428 lines
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428 lines
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// Copyright © 2016 Abcum Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// github.com/sergi/go-diff/diffmatchpatch
// github.com/yudai/gojsondiff
// github.com/yudai/golcs
package diff
/*type Diff struct{}
func (d *Diff) ToPACK() []byte {
return []byte("DIFF")
import (
dmp "github.com/sergi/go-diff/diffmatchpatch"
// A Diff holds deltas generated by a Differ
type Diff interface {
// Deltas returns Deltas that describe differences between two JSON objects
Deltas() []Delta
// Modified returnes true if Diff has at least one Delta.
Modified() bool
type diff struct {
deltas []Delta
func (diff *diff) Deltas() []Delta {
return diff.deltas
func (diff *diff) Modified() bool {
return len(diff.deltas) > 0
// A Differ conmapres JSON objects and apply patches
type Differ struct {
textDiffMinimumLength int
// New returns new Differ with default configuration
func New() *Differ {
return &Differ{
textDiffMinimumLength: 10,
// Compare compares two JSON strings as []bytes and return a Diff object.
func (differ *Differ) Compare(left []byte, right []byte) (Diff, error) {
var leftMap, rightMap map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(left, &leftMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = json.Unmarshal(right, &rightMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return differ.CompareObjects(leftMap, rightMap), nil
// CompareObjects compares two JSON object as map[string]interface{}
// and return a Diff object.
func (differ *Differ) CompareObjects(left map[string]interface{}, right map[string]interface{}) Diff {
deltas := differ.compareMaps(left, right)
return &diff{deltas: deltas}
func (differ *Differ) compareMaps(left map[string]interface{}, right map[string]interface{}) (deltas []Delta) {
deltas = make([]Delta, 0)
names := sortedKeys(left) // stabilize delta order
for _, name := range names {
if rightValue, ok := right[name]; ok {
same, delta := differ.compareValues(Name(name), left[name], rightValue)
if !same {
deltas = append(deltas, delta)
} else {
deltas = append(deltas, NewDeleted(Name(name), left[name]))
names = sortedKeys(right) // stabilize delta order
for _, name := range names {
if _, ok := left[name]; !ok {
deltas = append(deltas, NewAdded(Name(name), right[name]))
return deltas
// ApplyPatch applies a Diff to an JSON object. This method is destructive.
func (differ *Differ) ApplyPatch(json map[string]interface{}, patch Diff) {
applyDeltas(patch.Deltas(), json)
type maybe struct {
index int
lcsIndex int
item interface{}
func (differ *Differ) compareArrays(
left []interface{},
right []interface{},
) (deltas []Delta) {
deltas = make([]Delta, 0)
// LCS index pairs
lcsPairs := lcs.New(left, right).IndexPairs()
// list up items not in LCS, they are maybe deleted
maybeDeleted := list.New() // but maybe moved or modified
lcsI := 0
for i, leftValue := range left {
if lcsI < len(lcsPairs) && lcsPairs[lcsI].Left == i {
} else {
maybeDeleted.PushBack(maybe{index: i, lcsIndex: lcsI, item: leftValue})
// list up items not in LCS, they are maybe Added
maybeAdded := list.New() // but maybe moved or modified
lcsI = 0
for i, rightValue := range right {
if lcsI < len(lcsPairs) && lcsPairs[lcsI].Right == i {
} else {
maybeAdded.PushBack(maybe{index: i, lcsIndex: lcsI, item: rightValue})
// find moved items
var delNext *list.Element // for prefetch to remove item in iteration
for delCandidate := maybeDeleted.Front(); delCandidate != nil; delCandidate = delNext {
delCan := delCandidate.Value.(maybe)
delNext = delCandidate.Next()
for addCandidate := maybeAdded.Front(); addCandidate != nil; addCandidate = addCandidate.Next() {
addCan := addCandidate.Value.(maybe)
if reflect.DeepEqual(delCan.item, addCan.item) {
deltas = append(deltas, NewMoved(Index(delCan.index), Index(addCan.index), delCan.item, nil))
// find modified or add+del
prevIndexDel := 0
prevIndexAdd := 0
delElement := maybeDeleted.Front()
addElement := maybeAdded.Front()
for i := 0; i <= len(lcsPairs); i++ { // not "< len(lcsPairs)"
var lcsPair lcs.IndexPair
var delSize, addSize int
if i < len(lcsPairs) {
lcsPair = lcsPairs[i]
delSize = lcsPair.Left - prevIndexDel - 1
addSize = lcsPair.Right - prevIndexAdd - 1
prevIndexDel = lcsPair.Left
prevIndexAdd = lcsPair.Right
var delSlice []maybe
if delSize > 0 {
delSlice = make([]maybe, 0, delSize)
} else {
delSlice = make([]maybe, 0, maybeDeleted.Len())
for ; delElement != nil; delElement = delElement.Next() {
d := delElement.Value.(maybe)
if d.lcsIndex != i {
delSlice = append(delSlice, d)
var addSlice []maybe
if addSize > 0 {
addSlice = make([]maybe, 0, addSize)
} else {
