mod backup; mod config; mod export; mod import; mod isready; mod sql; mod start; mod version; pub use config::CF; use crate::cnf::LOGO; use clap::{Arg, Command}; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::process::ExitCode; use tracing::Level; use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter; pub const LOG: &str = "surrealdb::cli"; const INFO: &str = " To get started using SurrealDB, and for guides on connecting to and building applications on top of SurrealDB, check out the SurrealDB documentation ( If you have questions or ideas, join the SurrealDB community ( If you find a bug, submit an issue on Github ( We would love it if you could star the repository ( ---------- "; fn split_endpoint(v: &str) -> (&str, &str) { match v { "memory" => ("mem", ""), v => match v.split_once("://") { Some(parts) => parts, None => v.split_once(':').unwrap_or_default(), }, } } fn file_valid(v: &str) -> Result<(), String> { match v { v if !v.is_empty() => Ok(()), _ => Err(String::from("Provide a valid path to a SQL file")), } } fn bind_valid(v: &str) -> Result<(), String> { match v.parse::() { Ok(_) => Ok(()), _ => Err(String::from("Provide a valid network bind parameter")), } } fn path_valid(v: &str) -> Result<(), String> { match v { "memory" => Ok(()), v if v.starts_with("file:") => Ok(()), v if v.starts_with("rocksdb:") => Ok(()), v if v.starts_with("tikv:") => Ok(()), v if v.starts_with("fdb:") => Ok(()), _ => Err(String::from("Provide a valid database path parameter")), } } fn conn_valid(v: &str) -> Result<(), String> { let scheme = split_endpoint(v).0; match scheme { "http" | "https" | "ws" | "wss" | "fdb" | "mem" | "rocksdb" | "file" | "tikv" => Ok(()), _ => Err(String::from("Provide a valid database connection string")), } } fn from_valid(v: &str) -> Result<(), String> { match v { v if v.ends_with(".db") => Ok(()), v if v.starts_with("http://") => Ok(()), v if v.starts_with("https://") => Ok(()), _ => Err(String::from("Provide a valid database connection string, or the path to a file")), } } fn into_valid(v: &str) -> Result<(), String> { match v { v if v.ends_with(".db") => Ok(()), v if v.starts_with("http://") => Ok(()), v if v.starts_with("https://") => Ok(()), _ => Err(String::from("Provide a valid database connection string, or the path to a file")), } } fn key_valid(v: &str) -> Result<(), String> { match v.len() { 16 => Ok(()), 24 => Ok(()), 32 => Ok(()), _ => Err(String::from("Ensure your database encryption key is 16, 24, or 32 bits long")), } } fn log_valid(v: &str) -> Result { match v { // Don't show any logs at all "none" => Ok("none".to_string()), // Check if we should show all log levels "full" => Ok(Level::TRACE.to_string()), // Otherwise, let's only show errors "error" => Ok(Level::ERROR.to_string()), // Specify the log level for each code area "warn" | "info" | "debug" | "trace" => { Ok(format!("error,surreal={v},surrealdb={v},surrealdb::txn=error")) } // Let's try to parse the custom log level _ => match EnvFilter::builder().parse(v) { // The custom log level parsed successfully Ok(_) => Ok(v.to_owned()), // There was an error parsing the custom log level Err(_) => Err(String::from("Provide a valid log filter configuration string")), }, } } pub fn init() -> ExitCode { let setup = Command::new("SurrealDB command-line interface and server") .about(INFO) .before_help(LOGO) .disable_version_flag(true) .arg_required_else_help(true); let setup = setup.subcommand( Command::new("start") .display_order(1) .about("Start the database server") .arg( Arg::new("path") .index(1) .env("SURREAL_PATH") .required(false) .validator(path_valid) .default_value("memory") .help("Database path used for storing data"), ) .arg( Arg::new("user") .short('u') .env("SURREAL_USER") .long("user") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("The master username for the database"), ) .arg( Arg::new("pass") .short('p') .env("SURREAL_PASS") .long("pass") .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("The master password for the database"), ) .arg( Arg::new("addr") .env("SURREAL_ADDR") .long("addr") .number_of_values(1) .forbid_empty_values(true) .multiple_occurrences(true) .default_value("") .help("The allowed networks for master authentication"), ) .arg( Arg::new("bind") .short('b') .env("SURREAL_BIND") .long("bind") .validator(bind_valid) .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("") .help("The hostname or ip address to listen for connections on"), ) .arg( Arg::new("key") .short('k') .env("SURREAL_KEY") .long("key") .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .validator(key_valid) .help("Encryption key to use for on-disk encryption"), ) .arg( Arg::new("kvs-ca") .env("SURREAL_KVS_CA") .long("kvs-ca") .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("Path to the CA file used when connecting to the remote KV store"), ) .arg( Arg::new("kvs-crt") .env("SURREAL_KVS_CRT") .long("kvs-crt") .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help( "Path to the certificate file used when connecting to the remote KV store", ), ) .arg( Arg::new("kvs-key") .env("SURREAL_KVS_KEY") .long("kvs-key") .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help( "Path to the private key file used when connecting to the remote KV store", ), ) .arg( Arg::new("web-crt") .env("SURREAL_WEB_CRT") .long("web-crt") .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("Path to the certificate file for encrypted client connections"), ) .arg( Arg::new("web-key") .env("SURREAL_WEB_KEY") .long("web-key") .