Tobie Morgan Hitchcock 7bd5802e99 Remove tokio as a dependency
Closes SUR-102
2022-05-13 21:57:40 +01:00

374 lines
10 KiB

use super::tx::Transaction;
use crate::ctx::Context;
use crate::dbs::Attach;
use crate::dbs::Executor;
use crate::dbs::Options;
use crate::dbs::Response;
use crate::dbs::Session;
use crate::dbs::Variables;
use crate::err::Error;
use crate::key::thing;
use crate::sql;
use crate::sql::query::Query;
use crate::sql::thing::Thing;
use bytes::Bytes;
use channel::Receiver;
/// The underlying datastore instance which stores the dataset.
pub struct Datastore {
pub(super) inner: Inner,
pub(super) enum Inner {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-echodb")]
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
#[cfg(feature = "kv-yokudb")]
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
impl Datastore {
/// Creates a new datastore instance
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use surrealdb::Datastore;
/// # use surrealdb::Error;
/// # #[tokio::main]
/// # async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let ds = Datastore::new("memory").await?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// Or to create a file-backed store:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use surrealdb::Datastore;
/// # use surrealdb::Error;
/// # #[tokio::main]
/// # async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let ds = Datastore::new("file://temp.db").await?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// Or to connect to a tikv-backed distributed store:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use surrealdb::Datastore;
/// # use surrealdb::Error;
/// # #[tokio::main]
/// # async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let ds = Datastore::new("tikv://").await?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub async fn new(path: &str) -> Result<Datastore, Error> {
match path {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-echodb")]
"memory" => {
info!("Starting kvs store in {}", path);
super::mem::Datastore::new()|v| Datastore {
inner: Inner::Mem(v),
// Parse and initiate an IxDB database
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
s if s.starts_with("ixdb:") => {
info!("Starting kvs store at {}", path);
let s = s.trim_start_matches("ixdb://");
super::ixdb::Datastore::new(s)|v| Datastore {
inner: Inner::IxDB(v),
// Parse and initiate an File database
#[cfg(feature = "kv-yokudb")]
s if s.starts_with("file:") => {
info!("Starting kvs store at {}", path);
let s = s.trim_start_matches("file://");
super::file::Datastore::new(s)|v| Datastore {
inner: Inner::File(v),
// Parse and initiate an TiKV database
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
s if s.starts_with("tikv:") => {
info!("Starting kvs store at {}", path);
let s = s.trim_start_matches("tikv://");
super::tikv::Datastore::new(s)|v| Datastore {
inner: Inner::TiKV(v),
// The datastore path is not valid
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Create a new transaction on this datastore
pub async fn transaction(&self, write: bool, lock: bool) -> Result<Transaction, Error> {
match &self.inner {
#[cfg(feature = "kv-echodb")]
Inner::Mem(v) => {
let tx = v.transaction(write, lock).await?;
Ok(Transaction {
inner: super::tx::Inner::Mem(tx),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-indxdb")]
Inner::IxDB(v) => {
let tx = v.transaction(write, lock).await?;
Ok(Transaction {
inner: super::tx::Inner::IxDB(tx),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-yokudb")]
Inner::File(v) => {
let tx = v.transaction(write, lock).await?;
Ok(Transaction {
inner: super::tx::Inner::File(tx),
#[cfg(feature = "kv-tikv")]
Inner::TiKV(v) => {
let tx = v.transaction(write, lock).await?;
Ok(Transaction {
inner: super::tx::Inner::TiKV(tx),
/// Parse and execute an SQL query
pub async fn execute(
txt: &str,
sess: &Session,
vars: Variables,
) -> Result<Vec<Response>, Error> {
// Create a new query options
let mut opt = Options::default();
// Create a new query executor
let mut exe = Executor::new(self);
// Create a default context
let ctx = Context::default();
// Start an execution context
let ctx = sess.context(ctx);
// Store the query variables
