mod parse; use parse::Parse; mod helpers; use crate::helpers::skip_ok; use helpers::new_ds; use surrealdb::dbs::Session; use surrealdb::err::Error; use surrealdb::sql::Value; #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table() -> Result<(), Error> { let sql = " DEFINE TABLE person SCHEMALESS; DEFINE TABLE person_by_age AS SELECT count(), age, math::sum(age) AS total, math::mean(score) AS average, math::max(score) AS max, math::min(score) AS min FROM person GROUP BY age ; INFO FOR TABLE person; UPSERT person:one SET age = 39, score = 70; SELECT * FROM person_by_age; UPSERT person:two SET age = 39, score = 80; SELECT * FROM person_by_age; UPSERT person:two SET age = 39, score = 90; SELECT * FROM person_by_age; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 9); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result; assert!(tmp.is_ok()); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "{ events: {}, fields: {}, tables: { person_by_age: 'DEFINE TABLE person_by_age TYPE ANY SCHEMALESS AS SELECT count(), age, math::sum(age) AS total, math::mean(score) AS average, math::max(score) AS max, math::min(score) AS min FROM person GROUP BY age PERMISSIONS NONE' }, indexes: {}, lives: {}, }", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { age: 39, id: person:one, score: 70, } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { age: 39, average: 70, count: 1, id: person_by_age:[39], max: 70, min: 70, total: 39 } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse("[{ id: person:two, age: 39, score: 80 }]"); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { age: 39, average: 75, count: 2, id: person_by_age:[39], max: 80, min: 70, total: 78 } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse("[{ id: person:two, age: 39, score: 90 }]"); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { age: 39, average: 80, count: 2, id: person_by_age:[39], max: 90, min: 70, total: 78 } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_no_doubles() -> Result<(), Error> { // From: let sql = " CREATE happy:1 SET year=2024, month=1, day=1; CREATE happy:2 SET year=2024, month=1, day=1; CREATE happy:3 SET year=2024, month=1, day=1; DEFINE TABLE monthly AS SELECT count() as activeRounds, year, month FROM happy GROUP BY year, month; DEFINE TABLE daily AS SELECT count() as activeRounds, year, month, day FROM happy GROUP BY year, month, day; SELECT * FROM monthly; SELECT * FROM daily; "; let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 7); // skip_ok(res, 5)?; // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: monthly:[2024, 1], activeRounds: 3, year: 2024, month: 1, } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // let tmp = res.remove(0).result?; let val = Value::parse( "[ { id: daily:[2024, 1, 1], activeRounds: 3, year: 2024, month: 1, day: 1, } ]", ); assert_eq!(tmp, val); // Ok(()) } async fn define_foreign_table_group(cond: bool, agr: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let cond = if cond { "WHERE value >= 5" } else { "" }; let sql = format!( " UPDATE wallet:1 CONTENT {{ value: 20.0, day: 1 }} RETURN NONE; UPDATE wallet:2 CONTENT {{ value: 5.0, day: 1 }} RETURN NONE; // 0 DEFINE TABLE wallet_agr AS SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; // 1 UPDATE wallet:1 CONTENT {{ value: 10.0, day: 1 }} RETURN NONE; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; // 2 UPDATE wallet:2 CONTENT {{ value: 15.0, day: 1 }} RETURN NONE; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; // 3 UPDATE wallet:3 CONTENT {{ value: 10.0, day: 2 }} RETURN NONE; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; // 4 UPDATE wallet:4 CONTENT {{ value: 5.0, day: 2 }} RETURN NONE; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; // 5 UPDATE wallet:2 SET value = 3.0 RETURN NONE; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; // 6 UPDATE wallet:4 SET day = 3 RETURN NONE; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; // 7 DELETE wallet:2; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; // 8 DELETE wallet:3; SELECT {agr} as agr, day FROM wallet {cond} GROUP BY day; SELECT agr, day FROM wallet_agr; " ); let dbs = new_ds().await?; let ses = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test"); let res = &mut dbs.execute(&sql, &ses, None).await?; assert_eq!(res.len(), 29); // skip_ok(res, 2)?; // for i in 0..9 { // Skip the UPDATE or DELETE statement skip_ok(res, 1)?; // Get the computed result let comp = res.remove(0).result?; // Get the projected result let proj = res.remove(0).result?; // Check they are similar assert_eq!(format!("{proj:#}"), format!("{comp:#}"), "#{i}"); } // Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_cond_group_mean() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(true, "math::mean(value)").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_with_cond_group_count() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(true, "count()").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_cond_group_min() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(true, "math::min(value)").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_cond_group_max() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(true, "math::max(value)").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_cond_group_sum() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(true, "math::sum(value)").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_no_cond_and_group_mean() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(false, "math::mean(value)").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_no_cond_and_group_count() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(false, "count()").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_no_cond_and_group_min() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(false, "math::min(value)").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_no_cond_and_group_max() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(false, "math::max(value)").await } #[tokio::test] async fn define_foreign_table_with_no_cond_and_group_sum() -> Result<(), Error> { define_foreign_table_group(false, "math::sum(value)").await }