
1733 lines
44 KiB

use super::kv::Add;
use super::kv::Convert;
use super::Key;
use super::Val;
use crate::err::Error;
use crate::key::thing;
use crate::kvs::cache::Cache;
use crate::kvs::cache::Entry;
use crate::sql;
use crate::sql::paths::EDGE;
use crate::sql::paths::IN;
use crate::sql::paths::OUT;
use crate::sql::thing::Thing;
use crate::sql::Value;
use channel::Sender;
use sql::permission::Permissions;
use sql::statements::DefineDatabaseStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineEventStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineFieldStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineFunctionStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineIndexStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineLoginStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineNamespaceStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineParamStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineScopeStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineTableStatement;
use sql::statements::DefineTokenStatement;
use sql::statements::LiveStatement;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::Arc;
const LOG: &str = "surrealdb::txn";
/// A set of undoable updates and requests against a dataset.
pub struct Transaction {
pub(super) inner: Inner,
pub(super) cache: Cache,
pub(super) enum Inner {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
impl fmt::Display for Transaction {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match &self.inner {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Inner::Mem(_) => write!(f, "memory"),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Inner::RocksDB(_) => write!(f, "rocksdb"),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Inner::IndxDB(_) => write!(f, "indexdb"),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Inner::TiKV(_) => write!(f, "tikv"),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Inner::FDB(_) => write!(f, "fdb"),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl Transaction {
// --------------------------------------------------
// Integral methods
// --------------------------------------------------
/// Check if transactions is finished.
/// If the transaction has been cancelled or committed,
/// then this function will return [`true`], and any further
/// calls to functions on this transaction will result
/// in a [`Error::TxFinished`] error.
pub async fn closed(&self) -> bool {
trace!(target: LOG, "Closed");
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.closed(),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.closed(),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.closed(),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.closed(),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.closed(),
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Cancel a transaction.
/// This reverses all changes made within the transaction.
pub async fn cancel(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
trace!(target: LOG, "Cancel");
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.cancel(),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.cancel().await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.cancel().await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.cancel().await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.cancel().await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Commit a transaction.
/// This attempts to commit all changes made within the transaction.
pub async fn commit(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
trace!(target: LOG, "Commit");
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.commit(),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.commit().await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.commit().await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.commit().await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.commit().await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Delete a key from the datastore.
pub async fn del<K>(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<(), Error>
K: Into<Key> + Debug,
trace!(target: LOG, "Del {:?}", key);
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.del(key),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.del(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.del(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.del(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.del(key).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Check if a key exists in the datastore.
pub async fn exi<K>(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<bool, Error>
K: Into<Key> + Debug,
trace!(target: LOG, "Exi {:?}", key);
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.exi(key),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.exi(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.exi(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.exi(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.exi(key).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Fetch a key from the datastore.
pub async fn get<K>(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<Option<Val>, Error>
K: Into<Key> + Debug,
trace!(target: LOG, "Get {:?}", key);
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.get(key),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.get(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.get(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.get(key).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.get(key).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Insert or update a key in the datastore.
pub async fn set<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, val: V) -> Result<(), Error>
K: Into<Key> + Debug,
V: Into<Val> + Debug,
trace!(target: LOG, "Set {:?} => {:?}", key, val);
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.set(key, val),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.set(key, val).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.set(key, val).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.set(key, val).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.set(key, val).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Insert a key if it doesn't exist in the datastore.
pub async fn put<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, val: V) -> Result<(), Error>
K: Into<Key> + Debug,
V: Into<Val> + Debug,
trace!(target: LOG, "Put {:?} => {:?}", key, val);
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.put(key, val),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.put(key, val).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.put(key, val).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.put(key, val).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.put(key, val).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Retrieve a specific range of keys from the datastore.