let ctx = vars.attach(ctx);
// Parse the SQL query text
let ast = sql::parse(txt)?;
// Freeze the context
let ctx = ctx.freeze();
// Process all statements
opt.auth =;
opt.ns = sess.ns();
opt.db = sess.db();
exe.execute(ctx, opt, ast).await
/// Execute a pre-parsed SQL query
pub async fn process(
ast: Query,
sess: &Session,
vars: Variables,
) -> Result<Vec<Response>, Error> {
// Create a new query options
let mut opt = Options::default();
// Create a new query executor
let mut exe = Executor::new(self);
// Create a default context
let ctx = Context::default();
// Start an execution context
let ctx = sess.context(ctx);
// Store the query variables
let ctx = vars.attach(ctx);
// Freeze the context
let ctx = ctx.freeze();
// Process all statements
opt.auth =;
opt.ns = sess.ns();
opt.db = sess.db();
exe.execute(ctx, opt, ast).await
/// Performs a full database export as SQL
pub async fn export(&self, ns: String, db: String) -> Result<Receiver<Bytes>, Error> {
// Start a new transaction
let mut txn = self.transaction(false, false).await?;
// Create a new channel
let (chn, rcv) = channel::bounded(10);
// Spawn the export
crate::exe::spawn(async move {
// Output OPTIONS
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- OPTION")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("OPTION IMPORT;")).await?;
// Output LOGINS
let dls = txn.all_dl(&ns, &db).await?;
if !dls.is_empty() {
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- LOGINS")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
for dl in dls {
chn.send(output!(format!("{};", dl))).await?;
// Output TOKENS
let dts = txn.all_dt(&ns, &db).await?;
if !dts.is_empty() {
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- TOKENS")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
for dt in dts {
chn.send(output!(format!("{};", dt))).await?;
// Output SCOPES
let scs = txn.all_sc(&ns, &db).await?;
if !scs.is_empty() {
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- SCOPES")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
for sc in scs {
chn.send(output!(format!("{};", sc))).await?;
// Output TABLES
let tbs = txn.all_tb(&ns, &db).await?;
if !tbs.is_empty() {
for tb in &tbs {
// Output TABLE
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!(format!("-- TABLE: {}",;
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!(format!("{};", tb))).await?;
// Output FIELDS
let fds = txn.all_fd(&ns, &db, &;
if !fds.is_empty() {
for fd in &fds {
chn.send(output!(format!("{};", fd))).await?;
// Output INDEXS
let ixs = txn.all_fd(&ns, &db, &;
if !ixs.is_empty() {
for ix in &ixs {
chn.send(output!(format!("{};", ix))).await?;
// Output EVENTS
let evs = txn.all_ev(&ns, &db, &;
if !evs.is_empty() {
for ev in &evs {
chn.send(output!(format!("{};", ev))).await?;
// Start transaction
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- TRANSACTION")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("BEGIN TRANSACTION;")).await?;
// Output TABLE data
for tb in &tbs {
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!(format!("-- TABLE DATA: {}",;
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
// Fetch records
let beg = thing::prefix(&ns, &db, &;
let end = thing::suffix(&ns, &db, &;
let mut nxt: Option<Vec<u8>> = None;
loop {
let res = match nxt {
None => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
txn.scan(min..max, 1000).await?
Some(ref mut beg) => {
let min = beg.clone();
let max = end.clone();
txn.scan(min..max, 1000).await?
if !res.is_empty() {
// Get total results
let n = res.len();
// Exit when settled
if n == 0 {
// Loop over results
for (i, (k, v)) in res.into_iter().enumerate() {
// Ready the next
if n == i + 1 {
nxt = Some(k.clone());
// Parse the key-value
let k: crate::key::thing::Thing = (&k).into();
let v: crate::sql::value::Value = (&v).into();
let t = Thing::from((k.tb,;
// Write record
chn.send(output!(format!("UPDATE {} CONTENT {};", t, v)))
// Commit transaction
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- TRANSACTION")).await?;
chn.send(output!("-- ------------------------------")).await?;
chn.send(output!("COMMIT TRANSACTION;")).await?;
// Everything exported
Ok::<(), Error>(())
// Task done
// Send back the receiver