MODIFY SQL statements have now been merged with UPDATE SQL statements, as the functionality was similar, but the code was duplicated. The DIFF SQL command has been added to the UPDATE query, so that records can be updated with DIFFs.
495 lines
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495 lines
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// Copyright © 2016 Abcum Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package db
import (
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
type executor struct {
txn kvs.TX
ctx *data.Doc
ast *sql.Query
func newExecutor(ast *sql.Query, vars map[string]interface{}) *executor {
return &executor{ast: ast, ctx: data.Consume(vars)}
func (e *executor) Txn() kvs.TX {
return e.txn
func (e *executor) Set(key string, val interface{}) {
e.ctx.Set(val, key)
func (e *executor) Get(key string) (val interface{}) {
return e.ctx.Get(key).Data()
type Response struct {
Time string `codec:"time,omitempty"`
Status string `codec:"status,omitempty"`
Detail string `codec:"detail,omitempty"`
Result []interface{} `codec:"result,omitempty"`
var db *kvs.DB
// Setup sets up the connection with the data layer
func Setup(opts *cnf.Options) (err error) {
log.WithPrefix("db").Infof("Starting database")
db, err = kvs.New(opts)
// Exit shuts down the connection with the data layer
func Exit() {
log.WithPrefix("db").Infof("Gracefully shutting down database")
// Execute parses the query and executes it against the data layer
func Execute(ctx *fibre.Context, txt interface{}, vars map[string]interface{}) (out []*Response, err error) {
// Parse the received SQL batch query strings
// into SQL ASTs, using any immutable preset
// variables if set.
ast, err := sql.Parse(ctx, txt, vars)
if err != nil {
// If no preset variables have been defined
// then ensure that the variables is
// instantiated for future use.
if vars == nil {
vars = make(map[string]interface{})
// Create 2 channels, one for force quitting
// the query processor, and the other for
// receiving and buffering any query results.
quit := make(chan bool, 1)
recv := make(chan *Response)
// Ensure that the force quit channel is auto
// closed when the end of the request has been
// reached, and we are not an http connection.
defer close(quit)
// If the current connection is a normal http
// connection then force quit any running
// queries if a socket close event occurs.
if _, ok := ctx.Response().ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier); ok {
exit := ctx.Response().CloseNotify()
done := make(chan bool)
defer close(done)
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-exit:
quit <- true
// Create a new query executor with the query
// details, and the current runtime variables
// and execute the queries within.
go newExecutor(ast, vars).execute(quit, recv)
// Wait for all of the processed queries to
// return results, buffer the output, and
// return the output when finished.
for res := range recv {
out = append(out, res)
func (e *executor) execute(quit <-chan bool, send chan<- *Response) {
var err error
var txn kvs.TX
var rsp *Response
var buf []*Response
var res []interface{}
// Ensure that the query responses channel is
// closed when the full query has been processed
// and dealt with.
defer close(send)
// If we are making use of a global transaction
// which is not committed at the end of the
// query set, then cancel the transaction.
defer func() {
if txn != nil {
// If we have paniced during query execution
// then ensure that we recover from the error
// and print the error to the log.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if err, ok := r.(error); ok {
stms := make(chan sql.Statement)
// Loop over the defined query statements and
// pass them to the statement processing
// channel for execution.
go func() {
for _, stm := range e.ast.Statements {
stms <- stm
// Listen for any new statements to process and
// at the same time listen for the quit signal
// notifying us whether the client has gone away.
for {
select {
case <-quit:
case stm, open := <-stms:
// If we have reached the end of the statement
// processing channel then return out of this
// for loop and exit.
if !open {
// If we are not inside a global transaction
// then reset the error to nil so that the
// next statement is not ignored.
if txn == nil {
err = nil
// Check to see if the current statement is
// a TRANSACTION statement, and if it is
// then deal with it and move on to the next.
switch stm.(type) {
case *sql.BeginStatement:
txn, err = begin(txn)
case *sql.CancelStatement:
txn, err, buf = cancel(txn, buf, err, send)
case *sql.CommitStatement:
txn, err, buf = commit(txn, buf, err, send)
// This is not a TRANSACTION statement and
// therefore we must time the execution speed
// and process the statement response.
