mod parse; use parse::Parse; mod helpers; use helpers::new_ds; use surrealdb::dbs::Session; use surrealdb::err::Error; use surrealdb::iam::Role; use surrealdb::sql::Part; use surrealdb::sql::Thing; use surrealdb::sql::Value; #[tokio::test] async fn create_with_id() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " -- Should succeed CREATE person:test SET name = 'Tester'; CREATE person SET id = person:tobie, name = 'Tobie'; CREATE person CONTENT { id: person:jaime, name: 'Jaime' }; CREATE user CONTENT { id: 1, name: 'Robert' }; CREATE city CONTENT { id: 'london', name: 'London' }; CREATE city CONTENT { id: u'8e60244d-95f6-4f95-9e30-09a98977efb0', name: 'London' }; CREATE temperature CONTENT { id: ['London', d'2022-09-30T20:25:01.406828Z'], name: 'London' }; CREATE test CONTENT { id: other:715917898417176677 }; CREATE test CONTENT { id: other:⟨715917898.417176677⟩ }; CREATE test CONTENT { id: other:9223372036854775808 }; -- Should error as id is empty CREATE person SET id = ''; CREATE person CONTENT { id: '', name: 'Tester' }; -- Should error as id is mismatched CREATE person:other SET id = 'tobie'; CREATE person:other CONTENT { id: 'tobie', name: 'Tester' }; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 14); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:test, name: 'Tester' } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:tobie, name: 'Tobie' } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: person:jaime, name: 'Jaime' } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: user:1, name: 'Robert' } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: city:london, name: 'London' } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: city:⟨8e60244d-95f6-4f95-9e30-09a98977efb0⟩, name: 'London' } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: temperature:['London', d'2022-09-30T20:25:01.406828Z'], name: 'London' } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: test:715917898417176677 } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: test:⟨715917898.417176677⟩ } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: test:⟨9223372036854775808⟩ } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == r#"Found '' for the Record ID but this is not a valid id"# )); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == r#"Found '' for the Record ID but this is not a valid id"# )); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == r#"Found 'tobie' for the id field, but a specific record has been specified"# )); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(matches!( tmp.err(), Some(e) if e.to_string() == r#"Found 'tobie' for the id field, but a specific record has been specified"# )); // Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn create_with_custom_function() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE FUNCTION fn::record::create($data: any) { RETURN CREATE ONLY person:ulid() CONTENT { data: $data } RETURN AFTER; }; RETURN fn::record::create({ test: true, name: 'Tobie' }); RETURN fn::record::create({ test: true, name: 'Jaime' }); "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 3); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?.pick(&[Part::from("data")]); let val = Value::parse( "{ test: true, name: 'Tobie' }", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?.pick(&[Part::from("data")]); let val = Value::parse( "{ test: true, name: 'Jaime' }", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn create_or_insert_with_permissions() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " CREATE user:test; DEFINE TABLE user SCHEMAFULL PERMISSIONS FULL; DEFINE TABLE demo SCHEMAFULL PERMISSIONS FOR select, create, update WHERE user = $; DEFINE FIELD user ON TABLE demo VALUE $; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?.with_auth_enabled(true); let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 4); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let sql = " CREATE demo SET id = demo:one; INSERT INTO demo (id) VALUES (demo:two); "; let ses = Session::for_scope("test", "test", "test", Thing::from(("user", "test")).into()); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 2); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: demo:one, user: user:test, }, ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: demo:two, user: user:test, }, ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn create_on_none_values_with_unique_index() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE INDEX national_id_idx ON foo FIELDS national_id UNIQUE; CREATE foo SET name = 'John Doe'; CREATE foo SET name = 'Jane Doe'; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 3); // for _ in 0..3 { let _ = res.remove(0).result?; } Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn create_with_unique_index_with_two_flattened_fields() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE INDEX test ON user FIELDS account, tags…, emails... UNIQUE; CREATE user:1 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['one', 'two'], emails = ['', '']; CREATE user:2 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['two', 'three'], emails = ['', '']; CREATE user:3 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['one', 'two'], emails = ['', '']; CREATE user:4 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['two', 'three'], emails = ['', '']; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 5); // for _ in 0..3 { let _ = res.remove(0).result?; } // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; if let Err(e) = tmp { assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "Database index `test` already contains ['Apple', ['one', 'two'], ['', '']], with record `user:1`"); } else { panic!