426 lines
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426 lines
12 KiB
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
use std::future::Future;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread::Builder;
use surrealdb::dbs::capabilities::Capabilities;
use surrealdb::dbs::Session;
use surrealdb::err::Error;
use surrealdb::iam::{Auth, Level, Role};
use surrealdb::kvs::Datastore;
use surrealdb_core::dbs::Response;
use surrealdb_core::sql::{value, Number, Value};
pub async fn new_ds() -> Result<Datastore, Error> {
pub async fn iam_run_case(
prepare: &str,
test: &str,
check: &str,
check_expected_result: &[&str],
ds: &Datastore,
sess: &Session,
should_succeed: bool,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Use the session as the test statement, but change the Auth to run the check with full permissions
let mut owner_sess = sess.clone();
owner_sess.au = Arc::new(Auth::for_root(Role::Owner));
// Prepare statement
if !prepare.is_empty() {
let resp = ds.execute(prepare, &owner_sess, None).await.unwrap();
for r in resp.into_iter() {
let tmp = r.output();
if tmp.is_err() {
return Err(format!("Prepare statement failed: {}", tmp.unwrap_err()).into());
// Execute statement
let mut resp = ds.execute(test, sess, None).await.unwrap();
// Check datastore state first
let resp = ds.execute(check, &owner_sess, None).await.unwrap();
if resp.len() != check_expected_result.len() {
return Err(format!(
"Check statement failed for test: expected {} results, got {}",
for (i, r) in resp.into_iter().enumerate() {
let tmp = r.output();
if tmp.is_err() {
return Err(
format!("Check statement errored for test: {}", tmp.unwrap_err()).into()
let tmp = tmp.unwrap().to_string();
if tmp != check_expected_result[i] {
return Err(format!(
"Check statement failed for test: expected value '{}' doesn't match '{}'",
check_expected_result[i], tmp
// Check statement result. If the statement should succeed, check that the result is Ok, otherwise check that the result is a 'Not Allowed' error
let res = resp.pop().unwrap().output();
if should_succeed {
if res.is_err() {
return Err(format!("Test statement failed: {}", res.unwrap_err()).into());
} else {
if res.is_ok() {
return Err(
format!("Test statement succeeded when it should have failed: {:?}", res).into()
let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string();
if !err.contains("Not enough permissions to perform this action") {
return Err(format!("Test statement failed with unexpected error: {}", err).into());
type CaseIter<'a> = std::slice::Iter<'a, ((Level, Role), (&'a str, &'a str), bool)>;
pub async fn iam_check_cases(
cases: CaseIter<'_>,
scenario: &HashMap<&str, &str>,
check_results: [Vec<&str>; 2],
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let prepare = scenario.get("prepare").unwrap();
let test = scenario.get("test").unwrap();
let check = scenario.get("check").unwrap();
for ((level, role), (ns, db), should_succeed) in cases {
println!("* Testing '{test}' for '{level}Actor({role})' on '({ns}, {db})'");
let sess = Session::for_level(level.to_owned(), role.to_owned()).with_ns(ns).with_db(db);
let expected_result = if *should_succeed {
} else {
// Auth enabled
let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(true);
iam_run_case(prepare, test, check, expected_result, &ds, &sess, *should_succeed)
// Auth disabled
let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(false);
iam_run_case(prepare, test, check, expected_result, &ds, &sess, *should_succeed)
// Anonymous user
let ns = "NS";
let db = "DB";
for auth_enabled in [true, false].into_iter() {
"* Testing '{test}' for 'Anonymous' on '({ns}, {db})' with {auth_enabled}",
auth_enabled = if auth_enabled {
"auth enabled"
} else {
"auth disabled"
let ds = new_ds().await.unwrap().with_auth_enabled(auth_enabled);
let expected_result = if auth_enabled {
} else {
pub fn with_enough_stack(
fut: impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + Send + 'static,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut builder = Builder::new();
// Roughly how much stack is allocated for surreal server workers in release mode
builder = builder.stack_size(10_000_000);
// Same for debug mode
builder = builder.stack_size(24_000_000);
.spawn(|| {
let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread().build().unwrap();
fn skip_ok_pos(res: &mut Vec<Response>, pos: usize) -> Result<(), Error> {
assert!(!res.is_empty(), "At position {pos} - No more result!");
let r = res.remove(0).result;
let _ = r.is_err_and(|e| {
panic!("At position {pos} - Statement fails with: {e}");
/// Skip the specified number of successful results from a vector of responses.
/// This function will panic if there are not enough results in the vector or if an error occurs.
pub fn skip_ok(res: &mut Vec<Response>, skip: usize) -> Result<(), Error> {
for i in 0..skip {
skip_ok_pos(res, i)?;
/// Struct representing a test scenario.
