use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::Arc; use surrealdb::dbs::capabilities::Capabilities; use surrealdb::dbs::Session; use surrealdb::err::Error; use surrealdb::iam::{Auth, Level, Role}; use surrealdb::kvs::Datastore; pub async fn new_ds() -> Result<Datastore, Error> { Ok(Datastore::new("memory").await?.with_capabilities(Capabilities::all())) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn iam_run_case( prepare: &str, test: &str, check: &str, check_expected_result: &Vec<&str>, ds: &Datastore, sess: &Session, should_succeed: bool, ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> { // Use the same scope as the test statement, but change the Auth to run the check with full permissions let mut owner_sess = sess.clone(); = Arc::new(Auth::for_root(Role::Owner)); // Prepare statement { if !prepare.is_empty() { let resp = ds.execute(prepare, &owner_sess, None).await.unwrap(); for r in resp.into_iter() { let tmp = r.output(); if tmp.is_err() { return Err(format!("Prepare statement failed: {}", tmp.unwrap_err()).into()); } } } } // Execute statement let mut resp = ds.execute(test, sess, None).await.unwrap(); // Check datastore state first { let resp = ds.execute(check, &owner_sess, None).await.unwrap(); if resp.len() != check_expected_result.len() { return Err(format!( "Check statement failed for test: expected {} results, got {}", check_expected_result.len(), resp.len() ) .into()); } for (i, r) in resp.into_iter().enumerate() { let tmp = r.output(); if tmp.is_err() { return Err( format!("Check statement errored for test: {}", tmp.unwrap_err()).into() ); } let tmp = tmp.unwrap().to_string(); if tmp != check_expected_result[i] { return Err(format!( "Check statement failed for test: expected value '{}' doesn't match '{}'", check_expected_result[i], tmp ) .into()); } } } // Check statement result. If the statement should succeed, check that the result is Ok, otherwise check that the result is a 'Not Allowed' error let res = resp.pop().unwrap().output(); if should_succeed { if res.is_err() { return Err(format!("Test statement failed: {}", res.unwrap_err()).into()); } } else { if res.is_ok() { return Err( format!("Test statement succeeded when it should have failed: {:?}", res).into() ); } let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); if !err.contains("Not enough permissions to perform this action") { return Err(format!("Test statement failed with unexpected error: {}", err).into()); } } Ok(()) } type CaseIter<'a> = std::slice::Iter<'a, ((Level, Role), (&'a str, &'a str), bool)>; #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn iam_check_cases( cases: CaseIter<'_>, scenario: &HashMap<&str, &str>, check_results: [Vec<&str>; 2], ) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> { let prepare = scenario.get("prepare").unwrap(); let test = scenario.get("test").unwrap(); let check = scenario.get("check").unwrap(); for ((level, role), (ns, db), should_succeed) in cases { println!("* Testing '{test}' for '{level}Actor({role})' on '({ns}, {db})'"); let sess = Session::for_level(level.to_owned(), role.to_owned()).with_ns(ns).with_db(db); let expected_result = if *should_succeed { check_results.get(0).unwrap() } else { check_results.get(1).unwrap() }; // Auth enabled { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(true); iam_run_case(prepare, test, check, expected_result, &ds, &sess, *should_succeed) .await?; } // Auth disabled { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(false); iam_run_case(prepare, test, check, expected_result, &ds, &sess, *should_succeed) .await?; } } // Anonymous user let ns = "NS"; let db = "DB"; for auth_enabled in [true, false].into_iter() { { println!( "* Testing '{test}' for 'Anonymous' on '({ns}, {db})' with {auth_enabled}", auth_enabled = if auth_enabled { "auth enabled" } else { "auth disabled" } ); let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); let expected_result = if auth_enabled { check_results.get(1).unwrap() } else { check_results.get(0).unwrap() }; iam_run_case( prepare, test, check, expected_result, &ds, &Session::default().with_ns(ns).with_db(db), !auth_enabled, ) .await?; } } Ok(()) }