2024-04-18 15:51:47 +00:00

645 lines
16 KiB

use crate::ctx::Canceller;
use crate::ctx::Context;
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
use crate::dbs::distinct::AsyncDistinct;
use crate::dbs::distinct::SyncDistinct;
use crate::dbs::plan::Plan;
use crate::dbs::result::Results;
use crate::dbs::Statement;
use crate::dbs::{Options, Transaction};
use crate::doc::Document;
use crate::err::Error;
use crate::idx::docids::DocId;
use crate::idx::planner::executor::IteratorRef;
use crate::idx::planner::IterationStage;
use crate::sql::edges::Edges;
use crate::sql::range::Range;
use crate::sql::table::Table;
use crate::sql::thing::Thing;
use crate::sql::value::Value;
use reblessive::{tree::Stk, TreeStack};
use std::mem;
pub(crate) enum Iterable {
Mergeable(Thing, Value),
Relatable(Thing, Thing, Thing),
Index(Table, IteratorRef),
pub(crate) struct Processed {
pub(crate) ir: Option<IteratorRef>,
pub(crate) rid: Option<Thing>,
pub(crate) doc_id: Option<DocId>,
pub(crate) val: Operable,
pub(crate) enum Operable {
Mergeable(Value, Value),
Relatable(Thing, Value, Thing),
pub(crate) enum Workable {
Relate(Thing, Thing),
pub(crate) struct Iterator {
// Iterator status
run: Canceller,
// Iterator limit value
limit: Option<usize>,
// Iterator start value
start: Option<usize>,
// Iterator runtime error
error: Option<Error>,
// Iterator output results
results: Results,
// Iterator input values
entries: Vec<Iterable>,
impl Clone for Iterator {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
limit: self.limit,
start: self.start,
error: None,
results: Results::default(),
entries: self.entries.clone(),
impl Iterator {
/// Creates a new iterator
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Ingests an iterable for processing
pub fn ingest(&mut self, val: Iterable) {
/// Prepares a value for processing
pub async fn prepare(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
val: Value,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Match the values
match val {
Value::Table(v) => match {
// There is a data clause so fetch a record id
Some(data) => match stm {
Statement::Create(_) => {
let id = match data.rid(stk, ctx, opt, txn).await? {
// Generate a new id from the id field
Some(id) => id.generate(&v, false)?,
// Generate a new random table id
None => v.generate(),
_ => {
// Ingest the table for scanning
// There is no data clause so create a record id
None => match stm {
Statement::Create(_) => {
// Generate a new random table id
_ => {
// Ingest the table for scanning
Value::Thing(v) => {
// Check if there is a data clause
if let Some(data) = {
// Check if there is an id field specified
if let Some(id) = data.rid(stk, ctx, opt, txn).await? {
// Check to see the type of the id
match id {
// The id is a match, so don't error
Value::Thing(id) if id == v => (),
// The id does not match
id => {
return Err(Error::IdMismatch {
value: id.to_string(),
// Add the record to the iterator
match stm {
Statement::Create(_) => {
_ => {
Value::Mock(v) => {
// Check if there is a data clause
if let Some(data) = {
// Check if there is an id field specified
if let Some(id) = data.rid(stk, ctx, opt, txn).await? {
return Err(Error::IdMismatch {
value: id.to_string(),
// Add the records to the iterator
for v in v {
Value::Range(v) => {
// Check if this is a create statement
if let Statement::Create(_) = stm {
return Err(Error::InvalidStatementTarget {
value: v.to_string(),
// Check if there is a data clause
if let Some(data) = {
// Check if there is an id field specified
if let Some(id) = data.rid(stk, ctx, opt, txn).await? {
return Err(Error::IdMismatch {
value: id.to_string(),
// Add the record to the iterator
Value::Edges(v) => {
// Check if this is a create statement
if let Statement::Create(_) = stm {
return Err(Error::InvalidStatementTarget {
value: v.to_string(),
// Check if there is a data clause
if let Some(data) = {
// Check if there is an id field specified
if let Some(id) = data.rid(stk, ctx, opt, txn).await? {
return Err(Error::IdMismatch {
value: id.to_string(),
// Add the record to the iterator
Value::Object(v) => {
// Check if there is a data clause
if let Some(data) = {
// Check if there is an id field specified
if let Some(id) = data.rid(stk, ctx, opt, txn).await? {