addSlice = make([]maybe, 0, maybeAdded.Len())
for ; addElement != nil; addElement = addElement.Next() {
a := addElement.Value.(maybe)
if a.lcsIndex != i {
addSlice = append(addSlice, a)
if len(delSlice) > 0 && len(addSlice) > 0 {
var bestDeltas []Delta
bestDeltas, delSlice, addSlice = differ.maximizeSimilarities(delSlice, addSlice)
for _, delta := range bestDeltas {
deltas = append(deltas, delta)
for _, del := range delSlice {
deltas = append(deltas, NewDeleted(Index(del.index), del.item))
for _, add := range addSlice {
deltas = append(deltas, NewAdded(Index(add.index), add.item))
return deltas
func (differ *Differ) compareValues(
position Position,
left interface{},
right interface{},
) (same bool, delta Delta) {
if reflect.TypeOf(left) != reflect.TypeOf(right) {
return false, NewModified(position, left, right)
switch left.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
l := left.(map[string]interface{})
childDeltas := differ.compareMaps(l, right.(map[string]interface{}))
if len(childDeltas) > 0 {
return false, NewObject(position, childDeltas)
case []interface{}:
l := left.([]interface{})
childDeltas := differ.compareArrays(l, right.([]interface{}))
if len(childDeltas) > 0 {
return false, NewArray(position, childDeltas)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(left, right) {
if reflect.ValueOf(left).Kind() == reflect.String &&
reflect.ValueOf(right).Kind() == reflect.String &&
differ.textDiffMinimumLength <= len(left.(string)) {
textDiff := dmp.New()
patchs := textDiff.PatchMake(left.(string), right.(string))
return false, NewTextDiff(position, patchs, left, right)
} else {
return false, NewModified(position, left, right)
return true, nil
func applyDeltas(deltas []Delta, object interface{}) interface{} {
preDeltas := make(preDeltas, 0)
for _, delta := range deltas {
switch delta.(type) {
case PreDelta:
preDeltas = append(preDeltas, delta.(PreDelta))
for _, delta := range preDeltas {
object = delta.PreApply(object)
postDeltas := make(postDeltas, 0, len(deltas)-len(preDeltas))
for _, delta := range deltas {
switch delta.(type) {
case PostDelta:
postDeltas = append(postDeltas, delta.(PostDelta))
for _, delta := range postDeltas {
object = delta.PostApply(object)
return object
func (differ *Differ) maximizeSimilarities(left []maybe, right []maybe) (resultDeltas []Delta, freeLeft, freeRight []maybe) {
deltaTable := make([][]Delta, len(left))
for i := 0; i < len(left); i++ {
deltaTable[i] = make([]Delta, len(right))
for i, leftValue := range left {
for j, rightValue := range right {
_, delta := differ.compareValues(Index(rightValue.index), leftValue.item, rightValue.item)
deltaTable[i][j] = delta
sizeX := len(left) + 1 // margins for both sides
sizeY := len(right) + 1
// fill out with similarities
dpTable := make([][]float64, sizeX)
for i := 0; i < sizeX; i++ {
dpTable[i] = make([]float64, sizeY)
for x := sizeX - 2; x >= 0; x-- {
for y := sizeY - 2; y >= 0; y-- {
prevX := dpTable[x+1][y]
prevY := dpTable[x][y+1]
score := deltaTable[x][y].Similarity() + dpTable[x+1][y+1]
dpTable[x][y] = max(prevX, prevY, score)
minLength := len(left)
if minLength > len(right) {
minLength = len(right)
maxInvalidLength := minLength - 1
freeLeft = make([]maybe, 0, len(left)-minLength)
freeRight = make([]maybe, 0, len(right)-minLength)
resultDeltas = make([]Delta, 0, minLength)
var x, y int
for x, y = 0, 0; x <= sizeX-2 && y <= sizeY-2; {
current := dpTable[x][y]
nextX := dpTable[x+1][y]
nextY := dpTable[x][y+1]
xValidLength := len(left) - maxInvalidLength + y
yValidLength := len(right) - maxInvalidLength + x
if x+1 < xValidLength && current == nextX {
freeLeft = append(freeLeft, left[x])
} else if y+1 < yValidLength && current == nextY {
freeRight = append(freeRight, right[y])
} else {
resultDeltas = append(resultDeltas, deltaTable[x][y])
for ; x < sizeX-1; x++ {
freeLeft = append(freeLeft, left[x-1])
for ; x < sizeY-1; y++ {
freeLeft = append(freeRight, left[y-1])
return resultDeltas, freeLeft, freeRight
func deltasSimilarity(deltas []Delta) (similarity float64) {
for _, delta := range deltas {
similarity += delta.Similarity()
similarity = similarity / float64(len(deltas))
func stringSimilarity(left, right string) (similarity float64) {
matchingLength := float64(
similarity =
(matchingLength / float64(len(left))) * (matchingLength / float64(len(right)))
func stringToInterfaceSlice(str string) []interface{} {
s := make([]interface{}, len(str))
for i, v := range str {
s[i] = v
return s
func sortedKeys(m map[string]interface{}) (keys []string) {
keys = make([]string, 0, len(m))
for key, _ := range m {
keys = append(keys, key)
func max(first float64, rest ...float64) (max float64) {
max = first
for _, value := range rest {
if max < value {
max = value
return max