/// This function fetches the full range of key-value pairs, in a single request to the underlying datastore.
pub async fn scan<K>(&mut self, rng: Range<K>, limit: u32) -> Result<Vec<(Key, Val)>, Error>
K: Into<Key> + Debug,
trace!(target: LOG, "Scan {:?} - {:?}", rng.start, rng.end);
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.scan(rng, limit),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.scan(rng, limit).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.scan(rng, limit).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.scan(rng, limit).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.scan(rng, limit).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Update a key in the datastore if the current value matches a condition.
pub async fn putc<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, val: V, chk: Option<V>) -> Result<(), Error>
K: Into<Key> + Debug,
V: Into<Val> + Debug,
trace!(target: LOG, "Putc {:?} if {:?} => {:?}", key, chk, val);
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.putc(key, val, chk),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.putc(key, val, chk).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.putc(key, val, chk).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.putc(key, val, chk).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.putc(key, val, chk).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Delete a key from the datastore if the current value matches a condition.
pub async fn delc<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, chk: Option<V>) -> Result<(), Error>
K: Into<Key> + Debug,
V: Into<Val> + Debug,
trace!(target: LOG, "Delc {:?} if {:?}", key, chk);
match self {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-mem")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
} => v.delc(key, chk),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-rocksdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::RocksDB(v),
} => v.delc(key, chk).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::IndxDB(v),
} => v.delc(key, chk).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
} => v.delc(key, chk).await,
#[cfg(feature = "kv-fdb")]
Transaction {
inner: Inner::FDB(v),
} => v.delc(key, chk).await,
_ => unreachable!(),
// --------------------------------------------------
// Superjacent methods
// --------------------------------------------------
/// Retrieve a specific range of keys from the datastore.
/// This function fetches key-value pairs from the underlying datastore in batches of 1000.
pub async fn getr<K>(&mut self, rng: Range<K>, limit: u32) -> Result<Vec<(Key, Val)>, Error>
K: Into<Key>,
let beg: Key = rng.start.into();
let end: Key = rng.end.into();
let mut nxt: Option<Key> = None;
let mut num = limit;
let mut out: Vec<(Key, Val)> = vec![];
// Start processing
while num > 0 {
// Get records batch
let res = match nxt {
None => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
let num = std::cmp::min(1000, num);
self.scan(min..max, num).await?
Some(ref mut beg) => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
let num = std::cmp::min(1000, num);
self.scan(min..max, num).await?
// Get total results
let n = res.len();
// Exit when settled
if n == 0 {
// Loop over results
for (i, (k, v)) in res.into_iter().enumerate() {
// Ready the next
if n == i + 1 {
nxt = Some(k.clone());
// Delete
out.push((k, v));
// Count
num -= 1;
/// Delete a range of keys from the datastore.
/// This function fetches key-value pairs from the underlying datastore in batches of 1000.
pub async fn delr<K>(&mut self, rng: Range<K>, limit: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
K: Into<Key>,
let beg: Key = rng.start.into();
let end: Key = rng.end.into();
let mut nxt: Option<Key> = None;
let mut num = limit;
// Start processing
while num > 0 {
// Get records batch
let res = match nxt {
None => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
let num = std::cmp::min(1000, num);
self.scan(min..max, num).await?
Some(ref mut beg) => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
let num = std::cmp::min(1000, num);
self.scan(min..max, num).await?
// Get total results
let n = res.len();
// Exit when settled
if n == 0 {
// Loop over results
for (i, (k, _)) in res.into_iter().enumerate() {
// Ready the next
if n == i + 1 {
nxt = Some(k.clone());
// Delete
// Count
num -= 1;
/// Retrieve a specific prefix of keys from the datastore.
/// This function fetches key-value pairs from the underlying datastore in batches of 1000.
pub async fn getp<K>(&mut self, key: K, limit: u32) -> Result<Vec<(Key, Val)>, Error>
K: Into<Key>,
let beg: Key = key.into();
let end: Key = beg.clone().add(0xff);
let mut nxt: Option<Key> = None;
let mut num = limit;
let mut out: Vec<(Key, Val)> = vec![];
// Start processing
while num > 0 {
// Get records batch
let res = match nxt {
None => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
let num = std::cmp::min(1000, num);
self.scan(min..max, num).await?
Some(ref mut beg) => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
let num = std::cmp::min(1000, num);
self.scan(min..max, num).await?
