All request variables which are assigned to an sql query are now specified in one location, ensuring that they are consistent and always present for all queries.
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// Copyright © 2016 Abcum Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package web
import (
func signup(c *fibre.Context) (err error) {
var vars map[string]interface{}
str, err := signupInternal(c, vars)
switch err {
case nil:
return c.Send(200, str)
return err
func signupRpc(c *fibre.Context, vars map[string]interface{}) (res interface{}, err error) {
var str string
str, err = signupInternal(c, vars)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = checkBearer(c, str, ignore)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return str, nil
func signupInternal(c *fibre.Context, vars map[string]interface{}) (str string, err error) {
n, nok := vars[varKeyNs].(string)
d, dok := vars[varKeyDb].(string)
s, sok := vars[varKeySc].(string)
// If we have a namespace, database, and
// scope defined, then we are logging in
// to the scope level.
if nok && len(n) > 0 && dok && len(d) > 0 && sok && len(s) > 0 {
var ok bool
var txn kvs.TX
var doc *sql.Thing
var res []*db.Response
var exp *sql.SubExpression
var evt *sql.MultExpression
var scp *sql.DefineScopeStatement
// Start a new read transaction.
if txn, err = db.Begin(false); err != nil {
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(500)
// Ensure the transaction closes.
defer txn.Cancel()
// Give full permissions to scope.
c.Set(varKeyAuth, &cnf.Auth{Kind: cnf.AuthDB})
// Specify fields to show in logs.
f := map[string]interface{}{"ns": n, "db": d, "sc": s}
// Get the specified signin scope.
if scp, err = mem.NewWithTX(txn).GetSC(n, d, s); err != nil {
m := "Authentication scope does not exist"
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(403).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
// Check that the scope allows signup.
if exp, ok = scp.Signup.(*sql.SubExpression); !ok {
m := "Authentication scope does not allow signup"
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(403).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
// Process the scope signup statement.
query := &sql.Query{Statements: []sql.Statement{exp.Expr}}
// If the query fails then return a 501 error.
if res, err = db.Process(c, query, vars); err != nil {
m := "Authentication scope signup was unsuccessful: Query failed"
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(501).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
// If the response is not 1 record then return a 403 error.
if len(res) != 1 {
m := "Authentication scope signup was unsuccessful: Query failed"
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(403).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
// If the response has an error set then return a 403 error.
if res[0].Status != "OK" {
m := "Authentication scope signin was unsuccessful: " + res[0].Detail
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(403).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
// If the response has no record set then return a 403 error.
if len(res[0].Result) != 1 {
m := "Authentication scope signup was unsuccessful: No record created"
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(403).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
// If the query does not return an id field then return a 403 error.
if doc, ok = data.Consume(res[0].Result[0]).Get("id").Data().(*sql.Thing); !ok {
m := "Authentication scope signup was unsuccessful: No id field found"
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(403).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
// Create a new token signer with the default claims.
signr := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS512, jwt.MapClaims{
"NS": n,
"DB": d,
"SC": s,
"TK": "default",
"IP": c.IP().String(),
"iss": "Surreal",
"iat": time.Now().Unix(),
"nbf": time.Now().Unix(),
"exp": time.Now().Add(scp.Time).Unix(),
"TB": doc.TB,
"ID": doc.ID,
// Try to create the final signed token as a string.
if str, err = signr.SignedString(scp.Code); err != nil {
m := "Problem with signing method: " + err.Error()
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(403).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
// Check that the scope allows signup.
if evt, ok = scp.OnSignup.(*sql.MultExpression); ok {
stmts := make([]sql.Statement, len(evt.Expr))
for k := range evt.Expr {
stmts[k] = evt.Expr[k]
query := &sql.Query{Statements: stmts}
qvars := map[string]interface{}{
"id": doc,
// If the query fails then return a 501 error.
if res, err = db.Process(c, query, qvars); err != nil {
m := "Authentication scope signup was unsuccessful: `ON SIGNUP` failed:" + err.Error()
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(501).WithFields(f).WithMessage(m)
return str, err
return str, fibre.NewHTTPError(403)