347 lines
8.3 KiB
347 lines
8.3 KiB
use crate::ctx::Context;
use crate::dbs::{Options, Transaction};
use crate::doc::CursorDoc;
use crate::err::Error;
use crate::sql::comment::shouldbespace;
use crate::sql::common::commas;
use crate::sql::ending::field as ending;
use crate::sql::error::IResult;
use crate::sql::fmt::Fmt;
use crate::sql::idiom::{plain as idiom, Idiom};
use crate::sql::part::Part;
use crate::sql::value::{value, Value};
use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::tag_no_case;
use nom::multi::separated_list1;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter, Write};
use std::ops::Deref;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
pub struct Fields(pub Vec<Field>, pub bool);
impl Fields {
pub fn all() -> Self {
Self(vec![Field::All], false)
/// Check to see if this field is a * projection
pub fn is_all(&self) -> bool {
self.0.iter().any(|v| matches!(v, Field::All))
/// Get all fields which are not an * projection
pub fn other(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Field> {
self.0.iter().filter(|v| !matches!(v, Field::All))
/// Check to see if this field is a single VALUE clause
pub fn single(&self) -> Option<&Field> {
match (self.0.len(), self.1) {
(1, true) => match self.0.first() {
Some(Field::All) => None,
Some(v) => Some(v),
_ => None,
_ => None,
impl Deref for Fields {
type Target = Vec<Field>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl IntoIterator for Fields {
type Item = Field;
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<Self::Item>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl Display for Fields {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self.single() {
Some(v) => write!(f, "VALUE {}", &v),
None => Display::fmt(&Fmt::comma_separated(&self.0), f),
impl Fields {
/// Process this type returning a computed simple Value
pub(crate) async fn compute(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
doc: Option<&CursorDoc<'_>>,
group: bool,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
// Ensure futures are run
if let Some(doc) = doc {
self.compute_value(ctx, opt, txn, doc, group).await
} else {
let doc = (&Value::None).into();
self.compute_value(ctx, opt, txn, &doc, group).await
async fn compute_value(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
doc: &CursorDoc<'_>,
group: bool,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let opt = &opt.new_with_futures(true);
// Process the desired output
let mut out = match self.is_all() {
true => doc.doc.compute(ctx, opt, txn, Some(doc)).await?,
false => Value::base(),
for v in self.other() {
match v {
Field::All => (),
Field::Single {
} => {
let idiom = alias
.unwrap_or_else(|| Cow::Owned(expr.to_idiom()));
match expr {
// This expression is a grouped aggregate function
Value::Function(f) if group && f.is_aggregate() => {
let x = match f.args().len() {
// If no function arguments, then compute the result
0 => f.compute(ctx, opt, txn, Some(doc)).await?,
// If arguments, then pass the first value through
_ => f.args()[0].compute(ctx, opt, txn, Some(doc)).await?,
// Check if this is a single VALUE field expression
match self.single().is_some() {
false => out.set(ctx, opt, txn, idiom.as_ref(), x).await?,
true => out = x,
// This expression is a multi-output graph traversal
Value::Idiom(v) if v.is_multi_yield() => {
// Store the different output yields here
let mut res: Vec<(&[Part], Value)> = Vec::new();
// Split the expression by each output alias
for v in v.split_inclusive(Idiom::split_multi_yield) {
// Use the last fetched value for each fetch
let x = match res.last() {
Some((_, r)) => r,
None => doc.doc.as_ref(),
// Continue fetching the next idiom part
let x = x
.get(ctx, opt, txn, Some(doc), v)
.compute(ctx, opt, txn, Some(doc))
// Add the result to the temporary store
res.push((v, x));
// Assign each fetched yield to the output
for (p, x) in res {
match p.last().unwrap().alias() {
// This is an alias expression part
Some(a) => {
if let Some(i) = alias {
out.set(ctx, opt, txn, i, x.clone()).await?;
out.set(ctx, opt, txn, a, x).await?;
// This is the end of the expression
None => {
out.set(ctx, opt, txn, alias.as_ref().unwrap_or(v), x)
// This expression is a normal field expression
_ => {
let x = expr.compute(ctx, opt, txn, Some(doc)).await?;
// Check if this is a single VALUE field expression
match self.single().is_some() {
false => out.set(ctx, opt, txn, idiom.as_ref(), x).await?,
true => out = x,
pub fn fields(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Fields> {
alt((field_one, field_many))(i)
fn field_one(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Fields> {
let (i, _) = tag_no_case("VALUE")(i)?;
let (i, _) = shouldbespace(i)?;
let (i, f) = alt((alias, alone))(i)?;
let (i, _) = ending(i)?;
Ok((i, Fields(vec![f], true)))
fn field_many(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Fields> {
let (i, v) = separated_list1(commas, field)(i)?;
Ok((i, Fields(v, false)))
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)]
pub enum Field {
/// The `*` in `SELECT * FROM ...`
/// The 'rating' in `SELECT rating FROM ...`
Single {
expr: Value,
/// The `quality` in `SELECT rating AS quality FROM ...`
alias: Option<Idiom>,
impl Display for Field {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::All => f.write_char('*'),
Self::Single {
} => {
Display::fmt(expr, f)?;
if let Some(alias) = alias {
f.write_str(" AS ")?;
Display::fmt(alias, f)
} else {
pub fn field(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Field> {
alt((all, alias, alone))(i)
pub fn all(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Field> {
let (i, _) = tag_no_case("*")(i)?;
Ok((i, Field::All))
pub fn alone(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Field> {
let (i, expr) = value(i)?;
Field::Single {
alias: None,
pub fn alias(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Field> {
let (i, expr) = value(i)?;
let (i, _) = shouldbespace(i)?;
let (i, _) = tag_no_case("AS")(i)?;
let (i, _) = shouldbespace(i)?;
let (i, alias) = idiom(i)?;
Field::Single {
alias: Some(alias),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn field_all() {
let sql = "*";
let res = fields(sql);
let out = res.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!("*", format!("{}", out));
fn field_one() {
let sql = "field";
let res = fields(sql);
let out = res.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!("field", format!("{}", out));
fn field_value() {
let sql = "VALUE field";
let res = fields(sql);
let out = res.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!("VALUE field", format!("{}", out));
fn field_alias() {
let sql = "field AS one";
let res = fields(sql);
let out = res.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!("field AS one", format!("{}", out));
fn field_value_alias() {
let sql = "VALUE field AS one";
let res = fields(sql);
let out = res.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!("VALUE field AS one", format!("{}", out));
fn field_multiple() {
let sql = "field, other.field";
let res = fields(sql);
let out = res.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!("field, other.field", format!("{}", out));
fn field_aliases() {
let sql = "field AS one, other.field AS two";
let res = fields(sql);
let out = res.unwrap().1;
assert_eq!("field AS one, other.field AS two", format!("{}", out));
fn field_value_only_one() {
let sql = "VALUE field, other.field";
let res = fields(sql);