// Get total results
let n = res.len();
// Exit when settled
if n == 0 {
// Loop over results
for (i, (k, v)) in res.into_iter().enumerate() {
// Ready the next
if n == i + 1 {
nxt = Some(k.clone());
// Delete
out.push((k, v));
// Count
num -= 1;
/// Delete a prefix of keys from the datastore.
/// This function fetches key-value pairs from the underlying datastore in batches of 1000.
pub async fn delp<K>(&mut self, key: K, limit: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
K: Into<Key>,
let beg: Key = key.into();
let end: Key = beg.clone().add(0xff);
let mut nxt: Option<Key> = None;
let mut num = limit;
// Start processing
while num > 0 {
// Get records batch
let res = match nxt {
None => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
let num = std::cmp::min(1000, num);
self.scan(min..max, num).await?
Some(ref mut beg) => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
let num = std::cmp::min(1000, num);
self.scan(min..max, num).await?
// Get total results
let n = res.len();
// Exit when settled
if n == 0 {
// Loop over results
for (i, (k, _)) in res.into_iter().enumerate() {
// Ready the next
if n == i + 1 {
nxt = Some(k.clone());
// Delete
// Count
num -= 1;
// --------------------------------------------------
// Superimposed methods
// --------------------------------------------------
/// Clear any cache entry for the specified key.
pub async fn clr<K>(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<(), Error>
K: Into<Key>,
let key: Key = key.into();
/// Retrieve all namespace definitions in a datastore.
pub async fn all_ns(&mut self) -> Result<Arc<[DefineNamespaceStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::ns::prefix();
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Nss(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::ns::prefix();
let end = crate::key::ns::suffix();
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Nss(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all namespace login definitions for a specific namespace.
pub async fn all_nl(&mut self, ns: &str) -> Result<Arc<[DefineLoginStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::nl::prefix(ns);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Nls(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::nl::prefix(ns);
let end = crate::key::nl::suffix(ns);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Nls(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all namespace token definitions for a specific namespace.
pub async fn all_nt(&mut self, ns: &str) -> Result<Arc<[DefineTokenStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::nt::prefix(ns);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Nts(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::nt::prefix(ns);
let end = crate::key::nt::suffix(ns);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Nts(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all database definitions for a specific namespace.
pub async fn all_db(&mut self, ns: &str) -> Result<Arc<[DefineDatabaseStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::db::prefix(ns);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Dbs(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::db::prefix(ns);
let end = crate::key::db::suffix(ns);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Dbs(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all database login definitions for a specific database.
pub async fn all_dl(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineLoginStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::dl::prefix(ns, db);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Dls(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::dl::prefix(ns, db);
let end = crate::key::dl::suffix(ns, db);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Dls(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all database token definitions for a specific database.
pub async fn all_dt(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineTokenStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::dt::prefix(ns, db);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Dts(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::dt::prefix(ns, db);
let end = crate::key::dt::suffix(ns, db);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Dts(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all function definitions for a specific database.
pub async fn all_fc(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineFunctionStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::fc::prefix(ns, db);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Fcs(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::fc::prefix(ns, db);
let end = crate::key::fc::suffix(ns, db);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Fcs(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all scope definitions for a specific database.
pub async fn all_sc(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineScopeStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::sc::prefix(ns, db);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Scs(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::sc::prefix(ns, db);
let end = crate::key::sc::suffix(ns, db);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Scs(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all scope token definitions for a scope.
pub async fn all_st(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
sc: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineTokenStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::st::prefix(ns, db, sc);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Sts(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::st::prefix(ns, db, sc);
let end = crate::key::st::suffix(ns, db, sc);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Sts(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all scope definitions for a specific database.
pub async fn all_pa(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineParamStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::pa::prefix(ns, db);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Pas(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::pa::prefix(ns, db);
let end = crate::key::pa::suffix(ns, db);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Pas(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all table definitions for a specific database.