("An error was expected.") } // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; if let Err(e) = tmp { assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "Database index `test` already contains ['Apple', ['two', 'three'], ['', '']], with record `user:2`"); } else { panic!("An error was expected.") } Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn create_with_unique_index_with_one_flattened_field() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE INDEX test ON user FIELDS account, tags, emails... UNIQUE; CREATE user:1 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['one', 'two'], emails = ['', '']; CREATE user:2 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['two', 'three'], emails = ['', '']; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 3); // for _ in 0..2 { let _ = res.remove(0).result?; } // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; if let Err(e) = tmp { assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "Database index `test` already contains ['Apple', 'two', ['', '']], with record `user:1`"); } else { panic!("An error was expected.") } Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn create_with_unique_index_on_one_field_with_flattened_sub_values() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE INDEX test ON user FIELDS account, tags, emails.*.value… UNIQUE; CREATE user:1 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['one', 'two'], emails = [ { value:''} , { value:'' } ]; CREATE user:2 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['two', 'three'], emails = [ { value:''} , { value:'' } ]; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 3); // for _ in 0..2 { let _ = res.remove(0).result?; } // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; if let Err(e) = tmp { assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "Database index `test` already contains ['Apple', 'two', ['', '']], with record `user:1`"); } else { panic!("An error was expected.") } Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn create_with_unique_index_on_two_fields() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE INDEX test ON user FIELDS account, tags, emails UNIQUE; CREATE user:1 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['one', 'two'], emails = ['', '']; CREATE user:2 SET account = 'Apple', tags = ['two', 'one'], emails = ['', '']; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 3); // for _ in 0..2 { let _ = res.remove(0).result?; } let tmp = res.remove(0).result; // if let Err(e) = tmp { assert_eq!(e.to_string(), "Database index `test` already contains ['Apple', 'two', ''], with record `user:1`"); } else { panic!("An error was expected.") } Ok(()) } // // Permissions // async fn common_permissions_checks(auth_enabled: bool) { let tests = vec![ // Root level ((().into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true, "owner at root level should be able to create a new record"), ((().into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true, "editor at root level should be able to create a new record"), ((().into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false, "viewer at root level should not be able to create a new record"), // Namespace level ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true, "owner at namespace level should be able to create a new record on its namespace"), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false, "owner at namespace level should not be able to create a new record on another namespace"), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true, "editor at namespace level should be able to create a new record on its namespace"), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false, "editor at namespace level should not be able to create a new record on another namespace"), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false, "viewer at namespace level should not be able to create a new record on its namespace"), ((("NS",).into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false, "viewer at namespace level should not be able to create a new record on another namespace"), // Database level ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "DB"), true, "owner at database level should be able to create a new record on its database"), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false, "owner at database level should not be able to create a new record on another database"), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Owner), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false, "owner at database level should not be able to create a new record on another namespace even if the database name matches"), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "DB"), true, "editor at database level should be able to create a new record on its database"), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false, "editor at database level should not be able to create a new record on another database"), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Editor), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false, "editor at database level should not be able to create a new record on another namespace even if the database name matches"), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "DB"), false, "viewer at database level should not be able to create a new record on its database"), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("NS", "OTHER_DB"), false, "viewer at database level should not be able to create a new record on another database"), ((("NS", "DB").into(), Role::Viewer), ("OTHER_NS", "DB"), false, "viewer at database level should not be able to create a new record on another namespace even if the database name matches"), ]; let statement = "CREATE person"; // Test the CREATE statement when the table has to be created for ((level, role), (ns, db), should_succeed, msg) in tests.into_iter() { let sess = Session::for_level(level, role).with_ns(ns).with_db(db); { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); let mut resp = ds.execute(statement, &sess, None).await.unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); if should_succeed { assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}: {:?