// Copyright © 2016 SurrealDB Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package db import ( "testing" "github.com/surrealdb/surrealdb/util/data" . "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey" ) func TestCreate(t *testing.T) { Convey("Create with invalid value", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE 1; CREATE "one"; CREATE ["many"]; CREATE [{value:"one"}]; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 5) So(res[1].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR") So(res[1].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Can not execute CREATE query using value '1'") So(res[2].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR") So(res[2].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Can not execute CREATE query using value 'one'") So(res[3].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR") So(res[3].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Can not execute CREATE query using value '[many]'") So(res[4].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR") So(res[4].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Can not execute CREATE query using value '[map[value:one]]'") }) Convey("Create record when it exists", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE person:test; CREATE person:test; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 3) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(res[2].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 0) So(res[2].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR_EX") So(res[2].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Database record 'person:test' already exists") }) Convey("Create unique record using `table`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE person; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldHaveLength, 20) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.tb").Data(), ShouldEqual, "person") }) Convey("Create specific record using `thing`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE person:test; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldHaveLength, 4) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.tb").Data(), ShouldEqual, "person") }) Convey("Create unique records using `batch`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE batch("person", ["1", "2", "person:3"]); ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 3) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 1) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[2]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 3) }) Convey("Create unique records using `model`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |person:100|; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 100) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldHaveLength, 20) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[99]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldHaveLength, 20) }) Convey("Create sequential ascending records using `model`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |person:1..100|; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 100) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 1) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[99]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 100) }) Convey("Create sequential descending records using `model`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |person:100..1|; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 100) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 100) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[99]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 1) }) Convey("Create sequential ascending negative-to-positive records using `model`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |person:-50..50|; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 101) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, -50) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[1]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, -49) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[100]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 50) }) Convey("Create sequential ascending decimal records using `model`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |person:1,0.5..50|; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 99) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 1) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[1]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 1.5) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[98]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 50) }) Convey("Create sequential descending decimal records using `model`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |person:50,0.5..1|; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 99) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 50) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[1]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 49.5) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[98]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 1) }) Convey("Create sequential ascending decimal negative-to-positive records using `model`", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |person:-50,0.5..50|; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 201) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, -50) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[1]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, -49.5) So(data.Consume(res[1].Result[200]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, 50) }) Convey("Parsing same ID using ints, floats, and strings", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE person:1; CREATE person:1.0; CREATE person:1.0000; CREATE person:⟨1⟩; CREATE person:⟨1.0⟩; CREATE person:⟨1.0000⟩; SELECT id FROM person; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 8) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(res[2].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR_EX") So(res[2].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Database record 'person:1' already exists") So(res[3].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR_EX") So(res[3].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Database record 'person:1' already exists") So(res[4].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR_EX") So(res[4].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Database record 'person:1' already exists") So(res[5].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR_EX") So(res[5].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Database record 'person:1' already exists") So(res[6].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR_EX") So(res[6].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Database record 'person:1' already exists") So(res[7].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 1) }) Convey("Creating with a timeout of 1ms returns an error", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |person:1..1000| TIMEOUT 1ms; SELECT * FROM person; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 3) So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 0) So(res[2].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 0) So(res[1].Status, ShouldEqual, "ERR_TO") So(res[1].Detail, ShouldEqual, "Query timeout of 1ms exceeded") }) Convey("Creating a record with unbounded map or array keys succeeds", t, func() { setupDB(1) txt := ` USE NS test DB test; CREATE |test:1000|; CREATE person:test SET tests=(SELECT id FROM test); SELECT * FROM person:test; ` res, err := Execute(permsKV(), txt, nil) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 4) So(res[1].Status, ShouldEqual, "OK") So(res[1].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 1000) So(res[2].Status, ShouldEqual, "OK") So(res[2].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(res[3].Result, ShouldHaveLength, 1) So(data.Consume(res[3].Result[0]).Get("meta.id").Data(), ShouldEqual, "test") So(data.Consume(res[3].Result[0]).Get("meta.tb").Data(), ShouldEqual, "person") So(data.Consume(res[3].Result[0]).Get("tests").Data(), ShouldHaveLength, 1000) }) }