// Copyright © 2016 SurrealDB Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package lang import ( "regexp" "strings" ) type inflection struct { regexp *regexp.Regexp replace string } // Regular is a regexp find replace inflection type Regular struct { find string replace string } // Irregular is a hard replace inflection, // containing both singular and plural forms type Irregular struct { singular string plural string } // RegularSlice is a slice of Regular inflections type RegularSlice []Regular // IrregularSlice is a slice of Irregular inflections type IrregularSlice []Irregular var pluralInflections = RegularSlice{ {"([a-z])$", "${1}s"}, {"s$", "s"}, {"^(ax|test)is$", "${1}es"}, {"(octop|vir)us$", "${1}i"}, {"(octop|vir)i$", "${1}i"}, {"(alias|status)$", "${1}es"}, {"(bu)s$", "${1}ses"}, {"(buffal|tomat)o$", "${1}oes"}, {"([ti])um$", "${1}a"}, {"([ti])a$", "${1}a"}, {"sis$", "ses"}, {"(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$", "${1}${2}ves"}, {"(hive)$", "${1}s"}, {"([^aeiouy]|qu)y$", "${1}ies"}, {"(x|ch|ss|sh)$", "${1}es"}, {"(matr|vert|ind)(?:ix|ex)$", "${1}ices"}, {"^(m|l)ouse$", "${1}ice"}, {"^(m|l)ice$", "${1}ice"}, {"^(ox)$", "${1}en"}, {"^(oxen)$", "${1}"}, {"(quiz)$", "${1}zes"}, } var singularInflections = RegularSlice{ {"s$", ""}, {"(ss)$", "${1}"}, {"(n)ews$", "${1}ews"}, {"([ti])a$", "${1}um"}, {"((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)(sis|ses)$", "${1}sis"}, {"(^analy)(sis|ses)$", "${1}sis"}, {"([^f])ves$", "${1}fe"}, {"(hive)s$", "${1}"}, {"(tive)s$", "${1}"}, {"([lr])ves$", "${1}f"}, {"([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$", "${1}y"}, {"(s)eries$", "${1}eries"}, {"(m)ovies$", "${1}ovie"}, {"(c)ookies$", "${1}ookie"}, {"(x|ch|ss|sh)es$", "${1}"}, {"^(m|l)ice$", "${1}ouse"}, {"(bus)(es)?$", "${1}"}, {"(o)es$", "${1}"}, {"(shoe)s$", "${1}"}, {"(cris|test)(is|es)$", "${1}is"}, {"^(a)x[ie]s$", "${1}xis"}, {"(octop|vir)(us|i)$", "${1}us"}, {"(alias|status)(es)?$", "${1}"}, {"^(ox)en", "${1}"}, {"(vert|ind)ices$", "${1}ex"}, {"(matr)ices$", "${1}ix"}, {"(quiz)zes$", "${1}"}, {"(database)s$", "${1}"}, } var irregularInflections = IrregularSlice{ {"person", "people"}, {"man", "men"}, {"child", "children"}, {"sex", "sexes"}, {"move", "moves"}, {"mombie", "mombies"}, {"criterion", "criteria"}, } var uncountableInflections = []string{"equipment", "information", "rice", "money", "species", "series", "fish", "sheep", "jeans", "police"} var compiledPlurals []inflection var compiledSingles []inflection func init() { compiledPlurals = []inflection{} compiledSingles = []inflection{} for _, uncountable := range uncountableInflections { inf := inflection{ regexp: regexp.MustCompile("^(?i)(" + uncountable + ")$"), replace: "${1}", } compiledPlurals = append(compiledPlurals, inf) compiledSingles = append(compiledSingles, inf) } for _, value := range irregularInflections { infs := []inflection{ {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(strings.ToUpper(value.singular) + "$"), replace: strings.ToUpper(value.plural)}, {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(strings.Title(value.singular) + "$"), replace: strings.Title(value.plural)}, {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(value.singular + "$"), replace: value.plural}, } compiledPlurals = append(compiledPlurals, infs...) } for _, value := range irregularInflections { infs := []inflection{ {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(strings.ToUpper(value.plural) + "$"), replace: strings.ToUpper(value.singular)}, {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(strings.Title(value.plural) + "$"), replace: strings.Title(value.singular)}, {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(value.plural + "$"), replace: value.singular}, } compiledSingles = append(compiledSingles, infs...) } for i := len(pluralInflections) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { value := pluralInflections[i] infs := []inflection{ {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(strings.ToUpper(value.find)), replace: strings.ToUpper(value.replace)}, {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(value.find), replace: value.replace}, {regexp: regexp.MustCompile("(?i)" + value.find), replace: value.replace}, } compiledPlurals = append(compiledPlurals, infs...) } for i := len(singularInflections) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { value := singularInflections[i] infs := []inflection{ {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(strings.ToUpper(value.find)), replace: strings.ToUpper(value.replace)}, {regexp: regexp.MustCompile(value.find), replace: value.replace}, {regexp: regexp.MustCompile("(?i)" + value.find), replace: value.replace}, } compiledSingles = append(compiledSingles, infs...) } } // Plural converts a word to its plural form func Pluralize(str string) string { for _, inflection := range compiledPlurals { if inflection.regexp.MatchString(str) { return inflection.regexp.ReplaceAllString(str, inflection.replace) } } return str } // Singular converts a word to its singular form func Singularize(str string) string { for _, inflection := range compiledSingles { if inflection.regexp.MatchString(str) { return inflection.regexp.ReplaceAllString(str, inflection.replace) } } return str }