pub async fn all_tb(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineTableStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::tb::prefix(ns, db);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Tbs(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::tb::prefix(ns, db);
let end = crate::key::tb::suffix(ns, db);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Tbs(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all event definitions for a specific table.
pub async fn all_ev(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineEventStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::ev::prefix(ns, db, tb);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Evs(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::ev::prefix(ns, db, tb);
let end = crate::key::ev::suffix(ns, db, tb);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Evs(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all field definitions for a specific table.
pub async fn all_fd(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineFieldStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::fd::prefix(ns, db, tb);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Fds(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::fd::prefix(ns, db, tb);
let end = crate::key::fd::suffix(ns, db, tb);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Fds(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all index definitions for a specific table.
pub async fn all_ix(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineIndexStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::ix::prefix(ns, db, tb);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Ixs(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::ix::prefix(ns, db, tb);
let end = crate::key::ix::suffix(ns, db, tb);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Ixs(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all view definitions for a specific table.
pub async fn all_ft(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[DefineTableStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::ft::prefix(ns, db, tb);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Fts(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::ft::prefix(ns, db, tb);
let end = crate::key::ft::suffix(ns, db, tb);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Fts(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve all live definitions for a specific table.
pub async fn all_lv(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<[LiveStatement]>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::lv::prefix(ns, db, tb);
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Lvs(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let beg = crate::key::lv::prefix(ns, db, tb);
let end = crate::key::lv::suffix(ns, db, tb);
let val = self.getr(beg..end, u32::MAX).await?;
let val = val.convert().into();
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Lvs(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve a specific namespace definition.
pub async fn get_ns(&mut self, ns: &str) -> Result<DefineNamespaceStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::ns::new(ns);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::NsNotFound {
value: ns.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific namespace login definition.
pub async fn get_nl(&mut self, ns: &str, nl: &str) -> Result<DefineLoginStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::nl::new(ns, nl);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::NlNotFound {
value: nl.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific namespace token definition.
pub async fn get_nt(&mut self, ns: &str, nt: &str) -> Result<DefineTokenStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::nt::new(ns, nt);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::NtNotFound {
value: nt.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific database definition.
pub async fn get_db(&mut self, ns: &str, db: &str) -> Result<DefineDatabaseStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::db::new(ns, db);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::DbNotFound {
value: db.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific database login definition.
pub async fn get_dl(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
dl: &str,
) -> Result<DefineLoginStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::dl::new(ns, db, dl);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::DlNotFound {
value: dl.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific database token definition.
pub async fn get_dt(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
dt: &str,
) -> Result<DefineTokenStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::dt::new(ns, db, dt);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::DtNotFound {
value: dt.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific scope definition.
pub async fn get_sc(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
sc: &str,
) -> Result<DefineScopeStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::sc::new(ns, db, sc);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::ScNotFound {
value: sc.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific scope token definition.
pub async fn get_st(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
sc: &str,
st: &str,
) -> Result<DefineTokenStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::st::new(ns, db, sc, st);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::StNotFound {
value: st.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific function definition.
pub async fn get_fc(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
fc: &str,
) -> Result<DefineFunctionStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::fc::new(ns, db, fc);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::FcNotFound {
value: fc.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific param definition.
pub async fn get_pa(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
pa: &str,
) -> Result<DefineParamStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::pa::new(ns, db, pa);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::PaNotFound {
value: pa.to_owned(),
/// Retrieve a specific table definition.
pub async fn get_tb(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
) -> Result<DefineTableStatement, Error> {
let key = crate::key::tb::new(ns, db, tb);
let val = self.get(key).await?.ok_or(Error::TbNotFound {
value: tb.to_owned(),
/// Add a namespace with a default configuration, only if we are in dynamic mode.
pub async fn add_ns(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
strict: bool,
) -> Result<DefineNamespaceStatement, Error> {
match self.get_ns(ns).await {
Err(Error::NsNotFound {
}) => match strict {
false => {
let key = crate::key::ns::new(ns);
let val = DefineNamespaceStatement {
name: ns.to_owned().into(),
self.put(key, &val).await?;
true => Err(Error::NsNotFound {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
/// Add a database with a default configuration, only if we are in dynamic mode.
