use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use std::collections::btree_set::Iter; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::error::Error; use std::fs::File; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus, Stdio}; use std::{env, fs}; use tokio::time; use tokio_stream::StreamExt; use tracing::{debug, error, info}; pub const USER: &str = "root"; pub const PASS: &str = "root"; pub const NS: &str = "testns"; pub const DB: &str = "testdb"; /// Child is a (maybe running) CLI process. It can be killed by dropping it pub struct Child { inner: Option, stdout_path: String, stderr_path: String, } impl Child { /// Send some thing to the child's stdin pub fn input(mut self, input: &str) -> Self { let stdin = self.inner.as_mut().unwrap().stdin.as_mut().unwrap(); use std::io::Write; stdin.write_all(input.as_bytes()).unwrap(); self } pub fn kill(mut self) -> Self { self.inner.as_mut().unwrap().kill().unwrap(); self } pub fn finish(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Self, String> { let a = self .inner .as_mut() .map(|child| child.kill().map_err(|e| format!("failed to kill: {e}"))) .unwrap_or(Err("no inner".to_string()));|_ok| self) } pub fn send_signal(&self, signal: nix::sys::signal::Signal) -> nix::Result<()> { nix::sys::signal::kill( nix::unistd::Pid::from_raw(self.inner.as_ref().unwrap().id() as i32), signal, ) } pub fn status(&mut self) -> std::io::Result> { self.inner.as_mut().unwrap().try_wait() } pub fn stdout(&self) -> String { std::fs::read_to_string(&self.stdout_path).expect("Failed to read the stdout file") } pub fn stderr(&self) -> String { std::fs::read_to_string(&self.stderr_path).expect("Failed to read the stderr file") } /// Read the child's stdout concatenated with its stderr. Returns Ok if the child /// returns successfully, Err otherwise. pub fn output(&mut self) -> Result { let status = self.inner.as_mut().map(|child| child.wait().unwrap()).unwrap(); let mut buf = self.stdout(); buf.push_str(&self.stderr()); if status.success() { Ok(buf) } else { Err(buf) } } } impl Drop for Child { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(inner) = self.inner.as_mut() { println!("Server process dropped! Assuming error happend"); let _ = inner.kill(); let stdout = std::fs::read_to_string(&self.stdout_path).expect("Failed to read the stdout file"); println!("Server STDOUT: \n{stdout}"); let stderr = std::fs::read_to_string(&self.stderr_path).expect("Failed to read the stderr file"); println!("Server STDERR: \n{stderr}"); } let _ = std::fs::remove_file(&self.stdout_path); let _ = std::fs::remove_file(&self.stderr_path); } } pub fn run_internal>( args: &str, current_dir: Option

, vars: Option>, ) -> Child { let mut path = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); assert!(path.pop()); if path.ends_with("deps") { assert!(path.pop()); } // Note: Cargo automatically builds this binary for integration tests. path.push(format!("{}{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), std::env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX)); let mut cmd = Command::new(path); if let Some(dir) = current_dir { cmd.current_dir(&dir); } // Use local files instead of pipes to avoid deadlocks. See let stdout_path = tmp_file("server-stdout.log"); let stderr_path = tmp_file("server-stderr.log"); debug!("Redirecting output. args=`{args}` stdout={stdout_path} stderr={stderr_path})"); let stdout = Stdio::from(File::create(&stdout_path).unwrap()); let stderr = Stdio::from(File::create(&stderr_path).unwrap()); cmd.env_clear(); if let Some(v) = vars { cmd.envs(v); } cmd.stdin(Stdio::piped()); cmd.stdout(stdout); cmd.stderr(stderr); cmd.args(args.split_ascii_whitespace()); Child { inner: Some(cmd.spawn().unwrap()), stdout_path, stderr_path, } } /// Run the CLI with the given args pub fn run(args: &str) -> Child { run_internal::(args, None, None) } /// Run the CLI with the given args inside a temporary directory pub fn run_in_dir>(args: &str, current_dir: P) -> Child { run_internal(args, Some(current_dir), None) } pub fn tmp_file(name: &str) -> String { let path = Path::new(env!