now := time.Now()
// If an error has occured and we are inside
// a global transaction, then ignore all
// subsequent statements in the transaction.
if err == nil {
res, err = e.operate(txn, stm)
} else {
res, err = []interface{}{}, fmt.Errorf("Query not executed")
rsp = &Response{
Time: time.Since(now).String(),
Status: status(err),
Detail: detail(err),
Result: append([]interface{}{}, res...),
// If we are not inside a global transaction
// then we can output the statement response
// immediately to the channel.
if txn == nil {
send <- rsp
// If we are inside a global transaction we
// must buffer the responses for output at
// the end of the transaction.
if txn != nil {
switch stm.(type) {
case *sql.ReturnStatement:
buf = clear(buf, rsp)
buf = append(buf, rsp)
func (e *executor) operate(txn kvs.TX, ast sql.Statement) (res []interface{}, err error) {
var loc bool
// If we are not inside a global transaction
// then grab a new transaction, ensuring that
// it is closed at the end.
if txn == nil {
loc = true
switch ast.(type) {
case *sql.InfoStatement:
txn, err = readable()
txn, err = writable()
if err != nil {
defer txn.Close()
// Execute the defined statement, receiving the
// result set, and any errors which occured
// while processing the query.
switch stm := ast.(type) {
case *sql.InfoStatement:
res, err = e.executeInfoStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.LetStatement:
res, err = e.executeLetStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.ReturnStatement:
res, err = e.executeReturnStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.SelectStatement:
res, err = e.executeSelectStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.CreateStatement:
res, err = e.executeCreateStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.UpdateStatement:
res, err = e.executeUpdateStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.DeleteStatement:
res, err = e.executeDeleteStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.RelateStatement:
res, err = e.executeRelateStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.DefineScopeStatement:
res, err = e.executeDefineScopeStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.RemoveScopeStatement:
res, err = e.executeRemoveScopeStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.DefineTableStatement:
res, err = e.executeDefineTableStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.RemoveTableStatement:
res, err = e.executeRemoveTableStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.DefineRulesStatement:
res, err = e.executeDefineRulesStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.RemoveRulesStatement:
res, err = e.executeRemoveRulesStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.DefineFieldStatement:
res, err = e.executeDefineFieldStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.RemoveFieldStatement:
res, err = e.executeRemoveFieldStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.DefineIndexStatement:
res, err = e.executeDefineIndexStatement(txn, stm)
case *sql.RemoveIndexStatement:
res, err = e.executeRemoveIndexStatement(txn, stm)
// If this is a local transaction for only the
// current statement, then commit or cancel
// depending on the result error.
if loc {
if err != nil {
} else {
func status(e error) (s string) {
switch e.(type) {
return "OK"
case *kvs.DBError:
return "ERR_DB"
case *kvs.TXError:
return "ERR_TX"
case *kvs.CKError:
return "ERR_CK"
case *kvs.KVError:
return "ERR_KV"
case error:
return "ERR"
func detail(e error) (s string) {
switch err := e.(type) {
case error:
return err.Error()
func clear(buf []*Response, rsp *Response) []*Response {
for i := len(buf) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
buf[len(buf)-1] = nil
buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
return append(buf, rsp)
func begin(txn kvs.TX) (tmp kvs.TX, err error) {
if txn == nil {
txn, err = writable()
return txn, err
func cancel(txn kvs.TX, buf []*Response, err error, chn chan<- *Response) (kvs.TX, error, []*Response) {
if txn == nil {
return nil, nil, buf
for _, v := range buf {
v.Status = "ERR"
chn <- v
for i := len(buf) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
buf[len(buf)-1] = nil
buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
return nil, nil, buf
func commit(txn kvs.TX, buf []*Response, err error, chn chan<- *Response) (kvs.TX, error, []*Response) {
if txn == nil {
return nil, nil, buf
if err != nil {
} else {
for _, v := range buf {
if err != nil {
v.Status = "ERR"
chn <- v
for i := len(buf) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
buf[len(buf)-1] = nil
buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
return nil, nil, buf
func writable() (txn kvs.TX, err error) {
return db.Txn(true)
func readable() (txn kvs.TX, err error) {
return db.Txn(false)