pub async fn add_db(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
strict: bool,
) -> Result<DefineDatabaseStatement, Error> {
match self.get_db(ns, db).await {
Err(Error::DbNotFound {
}) => match strict {
false => {
let key = crate::key::db::new(ns, db);
let val = DefineDatabaseStatement {
name: db.to_owned().into(),
self.put(key, &val).await?;
true => Err(Error::DbNotFound {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
/// Add a scope with a default configuration, only if we are in dynamic mode.
pub async fn add_sc(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
sc: &str,
strict: bool,
) -> Result<DefineScopeStatement, Error> {
match self.get_sc(ns, db, sc).await {
Err(Error::ScNotFound {
}) => match strict {
false => {
let key = crate::key::sc::new(ns, db, sc);
let val = DefineScopeStatement {
name: sc.to_owned().into(),
self.put(key, &val).await?;
true => Err(Error::ScNotFound {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
/// Add a table with a default configuration, only if we are in dynamic mode.
pub async fn add_tb(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
strict: bool,
) -> Result<DefineTableStatement, Error> {
match self.get_tb(ns, db, tb).await {
Err(Error::TbNotFound {
}) => match strict {
false => {
let key = crate::key::tb::new(ns, db, tb);
let val = DefineTableStatement {
name: tb.to_owned().into(),
permissions: Permissions::none(),
self.put(key, &val).await?;
true => Err(Error::TbNotFound {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
/// Retrieve and cache a specific namespace definition.
pub async fn get_and_cache_ns(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<DefineNamespaceStatement>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::ns::new(ns).encode()?;
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Ns(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let val = self.get(key.clone()).await?.ok_or(Error::NsNotFound {
value: ns.to_owned(),
let val: Arc<DefineNamespaceStatement> = Arc::new(val.into());
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Ns(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve and cache a specific database definition.
pub async fn get_and_cache_db(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<DefineDatabaseStatement>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::db::new(ns, db).encode()?;
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Db(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let val = self.get(key.clone()).await?.ok_or(Error::DbNotFound {
value: db.to_owned(),
let val: Arc<DefineDatabaseStatement> = Arc::new(val.into());
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Db(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Retrieve and cache a specific table definition.
pub async fn get_and_cache_tb(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
) -> Result<Arc<DefineTableStatement>, Error> {
let key = crate::key::tb::new(ns, db, tb).encode()?;
match self.cache.exi(&key) {
true => match self.cache.get(&key) {
Some(Entry::Tb(v)) => Ok(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let val = self.get(key.clone()).await?.ok_or(Error::TbNotFound {
value: tb.to_owned(),
let val: Arc<DefineTableStatement> = Arc::new(val.into());
self.cache.set(key, Entry::Tb(Arc::clone(&val)));
/// Add a namespace with a default configuration, only if we are in dynamic mode.
pub async fn add_and_cache_ns(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
strict: bool,
) -> Result<Arc<DefineNamespaceStatement>, Error> {
match self.get_and_cache_ns(ns).await {
Err(Error::NsNotFound {
}) => match strict {
false => {
let key = crate::key::ns::new(ns);
let val = DefineNamespaceStatement {
name: ns.to_owned().into(),
self.put(key, &val).await?;
true => Err(Error::NsNotFound {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
/// Add a database with a default configuration, only if we are in dynamic mode.
pub async fn add_and_cache_db(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
strict: bool,
) -> Result<Arc<DefineDatabaseStatement>, Error> {
match self.get_and_cache_db(ns, db).await {
Err(Error::DbNotFound {
}) => match strict {
false => {
let key = crate::key::db::new(ns, db);
let val = DefineDatabaseStatement {
name: db.to_owned().into(),
self.put(key, &val).await?;
true => Err(Error::DbNotFound {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
/// Add a table with a default configuration, only if we are in dynamic mode.