}", msg, res); assert_ne!(res.unwrap(), Value::parse("[]"), "{}", msg); } else if res.is_ok() { // Permissions clause doesn't allow to query the table assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), Value::parse("[]"), "{}", msg); } else { // Not allowed to create a table let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert!( err.contains("Not enough permissions to perform this action"), "{}: {}", msg, err ) } } // Test the CREATE statement when the table already exists { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::owner().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!( res.is_ok() && res.unwrap() != Value::parse("[]"), "unexpected error creating person record" ); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::owner().with_ns("OTHER_NS").with_db("DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!( res.is_ok() && res.unwrap() != Value::parse("[]"), "unexpected error creating person record" ); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::owner().with_ns("NS").with_db("OTHER_DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!( res.is_ok() && res.unwrap() != Value::parse("[]"), "unexpected error creating person record" ); // Run the test let mut resp = ds.execute(statement, &sess, None).await.unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); if should_succeed { assert!(res.is_ok(), "{}: {:?}", msg, res); assert_ne!(res.unwrap(), Value::parse("[]"), "{}", msg); } else if res.is_ok() { // Permissions clause doesn't allow to query the table assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), Value::parse("[]"), "{}", msg); } else { // Not allowed to create a table let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert!( err.contains("Not enough permissions to perform this action"), "{}: {}", msg, err ) } } } } #[tokio::test] async fn check_permissions_auth_enabled() { let auth_enabled = true; // // Test common scenarios // common_permissions_checks(auth_enabled).await; // // Test Anonymous user // // When the table doesn't exist { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::default().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert!( err.contains("Not enough permissions to perform this action"), "anonymous user should not be able to create the table: {}", err ); } // When the table exists but grants no permissions { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); let mut resp = ds .execute( "DEFINE TABLE person PERMISSIONS NONE", &Session::owner().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None, ) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!(res.is_ok(), "failed to create table: {:?}", res); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::default().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!(res.unwrap() == Value::parse("[]"), "{}", "anonymous user should not be able to create a new record if the table exists but has no permissions"); } // When the table exists and grants full permissions { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); let mut resp = ds .execute( "DEFINE TABLE person PERMISSIONS FULL", &Session::owner().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None, ) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!(res.is_ok(), "failed to create table: {:?}", res); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::default().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!(res.unwrap() != Value::parse("[]"), "{}", "anonymous user should be able to create a new record if the table exists and grants full permissions"); } } #[tokio::test] async fn check_permissions_auth_disabled() { let auth_enabled = false; // // Test common scenarios // common_permissions_checks(auth_enabled).await; // // Test Anonymous user // // When the table doesn't exist { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::default().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!( res.unwrap() != Value::parse("[]"), "{}", "anonymous user should be able to create the table" ); } // When the table exists but grants no permissions { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); let mut resp = ds .execute( "DEFINE TABLE person PERMISSIONS NONE", &Session::owner().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None, ) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!(res.is_ok(), "failed to create table: {:?}", res); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::default().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!(res.unwrap() != Value::parse("[]"), "{}", "anonymous user should not be able to create a new record if the table exists but has no permissions"); } { let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled); // When the table exists and grants full permissions let mut resp = ds .execute( "DEFINE TABLE person PERMISSIONS FULL", &Session::owner().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None, ) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!(res.is_ok(), "failed to create table: {:?}", res); let mut resp = ds .execute("CREATE person", &Session::default().with_ns("NS").with_db("DB"), None) .await .unwrap(); let res = resp.remove(0).output(); assert!(res.unwrap() != Value::parse("[]"), "{}", "anonymous user should be able to create a new record if the table exists and grants full permissions"); } }