return Err(Error::IdMismatch {
value: id.to_string(),
// Check if the object has an id field
match v.rid() {
Some(id) => {
// Add the record to the iterator
None => {
return Err(Error::InvalidStatementTarget {
value: v.to_string(),
Value::Array(v) => {
// Check if there is a data clause
if let Some(data) = {
// Check if there is an id field specified
if let Some(id) = data.rid(stk, ctx, opt, txn).await? {
return Err(Error::IdMismatch {
value: id.to_string(),
// Add the records to the iterator
for v in v {
match v {
Value::Thing(v) => self.ingest(Iterable::Thing(v)),
Value::Edges(v) => self.ingest(Iterable::Edges(*v)),
Value::Object(v) => match v.rid() {
Some(v) => self.ingest(Iterable::Thing(v)),
None => {
return Err(Error::InvalidStatementTarget {
value: v.to_string(),
_ => {
return Err(Error::InvalidStatementTarget {
value: v.to_string(),
v => {
return Err(Error::InvalidStatementTarget {
value: v.to_string(),
// All ingested ok
/// Process the records and output
pub async fn output(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<Value, Error> {
// Log the statement
trace!("Iterating: {}", stm);
// Enable context override
let mut cancel_ctx = Context::new(ctx); = cancel_ctx.add_cancel();
// Process the query LIMIT clause
self.setup_limit(stk, &cancel_ctx, opt, txn, stm).await?;
// Process the query START clause
self.setup_start(stk, &cancel_ctx, opt, txn, stm).await?;
// Prepare the results with possible optimisations on groups
self.results = self.results.prepare(
feature = "kv-surrealkv",
feature = "kv-file",
feature = "kv-rocksdb",
feature = "kv-fdb",
feature = "kv-tikv",
feature = "kv-speedb"
// Extract the expected behaviour depending on the presence of EXPLAIN with or without FULL
let mut plan = Plan::new(ctx, stm, &self.entries, &self.results);
if plan.do_iterate {
// Process prepared values
if let Some(qp) = ctx.get_query_planner() {
while let Some(s) = qp.next_iteration_stage().await {
let is_last = matches!(s, IterationStage::Iterate(_));
if !is_last {
self.clone().iterate(stk, &cancel_ctx, opt, txn, stm).await?;
self.iterate(stk, &cancel_ctx, opt, txn, stm).await?;
// Return any document errors
if let Some(e) = self.error.take() {
return Err(e);
// Process any SPLIT clause
self.output_split(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm).await?;
// Process any GROUP clause
if let Results::Groups(g) = &mut self.results {
self.results = Results::Memory(g.output(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm).await?);
// Process any ORDER clause
if let Some(orders) = stm.order() {
// Process any START & LIMIT clause
self.results.start_limit(self.start.as_ref(), self.limit.as_ref());
if let Some(e) = &mut plan.explanation {
} else {
// Process any FETCH clause
self.output_fetch(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm).await?;
// Extract the output from the result
let mut results = self.results.take()?;
// Output the explanation if any
if let Some(e) = plan.explanation {
for v in e.output() {
// Output the results
async fn setup_limit(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(v) = stm.limit() {
self.limit = Some(v.process(stk, ctx, opt, txn, None).await?);
async fn setup_start(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(v) = stm.start() {
self.start = Some(v.process(stk, ctx, opt, txn, None).await?);
async fn output_split(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(splits) = stm.split() {
// Loop over each split clause
for split in splits.iter() {
// Get the query result
let res = self.results.take()?;
// Loop over each value
for obj in &res {
// Get the value at the path
let val = obj.pick(split);
// Set the value at the path
match val {
Value::Array(v) => {
for val in v {
// Make a copy of object
let mut obj = obj.clone();
// Set the value at the path
obj.set(stk, ctx, opt, txn, split, val).await?;
// Add the object to the results
self.results.push(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, obj).await?;
_ => {
// Make a copy of object
let mut obj = obj.clone();
// Set the value at the path
obj.set(stk, ctx, opt, txn, split, val).await?;
// Add the object to the results
self.results.push(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, obj).await?;
