mod common; #[cfg(surrealdb_unstable)] mod graphql_integration { use std::time::Duration; use assert_fs::assert; use http::header::HeaderValue; use http::{header, Method}; use reqwest::Client; use serde_json::json; use surrealdb::headers::{AUTH_DB, AUTH_NS}; use surrealdb::sql; use test_log::test; use ulid::Ulid; use super::common::{self, StartServerArguments, PASS, USER}; #[test(tokio::test)] async fn basic() -> Result<(), Box> { let (addr, _server) = common::start_server_gql_without_auth().await.unwrap(); let gql_url = &format!("http://{addr}/graphql"); let sql_url = &format!("http://{addr}/sql"); let mut headers = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::new(); let ns = Ulid::new().to_string(); let db = Ulid::new().to_string(); headers.insert("surreal-ns", ns.parse()?); headers.insert("surreal-db", db.parse()?); headers.insert(header::ACCEPT, "application/json".parse()?); let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .connect_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10)) .default_headers(headers) .build()?; // check errors with no tables { let res ="").send().await?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 400); let body = res.text().await?; assert!(body.contains("no tables found in database"), "body: {body}") } // add schema and data { let res = client .post(sql_url) .body( r#" DEFINE TABLE foo SCHEMAFUL; DEFINE FIELD val ON foo TYPE int; CREATE foo:1 set val = 42; CREATE foo:2 set val = 43; "#, ) .send() .await?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); } // fetch data via graphql { let res = client .post(gql_url) .body(json!({"query": r#"query{foo{id, val}}"#}).to_string()) .send() .await?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let body = res.text().await?; let expected = json!({ "data": { "foo": [ { "id": "foo:1", "val": 42 }, { "id": "foo:2", "val": 43 } ] } }); assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), body) } // test limit { let res = client .post(gql_url) .body(json!({"query": r#"query{foo(limit: 1){id, val}}"#}).to_string()) .send() .await?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let body = res.text().await?; let expected = json!({ "data": { "foo": [ { "id": "foo:1", "val": 42 } ] } }); assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), body) } // test start { let res = client .post(gql_url) .body(json!({"query": r#"query{foo(start: 1){id, val}}"#}).to_string()) .send() .await?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let body = res.text().await?; let expected = json!({ "data": { "foo": [ { "id": "foo:2", "val": 43 } ] } }); assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), body) } // test order { let res = client .post(gql_url) .body(json!({"query": r#"query{foo(order: {desc: val}){id}}"#}).to_string()) .send() .await?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let body = res.text().await?; let expected = json!({ "data": { "foo": [ { "id": "foo:2", }, { "id": "foo:1", } ] } }); assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), body) } // test filter { let res = client .post(gql_url) .body(json!({"query": r#"query{foo(filter: {val: {eq: 42}}){id}}"#}).to_string()) .send() .await?; assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let body = res.text().await?; let expected = json!({ "data": { "foo": [ { "id": "foo:1", } ] } }); assert_eq!(expected.to_string(), body) } Ok(()) } }