54 lines
1.7 KiB
54 lines
1.7 KiB
use crate::err::Error;
use crate::iam::verify::{basic, token};
use crate::iam::BASIC;
use crate::iam::TOKEN;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use surrealdb::Session;
use warp::Filter;
pub fn build() -> impl Filter<Extract = (Session,), Error = warp::Rejection> + Clone {
// Enable on any path
let conf = warp::any();
// Add remote ip address
let conf = conf.and(warp::filters::addr::remote());
// Add remote ip address
let conf = conf.map(|addr: Option<SocketAddr>| addr.map(|v| v.to_string()));
// Add authorization header
let conf = conf.and(warp::header::optional::<String>("authorization"));
// Add http origin header
let conf = conf.and(warp::header::optional::<String>("origin"));
// Add session id header
let conf = conf.and(warp::header::optional::<String>("id"));
// Add namespace header
let conf = conf.and(warp::header::optional::<String>("ns"));
// Add database header
let conf = conf.and(warp::header::optional::<String>("db"));
// Process all headers
async fn process(
ip: Option<String>,
au: Option<String>,
or: Option<String>,
id: Option<String>,
ns: Option<String>,
db: Option<String>,
) -> Result<Session, warp::Rejection> {
// Create session
let mut session = Session { ip, or, id, ns, db, ..Default::default() };
// Parse the authentication header
match au {
// Basic authentication data was supplied
Some(auth) if auth.starts_with(BASIC) => basic(&mut session, auth).await,
// Token authentication data was supplied
Some(auth) if auth.starts_with(TOKEN) => token(&mut session, auth).await,
// Wrong authentication data was supplied
Some(_) => Err(Error::InvalidAuth),
// No authentication data was supplied
None => Ok(()),
// Pass the authenticated session through