123 lines
3.8 KiB
123 lines
3.8 KiB
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::ops::Deref;
use crate::cnf;
use crate::dbs::DB;
use crate::err::Error;
use crate::rpc::connection::Connection;
use crate::rpc::format::Format;
use crate::rpc::format::PROTOCOLS;
use crate::rpc::post_context::PostRpcContext;
use crate::rpc::response::IntoRpcResponse;
use crate::rpc::WEBSOCKETS;
use axum::routing::get;
use axum::routing::post;
use axum::TypedHeader;
use axum::{
extract::ws::{WebSocket, WebSocketUpgrade},
Extension, Router,
use bytes::Bytes;
use http::HeaderValue;
use http_body::Body as HttpBody;
use surrealdb::dbs::Session;
use surrealdb::rpc::method::Method;
use tower_http::request_id::RequestId;
use uuid::Uuid;
use super::headers::Accept;
use super::headers::ContentType;
use surrealdb::rpc::rpc_context::RpcContext;
pub(super) fn router<S, B>() -> Router<S, B>
B: HttpBody + Send + 'static,
B::Data: Send,
B::Error: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
S: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
Router::new().route("/rpc", get(get_handler)).route("/rpc", post(post_handler))
async fn get_handler(
ws: WebSocketUpgrade,
Extension(id): Extension<RequestId>,
Extension(sess): Extension<Session>,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, impl IntoResponse> {
// Check if there is a request id header specified
let id = match id.header_value().is_empty() {
// No request id was specified so create a new id
true => Uuid::new_v4(),
// A request id was specified to try to parse it
false => match id.header_value().to_str() {
// Attempt to parse the request id as a UUID
Ok(id) => match Uuid::try_parse(id) {
// The specified request id was a valid UUID
Ok(id) => id,
// The specified request id was not a UUID
Err(_) => return Err(Error::Request),
// The request id contained invalid characters
Err(_) => return Err(Error::Request),
// Check if a connection with this id already exists
if WEBSOCKETS.read().await.contains_key(&id) {
return Err(Error::Request);
// Now let's upgrade the WebSocket connection
// Set the potential WebSocket protocols
// Set the maximum WebSocket frame size
// Set the maximum WebSocket message size
// Handle the WebSocket upgrade and process messages
.on_upgrade(move |socket| handle_socket(socket, sess, id)))
async fn handle_socket(ws: WebSocket, sess: Session, id: Uuid) {
// Check if there is a WebSocket protocol specified
let format = match ws.protocol().map(HeaderValue::to_str) {
// Any selected protocol will always be a valie value
Some(protocol) => protocol.unwrap().into(),
// No protocol format was specified
_ => Format::None,
// Format::Unsupported is not in the PROTOCOLS list so cannot be the value of format here
// Create a new connection instance
let rpc = Connection::new(id, sess, format);
// Serve the socket connection requests
Connection::serve(rpc, ws).await;
async fn post_handler(
Extension(session): Extension<Session>,
output: Option<TypedHeader<Accept>>,
content_type: TypedHeader<ContentType>,
body: Bytes,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, impl IntoResponse> {
let fmt: Format = content_type.deref().into();
let out_fmt: Option<Format> = output.as_deref().map(Into::into);
if let Some(out_fmt) = out_fmt {
if fmt != out_fmt {
return Err(Error::InvalidType);
if fmt == Format::Unsupported || fmt == Format::None {
return Err(Error::InvalidType);
let mut rpc_ctx = PostRpcContext::new(DB.get().unwrap(), session, BTreeMap::new());
match fmt.req_http(body) {
Ok(req) => {
let res = rpc_ctx.execute(Method::parse(req.method), req.params).await;
Err(err) => Err(Error::from(err)),