332 lines
7.7 KiB
332 lines
7.7 KiB
use crate::ctx::Context;
use crate::dbs::Statement;
use crate::dbs::{Options, Transaction};
use crate::doc::{CursorDoc, Document};
use crate::err::Error;
use crate::idx::btree::store::BTreeStoreType;
use crate::idx::ft::FtIndex;
use crate::idx::IndexKeyBase;
use crate::sql::array::Array;
use crate::sql::index::Index;
use crate::sql::scoring::Scoring;
use crate::sql::statements::DefineIndexStatement;
use crate::sql::{Ident, Part, Thing, Value};
use crate::{key, kvs};
impl<'a> Document<'a> {
pub async fn index(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
_stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Check indexes
if !opt.indexes {
return Ok(());
// Check if forced
if !opt.force && !self.changed() {
return Ok(());
// Check if the table is a view
if self.tb(opt, txn).await?.drop {
return Ok(());
// Get the record id
let rid = self.id.as_ref().unwrap();
// Loop through all index statements
for ix in self.ix(opt, txn).await?.iter() {
// Calculate old values
let o = build_opt_values(ctx, opt, txn, ix, &self.initial).await?;
// Calculate new values
let n = build_opt_values(ctx, opt, txn, ix, &self.current).await?;
// Update the index entries
if opt.force || o != n {
// Claim transaction
let mut run = txn.lock().await;
// Store all the variable and parameters required by the index operation
let mut ic = IndexOperation::new(opt, ix, o, n, rid);
// Index operation dispatching
match &ix.index {
Index::Uniq => ic.index_unique(&mut run).await?,
Index::Idx => ic.index_non_unique(&mut run).await?,
Index::Search {
} => ic.index_full_text(&mut run, az, *order, sc, *hl).await?,
// Carry on
/// Extract from the given document, the values required by the index and put then in an array.
/// Eg. IF the index is composed of the columns `name` and `instrument`
/// Given this doc: { "id": 1, "instrument":"piano", "name":"Tobie" }
/// It will return: ["Tobie", "piano"]
async fn build_opt_values(
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
ix: &DefineIndexStatement,
doc: &CursorDoc<'_>,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<Value>>, Error> {
if !doc.doc.is_some() {
return Ok(None);
let mut o = Vec::with_capacity(ix.cols.len());
for i in ix.cols.iter() {
let v = i.compute(ctx, opt, txn, Some(doc)).await?;
/// Extract from the given document, the values required by the index and put then in an array.
/// Eg. IF the index is composed of the columns `name` and `instrument`
/// Given this doc: { "id": 1, "instrument":"piano", "name":"Tobie" }
/// It will return: ["Tobie", "piano"]
struct Indexable(Vec<(Value, bool)>);
impl Indexable {
fn new(vals: Vec<Value>, ix: &DefineIndexStatement) -> Self {
let mut source = Vec::with_capacity(vals.len());
for (v, i) in vals.into_iter().zip(ix.cols.0.iter()) {
let f = matches!(i.0.last(), Some(&Part::Flatten));
source.push((v, f));
impl IntoIterator for Indexable {
type Item = Array;
type IntoIter = Combinator;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
struct Combinator {
iterators: Vec<Box<dyn ValuesIterator>>,
has_next: bool,
impl Combinator {
fn new(source: Vec<(Value, bool)>) -> Self {
let mut iterators: Vec<Box<dyn ValuesIterator>> = Vec::new();
// We create an iterator for each idiom
for (v, f) in source {
if !f {
// Iterator for not flattened values
if let Value::Array(v) = v {
iterators.push(Box::new(MultiValuesIterator {
vals: v.0,
done: false,
current: 0,
Self {
has_next: true,
impl Iterator for Combinator {
type Item = Array;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if !self.has_next {
return None;
let mut o = Vec::with_capacity(self.iterators.len());
// Create the combination and advance to the next
self.has_next = false;
for i in &mut self.iterators {
if !self.has_next {
// We advance only one iterator per iteration
if i.next() {
self.has_next = true;
let o = Array::from(o);
trait ValuesIterator: Send {
fn next(&mut self) -> bool;
fn current(&self) -> &Value;
struct MultiValuesIterator {
vals: Vec<Value>,
done: bool,
current: usize,
impl ValuesIterator for MultiValuesIterator {
fn next(&mut self) -> bool {
if self.done {
return false;
if self.current == self.vals.len() - 1 {
self.done = true;
return false;
self.current += 1;
fn current(&self) -> &Value {
struct SingleValueIterator(Value);
impl ValuesIterator for SingleValueIterator {
fn next(&mut self) -> bool {
fn current(&self) -> &Value {
struct IndexOperation<'a> {
opt: &'a Options,
ix: &'a DefineIndexStatement,
/// The old values (if existing)
o: Option<Vec<Value>>,
/// The new values (if existing)
n: Option<Vec<Value>>,
rid: &'a Thing,
impl<'a> IndexOperation<'a> {
fn new(
opt: &'a Options,
ix: &'a DefineIndexStatement,
o: Option<Vec<Value>>,
n: Option<Vec<Value>>,
rid: &'a Thing,
) -> Self {
Self {
fn get_non_unique_index_key(&self, v: &'a Array) -> key::index::Index {
async fn index_non_unique(&mut self, run: &mut kvs::Transaction) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Delete the old index data
if let Some(o) = self.o.take() {
let i = Indexable::new(o, self.ix);
for o in i {
let key = self.get_non_unique_index_key(&o);
let _ = run.delc(key, Some(self.rid)).await; // Ignore this error
// Create the new index data
if let Some(n) = self.n.take() {
let i = Indexable::new(n, self.ix);
for n in i {
let key = self.get_non_unique_index_key(&n);
if run.putc(key, self.rid, None).await.is_err() {
return self.err_index_exists(n);
fn get_unique_index_key(&self, v: &'a Array) -> key::index::Index {
key::index::Index::new(self.opt.ns(), self.opt.db(), &self.ix.what, &self.ix.name, v, None)
async fn index_unique(&mut self, run: &mut kvs::Transaction) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Delete the old index data
if let Some(o) = self.o.take() {
let i = Indexable::new(o, self.ix);
for o in i {
let key = self.get_unique_index_key(&o);
let _ = run.delc(key, Some(self.rid)).await; // Ignore this error
// Create the new index data
if let Some(n) = self.n.take() {
let i = Indexable::new(n, self.ix);
for n in i {
if !n.is_all_none_or_null() {
let key = self.get_unique_index_key(&n);
if run.putc(key, self.rid, None).await.is_err() {
return self.err_index_exists(n);
fn err_index_exists(&self, n: Array) -> Result<(), Error> {
Err(Error::IndexExists {
thing: self.rid.to_string(),
index: self.ix.name.to_string(),
value: match n.len() {
1 => n.first().unwrap().to_string(),
_ => n.to_string(),
async fn index_full_text(
run: &mut kvs::Transaction,
az: &Ident,
order: u32,
scoring: &Scoring,
hl: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let ikb = IndexKeyBase::new(self.opt, self.ix);
let az = run.get_az(self.opt.ns(), self.opt.db(), az.as_str()).await?;
let mut ft = FtIndex::new(run, az, ikb, order, scoring, hl, BTreeStoreType::Write).await?;
if let Some(n) = &self.n {
ft.index_document(run, self.rid, n).await?;
} else {
ft.remove_document(run, self.rid).await?;