork = true, parallel = false } [tasks.ci-api-integration-tikv] category = "CI - INTEGRATION TESTS" run_task = { name = ["start-tikv", "ci-api-integration-tikv-tests", "stop-tikv"], fork = true } # # Services # [tasks.start-surrealdb] category = "CI - SERVICES" dependencies = ["build-surrealdb"] script = """ #!/bin/bash -ex target/debug/surreal start ${_START_SURREALDB_PATH} --allow-all &>/tmp/surrealdb.log & echo $! > /tmp/surreal.pid set +e echo "Waiting for surreal to be ready..." tries=0 while [[ $tries < 5 ]]; do target/debug/surreal is-ready 2>/dev/null && echo "Ready!" && exit 0 || sleep 1 tries=$((tries + 1)) done echo "ERROR: Surreal is unhealthy!" exit 1 """ [tasks.stop-surrealdb] category = "CI - SERVICES" script = """ kill $(cat /tmp/surreal.pid) || true sleep 5 kill -9 $(cat /tmp/surreal.pid) || true """ [tasks.start-tikv] category = "CI - SERVICES" script = """ #!/bin/bash -ex ${HOME}/.tiup/bin/tiup install pd tikv playground ${HOME}/.tiup/bin/tiup playground --mode tikv-slim --kv 3 --without-monitor &>/tmp/tiup.log & echo $! > /tmp/tiup.pid set +e echo "Waiting for tiup playground to be ready..." tries=0 while [[ $tries < 10 ]]; do ${HOME}/.tiup/bin/tiup playground display >/dev/null && echo "Ready!" && exit 0 || sleep 5 tries=$((tries + 1)) done set -e echo "ERROR: TiUP Playground is unhealthy!" exit 1 """ [tasks.stop-tikv] category = "CI - SERVICES" script = "kill $(cat /tmp/tiup.pid) || true" # # Builds # [tasks.build-surrealdb] category = "CI - BUILD" command = "cargo" args = ["build", "--locked", "--no-default-features", "--features", "storage-mem,storage-fdb"] # # Benchmarks # [tasks.bench-run-baseline] category = "CI - BENCHMARK" command = "cargo" args = ["bench", "--quiet", "--package", "surrealdb", "--no-default-features", "--features", "kv-mem,scripting,http", "--", "--save-baseline", "baseline"] [tasks.bench-save-baseline] category = "CI - BENCHMARK" script = "cp -r target/criterion /tmp/criterion" [tasks.bench-restore-baseline] category = "CI - BENCHMARK" script = "mkdir -p target && cp -r /tmp/criterion target/criterion" [tasks.bench-baseline] category = "CI - BENCHMARK" run_task = { name = ["bench-run-baseline", "bench-save-baseline"] } [tasks.bench-run-changes] category = "CI - BENCHMARK" command = "cargo" args = ["bench", "--quiet", "--package", "surrealdb", "--no-default-features", "--features", "kv-mem,scripting,http", "--", "--save-baseline", "changes"] [tasks.bench-changes] category = "CI - BENCHMARK" run_task = { name = ["bench-restore-baseline", "bench-run-changes"] } [tasks.bench-compare] category = "CI - BENCHMARK" script = "critcmp baseline changes | tee benchmark_results"