pub async fn add_and_cache_tb(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
strict: bool,
) -> Result<Arc<DefineTableStatement>, Error> {
match self.get_and_cache_tb(ns, db, tb).await {
Err(Error::TbNotFound {
}) => match strict {
false => {
let key = crate::key::tb::new(ns, db, tb);
let val = DefineTableStatement {
name: tb.to_owned().into(),
permissions: Permissions::none(),
self.put(key, &val).await?;
true => Err(Error::TbNotFound {
Err(e) => Err(e),
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
/// Retrieve and cache a specific table definition.
pub async fn check_ns_db_tb(
&mut self,
ns: &str,
db: &str,
tb: &str,
strict: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
match strict {
// Strict mode is disabled
false => Ok(()),
// Strict mode is enabled
true => {
self.get_and_cache_db(ns, db).await?;
self.get_and_cache_tb(ns, db, tb).await?;
// --------------------------------------------------
// Additional methods
// --------------------------------------------------
/// Writes the full database contents as binary SQL.
pub async fn export(&mut self, ns: &str, db: &str, chn: Sender<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Output OPTIONS
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- OPTION")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("OPTION IMPORT;")).await?;
let fcs = self.all_fc(ns, db).await?;
if !fcs.is_empty() {
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- FUNCTIONS")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
for fc in fcs.iter() {
// Output LOGINS
let dls = self.all_dl(ns, db).await?;
if !dls.is_empty() {
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- LOGINS")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
for dl in dls.iter() {
// Output TOKENS
let dts = self.all_dt(ns, db).await?;
if !dts.is_empty() {
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- TOKENS")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
for dt in dts.iter() {
// Output PARAMS
let pas = self.all_pa(ns, db).await?;
if !pas.is_empty() {
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- PARAMS")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
for pa in pas.iter() {
// Output SCOPES
let scs = self.all_sc(ns, db).await?;
if !scs.is_empty() {
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- SCOPES")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
for sc in scs.iter() {
// Output SCOPE
// Output TOKENS
let sts = self.all_st(ns, db, &;
if !sts.is_empty() {
for st in sts.iter() {
// Output TABLES
let tbs = self.all_tb(ns, db).await?;
if !tbs.is_empty() {
for tb in tbs.iter() {
// Output TABLE
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!(format!("-- TABLE: {}",;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
// Output FIELDS
let fds = self.all_fd(ns, db, &;
if !fds.is_empty() {
for fd in fds.iter() {
// Output INDEXES
let ixs = self.all_ix(ns, db, &;
if !ixs.is_empty() {
for ix in ixs.iter() {
// Output EVENTS
let evs = self.all_ev(ns, db, &;
if !evs.is_empty() {
for ev in evs.iter() {
// Start transaction
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- TRANSACTION")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("BEGIN TRANSACTION;")).await?;
// Output TABLE data
for tb in tbs.iter() {
// Start records
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!(format!("-- TABLE DATA: {}",;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
// Fetch records
let beg = thing::prefix(ns, db, &;
let end = thing::suffix(ns, db, &;
let mut nxt: Option<Vec<u8>> = None;
loop {
let res = match nxt {
None => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
self.scan(min..max, 1000).await?
Some(ref mut beg) => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
self.scan(min..max, 1000).await?
if !res.is_empty() {
// Get total results
let n = res.len();
// Exit when settled
if n == 0 {
// Loop over results
for (i, (k, v)) in res.into_iter().enumerate() {
// Ready the next
if n == i + 1 {
nxt = Some(k.clone());
// Parse the key and the value
let k: crate::key::thing::Thing = (&k).into();
let v: crate::sql::value::Value = (&v).into();
let t = Thing::from((k.tb,;
// Check if this is a graph edge
match (v.pick(&*EDGE), v.pick(&*IN), v.pick(&*OUT)) {
// This is a graph edge record
(Value::True, Value::Thing(l), Value::Thing(r)) => {
let sql = format!("RELATE {l} -> {t} -> {r} CONTENT {v};",);
// This is a normal record
_ => {
let sql = format!("UPDATE {t} CONTENT {v};");
// Commit transaction
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- TRANSACTION")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(bytes!("COMMIT TRANSACTION;")).await?;
// Everything exported