Co-authored-by: Emmanuel Keller <emmanuel.keller@surrealdb.com>
177 lines
5.1 KiB
177 lines
5.1 KiB
use crate::ctx::Context;
use crate::dbs::Options;
use crate::dbs::Statement;
use crate::doc::Document;
use crate::err::Error;
use crate::iam::Action;
use crate::sql::permission::Permission;
use crate::sql::value::Value;
use reblessive::tree::Stk;
impl<'a> Document<'a> {
pub async fn field(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
_stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Check import
if opt.import {
return Ok(());
// Get the record id
let rid = self.id.as_ref().unwrap();
// Get the user applied input
let inp = self.initial.doc.changed(self.current.doc.as_ref());
// Loop through all field statements
for fd in self.fd(ctx, opt).await?.iter() {
// Loop over each field in document
for (k, mut val) in self.current.doc.walk(&fd.name).into_iter() {
// Get the initial value
let old = self.initial.doc.pick(&k);
// Get the input value
let inp = inp.pick(&k);
// Check for READONLY clause
if fd.readonly && !self.is_new() && val != old {
return Err(Error::FieldReadonly {
field: fd.name.clone(),
thing: rid.to_string(),
// Get the default value
let def = match &fd.default {
Some(v) => Some(v),
_ => match &fd.value {
Some(v) if v.is_static() => Some(v),
_ => None,
// Check for a DEFAULT clause
if let Some(expr) = def {
if self.is_new() && val.is_none() {
// Configure the context
let mut ctx = Context::new(ctx);
ctx.add_value("input", &inp);
ctx.add_value("value", &val);
ctx.add_value("after", &val);
ctx.add_value("before", &old);
// Process the VALUE clause
val = expr.compute(stk, &ctx, opt, Some(&self.current)).await?;
// Check for a TYPE clause
if let Some(kind) = &fd.kind {
val = val.coerce_to(kind).map_err(|e| match e {
// There was a conversion error
Error::CoerceTo {
} => Error::FieldCheck {
thing: rid.to_string(),
field: fd.name.clone(),
value: from.to_string(),
check: kind.to_string(),
// There was a different error
e => e,
// Check for a VALUE clause
if let Some(expr) = &fd.value {
// Only run value clause for mutable and new fields
if !fd.readonly || self.is_new() {
// Configure the context
let mut ctx = Context::new(ctx);
ctx.add_value("input", &inp);
ctx.add_value("value", &val);
ctx.add_value("after", &val);
ctx.add_value("before", &old);
// Process the VALUE clause
val = expr.compute(stk, &ctx, opt, Some(&self.current)).await?;
// Check for a TYPE clause
if let Some(kind) = &fd.kind {
val = val.coerce_to(kind).map_err(|e| match e {
// There was a conversion error
Error::CoerceTo {
} => Error::FieldCheck {
thing: rid.to_string(),
field: fd.name.clone(),
value: from.to_string(),
check: kind.to_string(),
// There was a different error
e => e,
// Check for a ASSERT clause
if let Some(expr) = &fd.assert {
// Configure the context
let mut ctx = Context::new(ctx);
ctx.add_value("input", &inp);
ctx.add_value("value", &val);
ctx.add_value("after", &val);
ctx.add_value("before", &old);
// Process the ASSERT clause
if !expr.compute(stk, &ctx, opt, Some(&self.current)).await?.is_truthy() {
return Err(Error::FieldValue {
thing: rid.to_string(),
field: fd.name.clone(),
value: val.to_string(),
check: expr.to_string(),
// Check for a PERMISSIONS clause
if opt.check_perms(Action::Edit)? {
// Get the permission clause
let perms = if self.is_new() {
} else {
// Match the permission clause
match perms {
// The field PERMISSIONS clause
// is FULL, enabling this field
// to be updated without checks.
Permission::Full => (),
// The field PERMISSIONS clause
// is NONE, meaning that this
// change will be reverted.
Permission::None => val = old,
// The field PERMISSIONS clause
// is a custom expression, so
// we check the expression and
// revert the field if denied.
Permission::Specific(e) => {
// Disable permissions
let opt = &opt.new_with_perms(false);
// Configure the context
let mut ctx = Context::new(ctx);
ctx.add_value("input", &inp);
ctx.add_value("value", &val);
ctx.add_value("after", &val);
ctx.add_value("before", &old);
// Process the PERMISSION clause
if !e.compute(stk, &ctx, opt, Some(&self.current)).await?.is_truthy() {
val = old
// Set the value of the field
match val {
Value::None => self.current.doc.to_mut().del(stk, ctx, opt, &k).await?,
_ => self.current.doc.to_mut().set(stk, ctx, opt, &k, val).await?,
// Carry on