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("Path to the private key file for encrypted client connections"), ) .arg( Arg::new("strict") .short('s') .env("SURREAL_STRICT") .long("strict") .required(false) .takes_value(false) .help("Whether strict mode is enabled on this database instance"), ) .arg( Arg::new("log") .short('l') .env("SURREAL_LOG") .long("log") .takes_value(true) .default_value("info") .forbid_empty_values(true) .value_parser(log_valid) .help("The logging level for the database server. One of error, warn, info, debug, trace, full."), ) .arg( Arg::new("no-banner") .env("SURREAL_NO_BANNER") .long("no-banner") .required(false) .takes_value(false) .help("Whether to hide the startup banner"), ), ); let setup = setup.subcommand( Command::new("backup") .display_order(2) .about("Backup data to or from an existing database") .arg( Arg::new("from") .index(1) .required(true) .validator(from_valid) .help("Path to the remote database or file from which to export"), ) .arg( Arg::new("into") .index(2) .required(true) .validator(into_valid) .help("Path to the remote database or file into which to import"), ) .arg( Arg::new("user") .short('u') .long("user") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("Database authentication username to use when connecting"), ) .arg( Arg::new("pass") .short('p') .long("pass") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("Database authentication password to use when connecting"), ), ); let setup = setup.subcommand( Command::new("import") .display_order(3) .about("Import a SurrealQL script into an existing database") .arg( Arg::new("file") .index(1) .required(true) .validator(file_valid) .help("Path to the sql file to import"), ) .arg( Arg::new("ns") .long("ns") .required(true) .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("The namespace to import the data into"), ) .arg( Arg::new("db") .long("db") .required(true) .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("The database to import the data into"), ) .arg( Arg::new("conn") .short('c') .long("conn") .alias("host") .forbid_empty_values(true) .validator(conn_valid) .default_value("") .help("Remote database server url to connect to"), ) .arg( Arg::new("user") .short('u') .long("user") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("Database authentication username to use when connecting"), ) .arg( Arg::new("pass") .short('p') .long("pass") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("Database authentication password to use when connecting"), ), ); let setup = setup.subcommand( Command::new("export") .display_order(4) .about("Export an existing database as a SurrealQL script") .arg( Arg::new("file") .index(1) .required(true) .validator(file_valid) .help("Path to the sql file to export"), ) .arg( Arg::new("ns") .long("ns") .required(true) .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("The namespace to export the data from"), ) .arg( Arg::new("db") .long("db") .required(true) .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("The database to export the data from"), ) .arg( Arg::new("conn") .short('c') .long("conn") .alias("host") .forbid_empty_values(true) .validator(conn_valid) .default_value("") .help("Remote database server url to connect to"), ) .arg( Arg::new("user") .short('u') .long("user") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("Database authentication username to use when connecting"), ) .arg( Arg::new("pass") .short('p') .long("pass") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("Database authentication password to use when connecting"), ), ); let setup = setup.subcommand( Command::new("version") .display_order(5) .about("Output the command-line tool version information"), ); let setup = setup.subcommand( Command::new("sql") .display_order(6) .about("Start an SQL REPL in your terminal with pipe support") .arg( Arg::new("ns") .long("ns") .required(false) .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("The namespace to export the data from"), ) .arg( Arg::new("db") .long("db") .required(false) .takes_value(true) .forbid_empty_values(true) .help("The database to export the data from"), ) .arg( Arg::new("conn") .short('c') .long("conn") .alias("host") .forbid_empty_values(true) .validator(conn_valid) .default_value("wss://") .help("Remote database server url to connect to"), ) .arg( Arg::new("user") .short('u') .long("user") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("Database authentication username to use when connecting"), ) .arg( Arg::new("pass") .short('p') .long("pass") .forbid_empty_values(true) .default_value("root") .help("Database authentication password to use when connecting"), ) .arg( Arg::new("pretty") .long("pretty") .required(false) .takes_value(false) .help("Whether database responses should be pretty printed"), ), ); let setup = setup.subcommand( Command::new("isready") .display_order(7) .about("Check if the SurrealDB server is ready to accept connections") .arg( Arg::new("conn") .short('c') .long("conn") .alias("host") .forbid_empty_values(true) .validator(conn_valid) .default_value("http://localhost:8000") .help("Remote database server url to connect to"), ), ); let matches = setup.get_matches(); let output = match matches.subcommand() { Some(("sql", m)) => sql::init(m), Some(("start", m)) => start::init(m), Some(("backup", m)) => backup::init(m), Some(("import", m)) => import::init(m), Some(("export", m)) => export::init(m), Some(("version", m)) => version::init(m), Some(("isready", m)) => isready::init(m), _ => Ok(()), }; if let Err(e) = output { error!(target: LOG, "{}", e); return ExitCode::FAILURE; } ExitCode::SUCCESS }