("OUT_DIR")).join(format!("{}-{}", rand::random::(), name)); path.to_string_lossy().into_owned() } pub struct StartServerArguments { pub path: Option, pub auth: bool, pub tls: bool, pub wait_is_ready: bool, pub temporary_directory: Option, pub args: String, pub vars: Option>, } impl Default for StartServerArguments { fn default() -> Self { Self { path: None, auth: true, tls: false, wait_is_ready: true, temporary_directory: None, args: "".to_string(), vars: None, } } } pub async fn start_server_without_auth() -> Result<(String, Child), Box> { start_server(StartServerArguments { auth: false, ..Default::default() }) .await } pub async fn start_server_with_functions() -> Result<(String, Child), Box> { start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "--allow-funcs".to_string(), ..Default::default() }) .await } pub async fn start_server_with_guests() -> Result<(String, Child), Box> { start_server(StartServerArguments { args: "--allow-guests".to_string(), ..Default::default() }) .await } pub async fn start_server_with_defaults() -> Result<(String, Child), Box> { start_server(StartServerArguments::default()).await } pub async fn start_server_with_temporary_directory( path: &str, ) -> Result<(String, Child), Box> { start_server(StartServerArguments { temporary_directory: Some(path.to_string()), ..Default::default() }) .await } pub async fn start_server_gql() -> Result<(String, Child), Box> { start_server(StartServerArguments { vars: Some(HashMap::from([( "SURREAL_EXPERIMENTAL_GRAPHQL".to_string(), "true".to_string(), )])), ..Default::default() }) .await } pub async fn start_server_gql_without_auth() -> Result<(String, Child), Box> { start_server(StartServerArguments { auth: false, vars: Some(HashMap::from([( "SURREAL_EXPERIMENTAL_GRAPHQL".to_string(), "true".to_string(), )])), ..Default::default() }) .await } pub async fn start_server( StartServerArguments { path, auth, tls, wait_is_ready, temporary_directory, args, vars, }: StartServerArguments, ) -> Result<(String, Child), Box> { let mut rng = thread_rng(); let path = path.unwrap_or("memory".to_string()); let mut extra_args = args.clone(); if tls { // Test the crt/key args but the keys are self signed so don't actually connect. let crt_path = tmp_file("crt.crt"); let key_path = tmp_file("key.pem"); let cert = rcgen::generate_simple_self_signed(Vec::new()).unwrap(); fs::write(&crt_path, cert.serialize_pem().unwrap()).unwrap(); fs::write(&key_path, cert.serialize_private_key_pem().into_bytes()).unwrap(); extra_args.push_str(format!(" --web-crt {crt_path} --web-key {key_path}").as_str()); } if !auth { extra_args.push_str(" --unauthenticated"); } if let Some(path) = temporary_directory { extra_args.push_str(format!(" --temporary-directory {path}").as_str()); } 'retry: for _ in 0..3 { let port: u16 = rng.gen_range(13000..24000); let addr = format!("{port}"); let start_args = format!("start --bind {addr} {path} --no-banner --log trace --user {USER} --pass {PASS} {extra_args}"); info!("starting server with args: {start_args}"); // Configure where the logs go when running the test let server = run_internal::(&start_args, None, vars.clone()); if !wait_is_ready { return Ok((addr, server)); } // Wait 5 seconds for the server to start let mut interval = time::interval(time::Duration::from_millis(1000)); info!("Waiting for server to start..."); for _i in 0..10 { interval.tick().await; let out = server.stderr(); if out.contains("Address already in use") { continue 'retry; } if !out.contains("Started web server on") { continue; } if run(&format!("isready --conn http://{addr}")).output().is_ok() { info!("Server ready!"); return Ok((addr, server)); } } let server_out = server.kill().output().err().unwrap(); if !server_out.contains("Address already in use") { error!("server output: {server_out}"); break; } } Err("server failed to start".into()) }