use crate::ctx::Context; use crate::err::Error; use crate::sql::value::Value; pub mod args; pub mod array; pub mod cast; pub mod count; pub mod crypto; pub mod duration; pub mod geo; pub mod http; pub mod is; pub mod math; pub mod meta; pub mod not; pub mod operate; pub mod parse; pub mod rand; pub mod script; pub mod session; pub mod string; pub mod time; pub mod r#type; pub mod util; /// Attempts to run any function. pub async fn run(ctx: &Context<'_>, name: &str, args: Vec<Value>) -> Result<Value, Error> { if name.starts_with("http") || (name.starts_with("crypto") && (name.ends_with("compare") || name.ends_with("generate"))) { asynchronous(ctx, name, args).await } else { synchronous(ctx, name, args) } } /// Each function is specified by its name (a string literal) followed by its path. The path /// may be followed by one parenthesized argument, e.g. ctx, which is passed to the function /// before the remainder of the arguments. The path may be followed by `.await` to signify that /// it is `async`. Finally, the path may be prefixed by a parenthesized wrapper function e.g. /// `cpu_intensive`. macro_rules! dispatch { ($name: ident, $args: ident, $($function_name: literal => $(($wrapper: tt))* $($function_path: ident)::+ $(($ctx_arg: expr))* $(.$await:tt)*,)+) => { { match $name { $($function_name => { let args = args::FromArgs::from_args($name, $args)?; #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure_call)] $($wrapper)*(|| $($function_path)::+($($ctx_arg,)* args))()$(.$await)* },)+ _ => unreachable!() } } }; } /// Attempts to run any synchronous function. pub fn synchronous(ctx: &Context<'_>, name: &str, args: Vec<Value>) -> Result<Value, Error> { dispatch!( name, args, "array::all" => array::all, "array::any" => array::any, "array::combine" => array::combine, "array::complement" => array::complement, "array::concat" => array::concat, "array::difference" => array::difference, "array::distinct" => array::distinct, "array::flatten" => array::flatten, "array::group" => array::group, "array::insert" => array::insert, "array::intersect" => array::intersect, "array::len" => array::len, "array::max" => array::max, "array::min" => array::min, "array::sort" => array::sort, "array::union" => array::union, "array::sort::asc" => array::sort::asc, "array::sort::desc" => array::sort::desc, // "count" => count::count, // "crypto::md5" => crypto::md5, "crypto::sha1" => crypto::sha1, "crypto::sha256" => crypto::sha256, "crypto::sha512" => crypto::sha512, // "duration::days" => duration::days, "duration::hours" => duration::hours, "duration::mins" => duration::mins, "duration::secs" => duration::secs, "duration::weeks" => duration::weeks, "duration::years" => duration::years, // "geo::area" => geo::area, "geo::bearing" => geo::bearing, "geo::centroid" => geo::centroid, "geo::distance" => geo::distance, "geo::hash::decode" => geo::hash::decode, "geo::hash::encode" => geo::hash::encode, // "is::alphanum" => is::alphanum, "is::alpha" => is::alpha, "is::ascii" => is::ascii, "is::datetime" => is::datetime, "is::domain" => is::domain, "is::email" => is::email, "is::hexadecimal" => is::hexadecimal, "is::latitude" => is::latitude, "is::longitude" => is::longitude, "is::numeric" => is::numeric, "is::semver" => is::semver, "is::url" => is::url, "is::uuid" => is::uuid, // "math::abs" => math::abs, "math::bottom" => math::bottom, "math::ceil" => math::ceil, "math::fixed" => math::fixed, "math::floor" => math::floor, "math::interquartile" => math::interquartile, "math::max" => math::max, "math::mean" => math::mean, "math::median" => math::median, "math::midhinge" => math::midhinge, "math::min" => math::min, "math::mode" => math::mode, "math::nearestrank" => math::nearestrank, "math::percentile" => math::percentile, "math::pow" => math::pow, "math::product" => math::product, "math::round" => math::round, "math::spread" => math::spread, "math::sqrt" => math::sqrt, "math::stddev" => math::stddev, "math::sum" => math::sum, "math::top" => math::top, "math::trimean" => math::trimean, "math::variance" => math::variance, // "meta::id" => meta::id, "meta::table" => meta::tb, "meta::tb" => meta::tb, // "not" => not::not, // "parse::email::host" => parse::email::host, "parse::email::user" => parse::email::user, "parse::url::domain" => parse::url::domain, "parse::url::fragment" => parse::url::fragment, "parse::url::host" => parse::url::host, "parse::url::path" => parse::url::path, "parse::url::port" => parse::url::port, "parse::url::query" => parse::url::query, "parse::url::scheme" => parse::url::scheme, // "rand::bool" => rand::bool, "rand::enum" => rand::r#enum, "rand::float" => rand::float, "rand::guid" => rand::guid, "rand::int" => rand::int, "rand::string" => rand::string, "rand::time" => rand::time, "rand::ulid" => rand::ulid, "rand::uuid::v4" => rand::uuid::v4, "rand::uuid::v7" => rand::uuid::v7, "rand::uuid" => rand::uuid, "rand" => rand::rand, // "session::db" => session::db(ctx), "session::id" => session::id(ctx), "session::ip" => session::ip(ctx), "session::ns" => session::ns(ctx), "session::origin" => session::origin(ctx), "session::sc" => session::sc(ctx), "session::sd" => session::sd(ctx), "session::token" => session::token(ctx), // "string::concat" => string::concat, "string::endsWith" => string::ends_with, "string::join" => string::join, "string::len" => string::len, "string::lowercase" => string::lowercase, "string::repeat" => string::repeat, "string::replace" => string::replace, "string::reverse" => string::reverse, "string::slice" => string::slice, "string::slug" => string::slug, "string::split" => string::split, "string::startsWith" => string::starts_with, "string::trim" => string::trim, "string::uppercase" => string::uppercase, "string::words" => string::words, // "time::day" => time::day, "time::floor" => time::floor, "time::format" => time::format, "time::group" => time::group, "time::hour" => time::hour, "time::minute" => time::minute, "time::month" => time::month, "time::nano" => time::nano, "time::now" => time::now, "time::round" => time::round, "time::second" => time::second, "time::timezone" => time::timezone, "time::unix" => time::unix, "time::wday" => time::wday, "time::week" => time::week, "time::yday" => time::yday, "time::year" => time::year, // "type::bool" => r#type::bool, "type::datetime" => r#type::datetime, "type::decimal" => r#type::decimal, "type::duration" => r#type::duration, "type::float" => r#type::float, "type::int" => r#type::int, "type::number" => r#type::number, "type::point" => r#type::point, "type::regex" => r#type::regex, "type::string" => r#type::string, "type::table" => r#type::table, "type::thing" => r#type::thing, ) } /// Attempts to run any asynchronous function. pub async fn asynchronous( _ctx: &Context<'_>, name: &str, args: Vec<Value>, ) -> Result<Value, Error> { // Wrappers return a function as opposed to a value so that the dispatch! method can always // perform a function call. #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] fn cpu_intensive<R: Send + 'static>( function: impl FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static, ) -> impl FnOnce() -> executor::Task<R> { || crate::exe::spawn(async move { function() }) } #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] fn cpu_intensive<R: Send + 'static>( function: impl FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static, ) -> impl FnOnce() -> std::future::Ready<R> { || std::future::ready(function()) } dispatch!( name, args, "crypto::argon2::compare" => (cpu_intensive) crypto::argon2::cmp.await, "crypto::argon2::generate" => (cpu_intensive) crypto::argon2::gen.await, "crypto::bcrypt::compare" => (cpu_intensive) crypto::bcrypt::cmp.await, "crypto::bcrypt::generate" => (cpu_intensive) crypto::bcrypt::gen.await, "crypto::pbkdf2::compare" => (cpu_intensive) crypto::pbkdf2::cmp.await, "crypto::pbkdf2::generate" => (cpu_intensive) crypto::pbkdf2::gen.await, "crypto::scrypt::compare" => (cpu_intensive) crypto::scrypt::cmp.await, "crypto::scrypt::generate" => (cpu_intensive) crypto::scrypt::gen.await, // "http::head" => http::head.await, "http::get" => http::get.await, "http::put" => http::put.await, "http::post" => http::post.await, "http::patch" => http::patch.await, "http::delete" => http::delete.await, ) }