/// # Fields
/// - `ds`: The datastore for the test.
/// - `session`: The session for the test.
/// - `responses`: The list of responses for the test.
/// - `pos`: The current position in the responses list.
pub struct Test {
pub ds: Datastore,
pub session: Session,
pub responses: Vec<Response>,
pos: usize,
impl Debug for Test {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Responses left: {:?}.", self.responses)
impl Test {
/// Creates a new instance of the `Self` struct with the given SQL query.
/// Arguments `sql` - A string slice representing the SQL query.
/// Panics if an error occurs.
pub async fn with_ds(ds: Datastore, sql: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let session = Session::owner().with_ns("test").with_db("test");
let responses = ds.execute(sql, &session, None).await?;
Ok(Self {
pos: 0,
pub async fn new(sql: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Self::with_ds(new_ds().await?, sql).await
/// Simulates restarting the Datastore
/// - Data are persistent (including memory store)
/// - Flushing caches (jwks, IndexStore, ...)
pub async fn restart(self, sql: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Self::with_ds(self.ds.restart(), sql).await
/// Checks if the number of responses matches the expected size.
/// Panics if the number of responses does not match the expected size
pub fn expect_size(&mut self, expected: usize) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
"Unexpected number of results: {} - Expected: {expected}",
/// Retrieves the next response from the responses list.
/// This method will panic if the responses list is empty, indicating that there are no more responses to retrieve.
/// The panic message will include the last position in the responses list before it was emptied.
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Response, Error> {
assert!(!self.responses.is_empty(), "No response left - last position: {}", self.pos);
self.pos += 1;
/// Retrieves the next value from the responses list.
/// This method will panic if the responses list is empty, indicating that there are no more responses to retrieve.
/// The panic message will include the last position in the responses list before it was emptied.
pub fn next_value(&mut self) -> Result<Value, Error> {
/// Skips a specified number of elements from the beginning of the `responses` vector
/// and updates the position.
pub fn skip_ok(&mut self, skip: usize) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
for _ in 0..skip {
skip_ok_pos(&mut self.responses, self.pos)?;
self.pos += 1;
/// Expects the next value to be equal to the provided value.
/// Panics if the expected value is not equal to the actual value.
/// Compliant with NaN and Constants.
pub fn expect_value(&mut self, val: Value) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
let tmp = self.next_value()?;
// Then check they are indeed the same values
// If it is a constant we need to transform it as a number
let val = if let Value::Constant(c) = val {
c.compute().unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Can't convert constant {c} - {e}"))
} else {
if val.is_nan() {
assert!(tmp.is_nan(), "Expected NaN but got: {tmp}");
} else {
assert_eq!(tmp, val, "{tmp:#}");
/// Expect values in the given slice to be present in the responses, following the same order.
pub fn expect_values(&mut self, values: &[Value]) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
for value in values {
/// Expect the given value to be equals to the next response.
pub fn expect_val(&mut self, val: &str) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
/// Expect values in the given slice to be present in the responses, following the same order.
pub fn expect_vals(&mut self, vals: &[&str]) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
for val in vals {
/// Expects the next result to be an error with the given check function returning true.
/// This function will panic if the next result is not an error or if the error
/// message does not pass the check.
pub fn expect_error_func<F: Fn(&Error) -> bool>(
&mut self,
check: F,
) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
let tmp = self.next()?.result;
match &tmp {
Ok(val) => {
panic!("At position {} - Expect error, but got OK: {val}", self.pos);
Err(e) => {
assert!(check(e), "At position {} - Err didn't match: {e}", self.pos)
/// Expects the next result to be an error with the specified error message.
pub fn expect_error(&mut self, error: &str) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
self.expect_error_func(|e| e.to_string() == error)
pub fn expect_errors(&mut self, errors: &[&str]) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
for error in errors {
/// Expects the next value to be a floating-point number and compares it with the given value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `val` - The expected floating-point value
/// * `precision` - The allowed difference between the expected and actual value
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the next value is not a number or if the difference
/// between the expected and actual value exceeds the precision.
pub fn expect_float(&mut self, val: f64, precision: f64) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
let tmp = self.next_value()?;
if let Value::Number(Number::Float(n)) = tmp {
let diff = (n - val).abs();
diff <= precision,
"{tmp} does not match expected: {val} - diff: {diff} - precision: {precision}"
} else {
panic!("At position {}: Value {tmp} is not a number", self.pos);
pub fn expect_floats(&mut self, vals: &[f64], precision: f64) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
for val in vals {
self.expect_float(*val, precision)?;