async fn output_fetch(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(fetchs) = stm.fetch() {
for fetch in fetchs.iter() {
let mut values = self.results.take()?;
// Loop over each result value
for obj in &mut values {
// Fetch the value at the path|stk| obj.fetch(stk, ctx, opt, txn, fetch)).await?;
self.results = values.into();
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
async fn iterate(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Prevent deep recursion
let opt = &opt.dive(4)?;
// If any iterator requires distinct, we new to create a global distinct instance
let mut distinct = SyncDistinct::new(ctx);
// Process all prepared values
for v in mem::take(&mut self.entries) {
v.iterate(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, self, distinct.as_mut()).await?;
// Everything processed ok
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
async fn iterate(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Prevent deep recursion
let opt = &opt.dive(4)?;
// Check if iterating in parallel
match stm.parallel() {
// Run statements sequentially
false => {
// If any iterator requires distinct, we new to create a global distinct instance
let mut distinct = SyncDistinct::new(ctx);
// Process all prepared values
for v in mem::take(&mut self.entries) {
v.iterate(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, self, distinct.as_mut()).await?;
// Everything processed ok
// Run statements in parallel
true => {
// If any iterator requires distinct, we need to create a global distinct instance
let distinct = AsyncDistinct::new(ctx);
// Create a new executor
let e = executor::Executor::new();
// Take all of the iterator values
let vals = mem::take(&mut self.entries);
// Create a channel to shutdown
let (end, exit) = channel::bounded::<()>(1);
// Create an unbounded channel
let (chn, docs) = channel::bounded(crate::cnf::MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS);
// Create an async closure for prepared values
let adocs = async {
// Process all prepared values
for v in vals {
// Distinct is passed only for iterators that really requires it
let chn_clone = chn.clone();
let distinct_clone = distinct.clone();
e.spawn(async move {
let mut stack = TreeStack::new();
.enter(|stk| {, ctx, opt, txn, stm, chn_clone, distinct_clone)
// Ensure we detach the spawned task
// Drop the uncloned channel instance
// Create an unbounded channel
let (chn, vals) = channel::bounded(crate::cnf::MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS);
// Create an async closure for received values
let avals = async {
// Process all received values
while let Ok(pro) = docs.recv().await {
let chn_clone = chn.clone();
e.spawn(async move {
let mut stack = TreeStack::new();
.enter(|stk| {
Document::compute(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, chn_clone, pro)
// Ensure we detach the spawned task
// Drop the uncloned channel instance
// Create an async closure to process results
let aproc = async {
// Process all processed values
while let Ok(r) = vals.recv().await {
self.result(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, r).await;
// Shutdown the executor
let _ = end.send(()).await;
// Run all executor tasks
let fut =;
// Wait for all closures
let res = futures::join!(adocs, avals, aproc, fut);
// Consume executor error
let _ = res.3;
// Everything processed ok
/// Process a new record Thing and Value
pub async fn process(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
pro: Processed,
) {
// Process the document
let res =|stk| Document::process(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, pro)).await;
// Process the result
self.result(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, res).await;
/// Accept a processed record result
async fn result(
&mut self,
stk: &mut Stk,
ctx: &Context<'_>,
opt: &Options,
txn: &Transaction,
stm: &Statement<'_>,
res: Result<Value, Error>,
) {
// Process the result
match res {
Err(Error::Ignore) => {
Err(e) => {
self.error = Some(e);;
Ok(v) => {
if let Err(e) = self.results.push(stk, ctx, opt, txn, stm, v).await {
self.error = Some(e);;
// Check if we can exit
if && stm.order().is_none() {
if let Some(l) = self.limit {
if let Some(s) = self.start {
if self.results.len() == l + s {
} else if self.results.len() == l {